Marvel's King

Chapter 159 The Eve of the War (1)

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Lilandra, who was suddenly caught by CUE, suddenly felt a little flustered, her body shook, and she said: "No, you guys talk."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Angelica felt that something was wrong, and looked back at Royce with a puzzled look.

Royce didn't know the situation and looked innocent, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Angelica shook her head and said with a smile: "It's nothing, but I suddenly thought of an idea. You can call Queen Shia back."

"What are you doing?"

Royce asked casually, but stood up obediently.

"I'll tell you later, go ahead."


When Lilandra walked away quickly, there was a sudden fluctuation in the space in front of her, which shocked her to stop, thinking that the Olympians would be against her at this time.

"Her Majesty, don't go so fast, the queen said she wants to talk to you about something."

The voice arrives before the person comes out.

Hearing Royce's voice, Lelandra sighed in relief, but after learning his purpose, Lelandra became a little wary and panicked.

She held her arms, grabbed her arms with both hands, raised her chin and said, "What does she want to do with me?"

Royce didn't know, so he could only smile mysteriously and said, "You'll know when you go, right?"

Lilandra was unmoved, she always felt that if she went to suffer, that woman would definitely have bad intentions.

"What does the queen think about? She won't do anything to you, the queen is very kind, don't worry, don't be afraid."

"Who said I was scared! Just leave!"

The word scared directly pierced Lilandra, and she turned her head and walked in the same direction when she came back and forth.

Royce shook his head, secretly said: Diaojiao.

In such a short time, Angelica had changed her clothes.

At this time, she was wearing a long golden dress and sitting on the back seat next to the throne, with long red hair tied back in her head, with the ring of kings given to her by Royce in her left hand, and the sky symbolizing the queen of heaven in her right hand. The scepter, the whole body exudes a dazzling aperture like the sun.

To sum up, there are only four words: full special effects.

This suit pretended to be worn by Angelica when Royce was enthroned, and she has never seen her take it out since then, which is strange today.

Royce was a little surprised, but he didn't know what Angelica was going to do, he chose to remain silent.

Seeing Lilanda's return, Angelica smiled and got up, floated in front of her, and said: "Introduce yourself, Queen of Olympus, Angelica, it’s nice to meet you, Queen Lilandra. ."

Although Angelica was nearly twenty centimeters shorter than Lilanda, she couldn't bear to fly.

The long skirt dragged on the ground, and the ghost knew how far she was from the ground, anyway, a little higher than Lilanda would be enough.

Lilandra received such a dismay, her face did not change, a smile appeared on her stern face, she gently pulled Angelika's hand, kissed the back of her hand, and raised her face and said, "Hello , The noble queen, Shia Queen Lelandra, I am also very happy to meet you."

Seeing the hypocritical communication between the two women, Royce felt uncomfortable. As soon as he wanted to leave, he got a "gentle as water" look from Angelica, which made him stop immediately.

"Queen, I came to you this time to discuss something with you."

While talking, Angelika stretched out her hand and used her divine power to get a chair from nowhere, and led Lilandra to sit down.

She herself returned to the back position and sat down. Seeing Royce staying in the center, she raised her eyebrows at him and said, "What? The god king doesn't want to listen?"

Royce sat back obediently, and at the same time asked Angelica with his eyes, but he didn't get an answer.

After the three of them were seated, Angelica invited a nymph to serve Lilandra with tea and fruit, and all the people who could be courteous were polite.

After all this was done, Angelica smiled and said to Lilandra: "Queen, I wonder if you can talk to us about your faith?"

Lilandra sneered when she heard it, and said, "What is the queen talking about? Hasn't the faith of the Shia been destroyed by you? Is it because the queen asked me to come here to taunt me?"

Lilandra's tone was like taking gunpowder, which made Royce a little dissatisfied, and she was about to be caught by a hand that Angelica stretched over.

Angelica’s expression remained unchanged, she still smiled kindly. She said: “Old myths will always be replaced by new gods. I thought Queen Lelandra knew about this. Now it seems that you Doesn’t seem to know this?"

Lilandra's face was stagnant, and the meaning of Angelica's words was clear: Your gods don't know where to go. Sooner or later, the faith will be invaded. What are you struggling with?If we do not come, other gods will naturally appear.

"Hehe, what do you want to say?"

