Marvel's King

Chapter 134-Tony

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Sol was very confused. The earth hadn't changed, it was almost the same as when I came last time.

Coleson tilted his head and pursed his mouth, as if he was organizing language. After a while, he said, "The earth is very different now. We have embarked on the path of interstellar civilization.

And we also know a lot about you Asgard.Those things Hill said are all angry, she should come to talk to you soon, don't worry, okay?"

If someone were to be replaced, Sol would never believe these words, but Coulson didn't look like a liar. Sol hesitated for a while and chose to believe him, and obediently returned to the conference room to wait for him.

"So, Sol, do you know Rocky's plan?"

Seeing Sol came back again, Rogers breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to shift the conflict.Although he felt that what Hill said was very depressing, it was really out of date.

Sol glanced at him. He didn't want to say anything, but after thinking about the top priority now is to smash Loki's conspiracy, he still said: "He has an army named Zitari, who doesn't belong to Asgard and doesn't In any world. Luo Jin spares that army to occupy the earth, and they will definitely help him. I think the price should be the cosmic cube."

Rogers discovered the problem and asked seriously: "An army from outer space?"

Dr. Banner also instantly understood what Loki wanted to do with the Cosmic Cube, took off his glasses and asked, "So he plans to build a portal. This is why he took Eric away?"


Sol felt that the name was a bit familiar, and a middle-aged man who had drunk with him was turned over from his memory.

Banner thought that Saul didn't know, so he said, "Eric is an astronomer."

He and Eric knew each other. They had studied things together, but they separated because of the military and SHIELD.

Saul said, "That's a friend of mine."

Banner remembered at this time that they found that Patton had taken the element iridium, and asked inexplicably: "Then why do they want the element iridium?"

This question was originally unanswered, but Tony happened to come over from the outside and said, "To stabilize the quantum tunnel."

Banner knew Stark was coming when he heard the sound, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"Oh, Dr. Banner, I thought you stopped dealing with S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. since you ran out of me last time. Let me guess who brought you back? Hill? No, she doesn't have that. Eloquence. Ferry? It shouldn't be. He doesn't have the ability. Who is that?"

Banner was embarrassed to death. After being angered, Hulk made a lot of noise in the Stark Building. He coughed and said, "Ah, long time no see, Tony."

Tony was actually not that angry at what Hulk did before. He was just a little angry at Banner's departure. Seeing Banner extended his hand, he gave Banner a hug and said, "Long time no see, how about it?" Is it okay? That naughty green baby didn't come out to do something?"

Banner peeed in shock. As expected, his face suddenly turned green and bigger, and half of Hulk shouted at Tony: "Hulk is not a baby! Hulk is Hulk!"

Tony laughed like a mischief, shook his hand to Hulk and said, "It's been a long time, Hulk, you haven't done anything bad recently? If you do, you must not let Royce know, otherwise he won't let it. Carrie played with you, and then you will become a lonely green baby again."

When he said the last sentence, Tony deliberately imitated the way the child was crying, mad at Hulk, and wished to give him a stick.Eighth Book Bank

But that sentence still had a deterrent effect, and Hulk let out a few breaths of anger, and then went back.

This time Rogers had an intuitive experience of Tony's unreliability. When Hulk appeared just now, he was scared to death, and he almost knocked Banner with a shield.

Seeing everything returned to the original state, Tony said angrily, "Are you doing nothing else? So boring?"

Tony spread his hands indifferently, and Fry, who was standing beside him, rolled his eyes speechlessly. He was also frightened just now. The green monster didn't have any affection for everyone here. I really didn't know if Royce was not there. Who can subdue him.

Tony said to Sol again: "Yeah, I didn't say hello to you before, sir."

With that, he walked over and touched Sol's arm with his hand, causing Sol to stare at him.

Tony is careful, this is the vengeance that Thor won't let him touch before the revenge.

Just as he was about to intervene in something, Hill walked in blankly, snorted disdainfully when he saw Tony, who was arrogant, and walked across to Thor.

When Thor saw Hill coming, he immediately recalled what she had said to Loki before, and the anger in his eyes became even more intense.

Hill stretched out his hand and said to Saul, "Hello, I am the highest commander of SHIELD and the current overall person in charge of the external development of the earth. Maria Hill, I will present to you Asgar on behalf of the earth. Germany issued a petition for peace, hoping that our two worlds can live in peace and create a better together."

Sol's anger embarrassed him.

How can this be done?Will getting angry destroy the peace of the two worlds?No, you are not a rascal!

Saul was reluctant in every possible way, but even less willing to lose Asgard's face, stretched out his hand to hold Hill's hand, and said: "I hope we two worlds are in peace."

Tony said humbly at this moment: "Hill? Why didn't I know that you are the person in charge of the earth's external development?"

When Saul heard this, he immediately withdrew his hand.

Everyone's hearts were suspended again, Natasha, Rogers, Fury and others all glared at him.

Hill directly ignored him, but continued to say to Saul: "The earth currently has the ability to travel in space. In the near future, we can fly out of the solar system to find other life planets for friendly exchanges.

But I heard Royce said that the earth is under the rule of Asgard. Could you please answer me, what is rule?"

Everyone's suspended hearts were squeezed in an instant, and there was no breathing.

When Fry saw this, he wanted to explain to Saul on his behalf that Royce was not there, and now if he angered Saul, it was not a joke.

Sol's face also showed a serious look, several times more serious than when he explained Loki's purpose, sticking to Hill, and looking at Hill condescendingly.

In the eyes of everyone, the two men seemed to be fighting soon.

But Hill is quite confident. Royce told her that if you want to deal with Asgardians, then talk to Sol, and the best way to deal with Sol is to bring the topic to Asgard, as long as Speaking of Asgard, then Sol's attention will be completely in this direction, because Sol has a huge sense of responsibility for Asgard.


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