Marvel's King

Chapter 132 A fight in the grove?

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Tony's speed was indeed very fast, and the two of them were already in the woods after Thor reacted.

Two big men fell into the woods, hiss...

However, there shouldn't be any sparks from the collision between them. Tony and Rogers are possible in the future.

Saul was shocked so far, and everyone slowly stood up and looked at Tony.

Tony also lifted his visor, he just wanted Sol to stay away from Rocky.

But Saul was very dissatisfied with what Tony did, and said angrily: "Don't touch me again!"

Tony didn't let down the wind, and said, "Then stay away from my spoils."

"Do you know who you are talking to?"

Sol could see that Tony was an ordinary human being. Even though he was slightly modified by Royce's immortal power, he was still an ordinary human, with a longer life span at best.

But who is he?The prince of Asgard, the famous Thor in the Nine Realms, the son of Odin.

How could he tolerate Tony being on an equal footing with himself?

Although Saul never directly expressed this attitude later, he has always been arrogant. In fact, everyone in the reunion has this arrogance.

Tony is also wondering, who are you?Isn't it just an Asgardian?Do you think you are a god?God like you has seen three, alright!

Looking back at Loki on the hillside, he made sure he was still there and laughed at Saul's clothes and said: "You are a...drama? Does your mother know you stole her shawl?"

"Take care of your business! Tin Man! Loki will only face Asgard's trial."

Saul didn't want to do it, after all, this is the earth, a place he loves deeply.

But Tony didn't think so, and bluntly said: "As long as he surrenders the Universe Rubik's Cube, the rest is up to you, oh, yes, you may not be able to do it as long as that person comes back."

"that person?"

Suddenly Saul thought of a person he had met before, and was instantly lost.No, why didn't that person come out to catch Loki?It shouldn't be!

Seeing Saul was in a daze, Tony thought he would not hinder him from taking Loki anymore, closed his upper armour and went back to the hillside.

Saul was reluctant, and said disdainfully: "The countryman."

After speaking, he threw out the hammer directly. Tony reacted and turned around. The hammer had hit his chest and directly blasted him out.

After withstanding this attack, Tony was irritated. He tilted his head and glanced at Saul, then whispered: "Okay, I can only fight."

Loki watched the battle between the two erupt on the hillside, and deliberately found an excellent viewing position, facing Sol Huaixia.

Saul ignored him and quickly shook his hammer to prepare for a second attack.

But Tony, who seemed to be struggling to get up, suddenly launched an attack, and a laser hit Sol's chest and blasted him out again.

However, Tony was not as underestimate as Sol, and the suit immediately started, and the whole person rushed out like an arrow, chasing the beaten Sol, and he wanted to catch the fighter.

Saul was only sprayed back a few meters by the laser and stopped, but the bright light still made his mind dizzy. Before he recovered, he suffered a heavy blow to his abdomen, which was Tony's kick.

This kick was so powerful that he kicked Thor several times in the air before landing.

Seeing this, Tony raised his hand to make up the knife, but Saul had already slowed down, and reached out his hand to summon the hammer lying on the ground and held it high against the sky.

The dark night sky was instantly illuminated by a flash of lightning.

Tony felt very familiar for a while!

Then he was struck by lightning.

However, his battle clothes were covered with energy storage devices. This thunder and lightning did not cause substantial damage to him, but instead raised his energy to a point close to an explosion.

Tony's surprise is broken, oh, is this opponent still charging me?Is it so heartwarming?Today's Literature Network

Then stretched out his hands, combined with the reactor on his chest, and ejected an unusually powerful laser.

The laser blasted on Saul, but he had nothing to do, and after landing steadily, he immediately waved the hammer and prepared to strike back.

But Tony was also prepared. The ejector at his feet was fully powered, nearly twice as fast as Sol, hugged Sol in the air and took him to the sky.

The scenery here is actually pretty good. The two people are constantly changing their flying attitude in the air. One time Tony is on top, and the other time Sol is on top, as if...

I rained softly to you, wanting your gentleness to surround me...

But when Tony took Sol to a cliff and gave him a set of Gua Sha, Sol seized the opportunity to turn the tide of the battle with his legs.

The powerful explosive force in the leg muscles played a decisive role, and a hard kick created the force to suppress the thrust of Tony's jet.

The two returned to the grove like shooting stars.

After the fall, Sol directly hit Tony's helmet with a fist.

Tony was delighted in his heart: Fortunately, I brought a helmet.

Then the backhand also hit back in return.

But Sol easily squeezed Tony's right hand.

Tony was startled and hurriedly used his left hand to punch again, but was pinched again.

Thor's hands continued to use force, abruptly pinching Tony's steel suit to collapse.

Tony sees it: Oh!Mockup, the Lord can't cure you anymore?


Tony headed the goal, and the helmet collided with Sol’s forehead, making a crisp sound, which was a good head.

Saul was also taken aback, so you still meet with me?come on!Harder than anyone's head!


Thor hit back and smashed Tony out for ten meters.

Tony: How can I fly ten meters hot!Why am I being beaten, you can't help me, even if you hack me?

Closer to home, Tony didn't admit defeat after being beaten into the air. After all, he didn't suffer any harm, so he turned to fight Sol.

Then he was beaten to the ground again.

Thor stretched out his hand to call for a hammer, and when he lifted it, he was about to drop it.

Seeing that Tony was about to be killed with a hammer.

But Tony was not a pig waiting to be killed. With a thought, the kicker that immediately spurred his steps and bounced himself out.

Thor's full blow hit the air, and his inertia caused him to lie directly on the ground.

Tony flew back when Sol was about to get up, and an old fist covered Sol's face again.

Saul wasn't used to it either, and hit the hammer with his backhand.

But just when he was about to smash the pesky poor Tony, a shield turned a circle between the two, preventing the two of them from attacking soon.

"Hey! Stop it!"

The two followed their reputations, and a star-striped man stood on a big tree that was knocked down by the aftermath of their battle. It was the American team that came.

In fact, he came long ago. The two fought and flew around. He ran for a long time before catching up, otherwise he wouldn't have been fighting for so long.


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