Marvel's King

Chapter 149 Shia's Reaction

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The action of the Star Destroyer stopped all warships. If the superior hadn't ordered them, these cruel pilots who had experienced interstellar war prepared all kinds of escapes.

How terrible is the Star Destroyer?

This thing is not only used to destroy the planet, even the galaxy will be affected.

Each attack of the Star Destroyer is just the aftermath of the war, and it will release the energy that bursts out during a hundred solar events, which can easily penetrate the armor of the battleship and turn everything into fly ash in an instant.

Athena sensed the emergence of this energy, and immediately retracted the light curtain and rushed out of the battleship to stop the Fifth Fleet's Star Destroyer from launching.

But it was too late.

Asgard’s star-killing weapon is the Rainbow Bridge. Under Heimdall’s operation, it can burst out the energy of the star-killing star in less than two seconds.

Although Shia’s weapon was weaker, energy burst out in almost five seconds.

After the Star Destroyer was launched, the surface of the Fifth Fleet’s mothership was immediately covered by a blue light mask, and the star-destroying energy that spread to the entire star system in an instant did not cause any damage to it.

"Oh? Interesting."

Royce, who took Anjelica's visual battle, saw through Shia's methods at a glance.

Their mothership escaped temporarily and entered a space crack at the moment of the energy explosion, just like using a hyperspace teleportation device to temporarily open a hyperspace channel with powerful energy, far away from the original plane.

Then wait for the energy range to come back again to save yourself from danger.

Royce thinks this trick can be learned, after all, he can open the hyperspace channel himself.

Seeing that Royce had no intention of doing anything, Angelica suddenly mobilized the stellar energy of this galaxy and forced an energy field outside the scope of the energy explosion to trap the star-killing energy.

But the star annihilation energy is too powerful, and a single star is far from enough.

Angelica couldn't stand it for a while, and yelled at Royce: "Royce! Help me!"

Royce chuckled and released a pulse of energy in his hand, colliding with the star-killing energy in an instant, and both disappeared.

But Angelica can clearly feel that the energy of several planets in this star system has been greatly reduced, and the evolution time has been delayed again at least several billion years.

But Royce didn't care about it, and sent out another electromagnetic pulse with a very wide range, which was shrouded in the sky of the Fifth Fleet, destroying their electronic equipment to the fullest.

The entire Fifth Fleet was directly paralyzed.

Athena came with guilt and shame to greet Royce who was late, and said sadly: "Sorry, I let you down."

Ares was also able to rush in, and said: "My Lord God King, our offense..."

"It's okay, take someone to take over this fleet and fix it. I want this thing to launch a death attack against the Eagle's Nest."


The news of the collapse of the Fifth Fleet quickly spread to the Eagle’s Nest. The royal family inside the Eagle’s Nest panicked for a while. The representatives of the class who had been dissatisfied with the rule of Queen Lilandra also jumped out to oppose Lilandra’s decision. She will bring the Shia to destruction.Start

After receiving multiple accusations, Lilandra's anger rose from his heart, but he did not grow evil to the courage.

She has long been a mature politician, and this little insult is nothing to her.

What she is thinking about now is how to give Shia a face in this war, and whether to deal with these voices that disagree with her.

Seeing the quiet queen, the excitement gradually subsided, until there was no sound.

In the lively Royal Chamber, there was only the sound of Queen Lelandra's fingers constantly tapping the table top.

And this melody is like a deadly death, making these princes and nobles frightened, for fear that the queen will ask them to vent.

But Lelandra is not so stupid, and the country is at the head of the crisis. How can there be time for internal fighting?

She said in a deep voice, "Olympus has suddenly emerged, united with many civilizations to destroy the Fifth Fleet, and tried to challenge the authority of the Shia Empire. You don't want to solve the problem, but you still have the mind to say these things here? Shameless!"

When he said this, Lilandra's sword-like gaze constantly scanned the faces of the people, as if to dig out the hearts, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys of these people.

The princes lowered their heads in a panic. Several princes in charge of the military corpus stood up and said faithfully to the queen: "Your Majesty, the current situation is extremely severe. I hope that the Queen can give a charter to at least let the domestic emotions stop panic. Go down."

The Shia Empire is a strictly centralized country, and no power is greater than the Queen's rule.There were some different voices in the army before, but this time they really didn't dare to jump.

Everyone knows that the Queen has an ace Royal Guard, which can easily destroy a fleet of guards.

Lelandra thought for a while, and suddenly said: "The first fleet is urgently summoned to return from the galaxy. The first and second fleets will temporarily be under the command of Prince Karasson. I want you to stop the enemy from a position 400 light years away. , Drove them to the Mill star system.

The Third Fleet takes the responsibility of the Fifth Fleet. After the success of the First Fleet and the Second Fleet, it will launch a star-destroying attack on the Mir star system. This time I want you to use all your firepower without leaving the slightest chance.

The Fourth Fleet ambushes in the Nonya Star System next door to the Mill Star System. When the enemy forces escape from the Mill Star System, they will launch a surprise attack. I will let them all be buried in the Quantum Asteroid Group of the Nonya Star System. !"

After several orders were issued, Shia's fleet immediately set off.Queen Lelandra said to the captain of the escort: "Open the Luan Bird Fleet, I will take the escort to go!"

"Yes! Long live Shia!"

After preparing all military operations, Queen Lelandra set her sights on some politicians who often opposed her.

After thinking about it, suddenly he raised his jade fingers and said to them: "Hush, the sound I don't like to hear is best not to sound recently, otherwise the eagle's nest will become a blood nest again, do you understand? Hahahahaha."

The cold laughter sounded, so that a group of nobles suddenly dispelled the desire to arouse public opinion.This is really stroking the tiger's whiskers, and he may really be bitten to death and eaten.

I dare not give up my life for this.

But a key figure in the council did not think so.

He is an idealist. He does not believe in power rule. He believes that only everyone has equal rights can the world become better.

On the surface, he is the backbone of the Eagle's Nest Chamber, but he is indeed one of the leaders of the rebel army.

Lilandra got into trouble and chose to lead the troops on the expedition himself, which made him look forward to his extra thoughts that were hopeless to be realized, and this anticipation flooded in his heart like a prairie fire, unable to stop for a while. .

The idea of ​​rebellion is like a hook, constantly hooking out his desires, and constantly magnifying them until they can't be controlled.

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