Marvel's King

Chapter 139-Olympus, I'm Here

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Royce controlled his power to wrap Loki, making him vacant, with a playful expression.

Loki naturally knew that he was not Royce's opponent, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "Is it too late for me to say it is a misunderstanding?"

Royce raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Late is not too late."

Loki knew there was something when he heard it, and turned his head hard and said, "Is there any remedy?"


S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau ended the broadcast of the three-party superficial negotiations and began a live broadcast of a public apology to Rocky.

"I, Rocky Odinson, the prince of Asgard, hereby sincerely apologize to all the people on earth. It was I who led the Zetarians to attack the earth because of my own desires, and I destroyed Asgard and The friendship of the earth, I destroy the harmony between civilizations, I once again apologize to everyone, sorry.

Because of my naivety, I almost triggered a war between the earth and Asgard, and plunged everyone into fire and water. I apologize deeply.

For this reason, I will voluntarily accept a trial after returning to Asgard, hoping to make up for my mistakes, and I hope everyone will forgive me."

Rocky said it very sincerely, because there was Sol and Royce off the court looking at him.

On the stage, Rocky continued to talk about unnutritious but capable of fooling the people, but Sol in the field asked Royce humbly, "Royce, I think you seem to know Rocky well, can tell me what I should Do you continue to get along with him like this?"

Royce wrinkled his nose and said, "How do I know."

Although the two spoke carefully, the whispers of the two big men still attracted the attention of many people, including Tony Stark.

He came quietly behind them, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

Just listen to Saul continue to say: "You get on so well with that little girl, why? Tell me."

Royce gave him a blank look and said, "Carrie is only nine years old and has no desires. Your brother is more than a thousand years old and has long been filled with desires. In addition, you have always been high, and you are very much My father loved him. Besides, he found out that he was not his own, so it is strange that he is not blackened.

What Royce said was right, but Thor knew it, he just didn't know how to resolve the hatred in Rocky's heart.

Although he keeps saying that the earth is very important to him and how he wants to protect the earth, he still takes Loki more seriously.

So he asked: "I know, but what should I do? I can't tell my father to change his attitude towards Loki, and treat him better? I can't just give the heir to the throne. Isn't he? That's too irresponsible. You can see what kind of person he is. You can't let him lead Asgard."

Royce remained unmoved, and said softly, "Why do I get involved with your housework? You can figure it out for yourself."

When Saul heard that he was anxious, he said, "How did I hear the meaning of gloating in your words? What do you think?"

Tony suddenly said: "It's nothing, he just wants you to beg him, and then he is seeking greater benefits from it."

"Damn! When did you come here?"

"Do you want to die!"

Sol and Royce were taken aback at the same time, Sol’s performance was the most exaggerated, because Tony’s big mouth heard the secret of his heart.

Tony's mouth is so good that he has a deep understanding, wishing this person to stay away from him.Literature under the pen

Royce rolled his eyes directly at him, and said in a yin and yang tone: "You are everywhere? Only you are smart? The space battleship has not been completed for so long, and most of the reasons are caused by you not being serious. . You still slip here and there day by day, don't you have any pressure in your heart?"

Tony laughed and said, "What kind of pressure should I have? Isn't you still like this? Space battleship or something, it will be fine soon, not in a hurry."

Royce sighed and looked at Tony seriously and said: "Tony, I am leaving, this time I will be away for a long time, and I am not sure whether I can come back."

Tony was taken aback, then sneered: "Do you want to be like this again?"

Royce's face remained unchanged, making Tony put away a laugh, and Rogers and others who noticed the movement also gathered around.

Royce didn't wait for Tony to ask questions, and said bluntly: "This time it wouldn't have been so troublesome. It's all because of me that made it troublesome."

Hill thought he understood Royce's purpose, so he looked at the ceiling silently and said, "So you are quite proud?"

Everyone laughed, but Royce said: "Pride is not enough, but after seeing you have the strength to carry the banner, I am really satisfied."

The others laughed again, but Tony and Rogers discovered something was wrong, their expressions were serious, and Tony was even a little nervous.

Royce continued: "I really want to leave, to do a very important thing, to fight against a true king."

Saul understood something and asked: "You are going to Olympus?"

Royce nodded, smiled at Saul, and said, "Yes, you are lucky. You don't need to fight with you to take over the throne. But I am different. I was not Olympus originally. People who want to ascend to their throne now, the road ahead is difficult and dangerous!"

Tony didn't know much about Olympus, he only learned some after seeing Athena, and he didn't know the details.

Rogers said: "If you resist so much, why not give up? Give up this power and give up this duty."

What Rogers said was right, but Royce asked in surprise: "How do you see that I am very resistant? I almost got hyperthyroidism when I heard the news, so why would I give up?

I will defeat the aging Zeus and ascend to the throne of Olympus.

And lead them to reproduce the glory of the Olympus God Realm, how to say it should be similar to Asgard, right?Haha."


Loki was taken back by Saul, but he did not take the Cube, the thing was taken by Royce.

The psychic scepter was also lost shortly after Royce left, and Hill, who was busy handing over with the Asgardians, left the matter casually to Coulson and left it alone.

And Royce was told by Carrie about the news of going to Olympus, she had to yell, Royce couldn't help but took her away.

Along with them was Hulk, who was so excited to see Carrie again.

Floating in the boundless universe, Royce's gaze was on Mount Olympus, also floating in the universe.

This is the first time he has set foot in this place.

"So you look like this, I'm here..."


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