Marvel's King

Chapter 137

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The quarrel between Hill and Fury made the Avengers a little ashamed, especially Rogers.

He felt that he had failed these two people's trust in him, he did not do what he should do, that is to unite the entire team.

Natasha also shut down the surveillance at the right time, and was silent for a long time before saying: "I'm going to inquire about what Rocky wants to do here. I always feel that he is not the kind of person who surrenders easily."

Tony nodded and said: "Yes, Rogers said before that I still don't believe it, but if his brother is so good, he should not be taken care of by me and grandpa."

Rogers was suddenly cueed and was a little unhappy, but he still skipped the topic and said: "Natasha, please go and test him. Good luck."

Natasha nodded and said, "Thank you."


Rocky was staying in his prison alone with his eyes closed and rested, hoping that Agent Button would come sooner. He was really angry by the woman named Hill before.

"In other words, if you are a god, what is your ability?"

Suddenly, Loki heard a hoarse female voice and looked up, looking into Natasha Romanov, who had been told by Hawkeye to be careful.

"Oh~" Loki made a weird voice, then slowly walked over, and when he and Natasha were very close, said, "Natasha Romanov, the top killer of the Red House, S.H.I.E.L.D. The top spy, the rare murderer in the world."

When Natasha heard this, her eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief, and she trembled: " did you know, I..."

"What are you? Are you telling me that you are not like that? Can you wash away the smell of blood on your hands? Wouldn't you be frightened in the middle of the night because of the ghost that died on your hands?

Natasha, you are the worst person in the world, and you are the one who should be washed away. All the people who lost your life are waiting for this day in hell.

When you die, they will start a carnival in hell, just to tear off your flesh and blood!"

Loki's fierce attack completely defeated Natasha's psychological defense. She shed tears in pain, but in order not to show her fragility, she turned around and wiped away her tears with her back to Loki.

"You said these are meaningless. I don't have the ability to help you open this thing. You can only stay here.

Loki smiled and said, "Hey, you can't open this thing, don't you have a monster?"

Natasha turned her head suddenly, there was no trace of tears on her face, she finally understood what was going on, and said: "Banna! Your purpose here is Banner. But what do you want to do with it? Let Banner break out? Hiss..."

Natasha said as she walked out, and the Rocky people behind were stupid: No, what the hell is this woman, didn't I just say that I cried?how...

Natasha reported the information to Hill. After hearing it, Hill rushed to the laboratory and said to Natasha: "It's definitely not that simple. It's just... No, there is internal response! All Attention pilots, all pilots report your location! Attention correspondents, no aircraft is allowed to return to the mothership, no aircraft is allowed to return to the mothership!"

Hill hurried to the laboratory, but it was too late.

Although she played a play with Fury before, and smoothed the emotions and attitudes of several people, the influence of the soul gem is still too great.

By the time Hill and Natasha arrived, Rogers had already engaged Tony.

The two were face to face, as if they were about to kiss.

Tony said, "Hey, grandpa, don't you think it's a bit too much for your age to come here to mix this kind of thing? You are not afraid that your arms and legs will be miserable?" Zi Lang Literature www.

Rogers sneered after listening, raised his chin, and said, "Go, put on your suit, let's go out and fight."

"Enough! Who dares to fight on Lao Tzu's territory? Believe it or not, I will throw both of you?"

Hill erupted directly, pointing to Tony's nose and said, "Who do you think you are? Do you really think you can't turn the earth without you? Wouldn't we find the Cube of the Universe without you? The whole world is just you smart , You have a sense of responsibility? I tell you! Tony Stark! This world, S.H.I.E.L.D. government, and the New Earth Government can move away from anyone! The same goes for you!

"And you, Rogers, you are a veteran of World War II. You were also the leader of the team, why do you take the initiative to provoke disputes? If you want to convince them in this way, then you are too convincing to me disappointed."

After teaching these two people, Hill suddenly seemed to have something in his mind, and his emotions were out of control. Instead, he pointed at Tony and yelled: "Tony! If you still look like this arrogant, then Just withdraw! Our S.H.I.E.L.D. Temple is small and cannot hide your big Buddha."

Dr. Banner over there also started. He was attacked by Natasha's words and suddenly picked up the psychic scepter as he walked.

When Tony returned to Hill, he accidentally signed the war on his head again, which made him very angry and shouted: "It's not that I want me to be like this! It's not that I want to be such a monster. A monster that can easily take your lives! Why are you responsible for me!"

Royce, who had been watching here on the other side, suddenly said to Saul: "Satisfaction and drinking? It's up to you to work!"

After speaking, with a big wave of his hand, Saul involuntarily rushed into the crack in the space, and after a scream, he appeared in the laboratory.

The quarrel in the laboratory continued, and because of his arrival, everyone started to blame him again.

Sol was about to reply.


A huge explosion sounded.

Hill was blown upside down and was awakened. A message from a colleague in the headquarters came in his ears: "Commander Hill! An aircraft was forcibly parked on the tarmac. We did not dare to do without your order. act rashly!"

Hill turned and looked out the window. There was another plane flying beside the mothership.

She quickly ordered: "Don't be afraid, fire at will! Anyone who wants to set foot on the mothership can be killed!"

Hulk on the other side also awakened in Banner's uncontrollable anger, and Natasha fell beside Hulk as before.

"Hey, Hulk, calm down, it's me, haven't you recognized it? It's me!"

"Hulk! Hulk, yes, Carrie!"

Hulk roared and rushed over like a bulldozer.

Natasha fled like crazy, but still couldn't escape completely. She was punched by Hulk. Although Hulk had stopped her hand, Natasha was shot and flew out and entered a dizzy state.


Hulk uttered a triumphant roar, and before the sound completely faded in the open place, a hammer suddenly struck him.


The first battle belonging to Hulk and Thor has begun.


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