Marvel's King

Chapter 130

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Loki soon used the Scepter of Mind to gather a large group of people to work for him, build a portal for him, and prepare for the army of the Zetaris.

But even though people have it, they can't resist the lack of materials.

"Put those things there!"

Eric almost jumped up when two people brought an extremely rare instrument over. He couldn't see this thing in SHIELD because he couldn't use it.

Hawkeye was standing outside the laboratory searching for what Eric needs, and Eric asked him, "Where did you find these people? They work so fast."

Hawkeye curled his lips and said, "S.H.I.E.L.D.'s enemies are beyond your imagination. If it weren't for Luo...cough, Hill ordered us not to do anything before the prestige is enough, and they would not have the opportunity to come here to work."

Turning the IPad in his hand, Hawkeye suddenly saw a message, picked it up and showed it to Eric and said, "Is this what you are looking for?"

What he checked was the internal database of SHIELD. Although Hill had removed his permission, he had Romanov's account.

Eric immediately nodded and said, "Yes, that's right, Iridium. It comes with meteorites and can form antiprotons, which is quite rare."

"Before speaking..."

"Before I really didn't know that this thing can form an antiproton. This is the knowledge that Loki gave me."

When Eric explained awkwardly, Loki just came over.

Eric immediately changed his expression and said flatly to Loki: "Thank you, the Cube of the Universe really opened my eyes to me. He showed me not only knowledge, but also truth."

Loki smiled, noncommittal, and said to Hawkeye, "What does it show you? Agent Barton?"

Hawkeye turned around and said solemnly: "My next goal."

Loki was satisfied with the answer, saying: "Tell me what you need."

"A bait, and an eyeball."


"Royce, it's so fun here, can we live here in the future?"

Carrie flew over from a long distance in a green print tank top and shorts, and shouted at Royce from the sky.

Royce waved to her and said, "Come down to eat first! Go play later!"

Carrie made a mischievous face, put her hands in her waist and said, "Don't don't, I haven't played enough yet, I like it here!"

The location of the two is on a planet more than three million light-years away from Earth.

Humans have not evolved here, only huge terrifying creatures, but in Royce and Carrie, they are pure food.

Royce was okay, so he was on vacation.

Carrie loves this place.

Here she can fly unfettered, run after the herbivores, fight carnivores, and occasionally collect a few teeth or nails for Royce as a collection.

Most importantly, Royce only cares about her here.

Seeing Carrie's mischievous appearance, Royce shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand and said to Carrie: "If you don't come back, I will use my magic to turn you into a piglet!"

Carrie didn't believe it, she moved her position back and forth in the air with a big laugh, and said, "Come on, come on, I don't believe you can magic!"

"Eat my trick to become a pig! Tweet!"

Royce deliberately wanted to play with Carrie, and he certainly wouldn't end it hastily. He pretended to aim at a direction Carrie had never been to and launched a beam of light, and then dubbed it.

But by coincidence, Carrie, a little idiot, flew directly into it.

Although this attack was just a simple light, Xiao Nizi's mood was still affected, and she pouted dissatisfiedly, looking aggrieved.Love e-book

Royce laughed unscrupulously when he saw it. He pointed to Carrie and said, "Look, pigs don't want you to become it, hahahahaha."

Carrie caught fire all at once.I knew the fool Royce would not come to comfort me!

"Yeah! Royce, I want you to look good!"

Carrie snorted, using her head as a weapon, and rushed straight down. A rocket head hit Royce's chest, causing pain in his chest.

But he still hugged Carrie, the big bad wolf smiled like a big bad wolf, and said: "Hahaha, catch you! Little Pig, you have nowhere to run!"

Carrie was amused, waving her hands and flapping constantly, trying to leave Royce’s claws. An accidental glance happened to see Loki oppressing the earth through the window created by Royce to observe Loki’s behavior. Human scene.

"Royce, look there... do we really need to worry about it?"

Royce looked back, his face was instantly frozen with joy, but for future plans, he still bit his molars and said, "It's not time yet."

A tragedy is happening at 28 Kuningstrasse in Stuttgart, Germany.

"Kneel down!"

After getting the iris information, Loki yelled at the crowd after finishing his three-view twist.

Seeing that people were unmoved, Loki directly demonstrated his abilities and released dozens of phantom clones, surrounding the people.

"Kneel down (meow)!"

But unlike the original plot, people still didn't kneel down, not a single one.

They didn't have much to rely on before, but now they all know a person, a person named Royce, a person who really ended all wars and made the world peaceful.

This was their confidence. That person had promised to protect their lives, and that person was very strong, so powerful that they gave them the confidence to fight against Loki, who was not an ordinary person at first sight.

Loki didn't know what to do for a while, and immediately followed by anger after his authority was questioned. He aimed at someone and raised his spear to launch an attack.

Maybe after the bullets ejected, they disappeared out of thin air.

When Loki was wondering how the scepter failed, the roar of the plane came over his head.

A man dressed in a blue and white star-striped pattern jumped down from above, and by the way, he bounced back the second energy bomb that Luo Gene fired for doubt with his shield.

"Do you know? The last time I came to Germany, I also met a man who tried to be above everyone else, but he ended up just like yours, and failed."

As he was talking, Loki got up from the ground and said with a wicked smile, "Is that the soldier? An outdated person?"

Rogers did not deny this, and said to Loki: "I am not the only one who is outdated."

After finishing speaking, Natasha had already flew the plane over Loki's head and said through the loudspeaker: "Loki, put down your weapons and surrender immediately!"

The word surrender made Loki feel an insult. Lifting the scepter was a blast of energy.

Natasha had been prepared for a long time, and flew the plane skilfully to avoid this attack.

Upon seeing this, the captain realized that something was wrong, and instantly threw the shield out, but was flew away by Rocky's backhand with a scepter.

There is no way, Rogers who has lost his weapon can only fight physically, and he does not resist this.

When two heavy punches hit Loki's face, he didn't even react at all.

After all, the physique of the Frost Giant was much higher than that of the Earthlings.

Even a strengthened person like Rogers can't break this boundary.

The situation of the battle changed instantly, and Rogers fell into a disadvantage.


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