But at this time, it was time to pretend to not understand, Lilandra put away the previous sarcasm, and threw off her long black hair, revealing a naive face.

Angelica remained motionless and said bluntly: "I won’t go around with you, the queen. We Olympus will take root in Sia. This is already an established fact. Whether you agree or not, it’s already It cannot be changed."

Lilandra's face changed, anger flashed, her eyes changed from indifference to sharp, and the cold aura suddenly burst out.

Angelika chuckled when she saw it, she looked so contemptuous and insulting to Lilandra. If she couldn't beat her, she would definitely do it, but she had already vowed in her heart to humiliate it ten times. Thousands of times returned to her.

"Your Majesty does not have to be too angry. I don't mean to insult Shia. I just want to explain one thing. The current relationship between Olympus and Shia is more than just the enemy. The forces that oppose us, It's not just our enemy, do you understand?"

Lilandra gritted her posterior teeth and said in a deep voice, "The Queen wants Shia's help?"

Angelika naturally wouldn’t be fooled by this kind of word game. After adjusting her sitting posture, she said, “It’s not Olympus, but you. Royce is gentle, even on the battlefield. They didn’t do more killings either. That gang was different. I almost lost my life in their hands. If Royce hadn’t come, he might have been busy choosing a new queen.”

Angelica changed the subject while explaining the situation, and then returned to this topic after some rants, and she could regain the initiative again, killing two birds with one stone.

Royce was a little unhappy when he heard that, and said, "What do you say? Choose a new queen? Whatever is the new queen? Chinese cabbage? Anyone can do it, right?"

Angelika waited for Royce to interrupt, and smiled when she saw it, and said: "Oh, Lord God King is going to show your loyalty?" Heyuan Book Bar

Lelandra had no interest in the conversation between the two of them. She calmly interrupted Royce and said: "The queen, if you don't mind, the conversation between the two of you can be left until you go to bed. For now, Can you explain to me what these people are?"

When the goal was achieved, Angelica stopped selling the ball and said: "It is a force called the kingdom of heaven who is fighting with Olympus, although it is not clear what caused them to launch a war against Olympus. , But I guess it is inseparable from faith.

Some time ago, the sun god Apollo and the love god Venus had just gone to the earth to spread the miracle, and the kingdom of heaven launched an attack on the back foot, so I guess they should be because we seized their belief gathering place."

"What does that have to do with us?"

Speaking of this, Lilandra already knew what Angelica wanted to do, and cursed in her heart: This woman is too bad!Obviously I want to get me on the boat, and I have to pretend to be good for me, but I can't refuse it yet, so angry!

Seeing that Lilanda was softened, Angelica finally showed a knowing smile and said: "Of course it does matter. The earth has a total population of more than seven billion, and the kingdom of heaven will be bitten. The population of Ishah, I think their invasion will only be more serious, and the queen doesn't want the royal family's rights to be equally divided by the so-called gods."

"What about you? What can you give Shia?"

Angelica stopped speaking this time, looked at Royce directly, and motioned for him to express her opinion.

Royce also understood what Angelia was doing. After accepting her gesture, Royce said immediately: "If the Shia Empire can be used as a collection site for Olympus, then Shia will gain Olympus will help permanently, and as the king of gods, I promise you that Olympus will never interfere in Shia’s internal affairs in any way. I can also guarantee that the beliefs of the Shia people are free, Olympus Pace will not force them to believe in the Olympus gods."

Speaking of which Royce did not know what to say, Angelica added: “Of course, we also hope that the Shia government will not prevent us from spreading stories about Olympus.”

After thinking about it for a long time, Lilandra asked with some hesitation: "What can Olympus give Shia specifically to help Shia calm the war?"

Royce shook his head and said, "Olympus will not take the initiative."

Lilandra's face immediately changed: Empty Glove White Wolf is not such a trick, right!

As I was about to leave, I heard Royce say again: "But the country under governance is difficult, and we will not sit idly by. As long as you have needs, we will do our best to satisfy them."


Lelandra agreed to the decision to unite with Olympus, and declared to be the empire of Olympus in the presence of all civilizations in the Shia system.

Although the ending is the same, at least there is no need to surrender, right?

The artistic imprisonment within Shia was also easily abolished because of the invasion of the Olympus civilization. Various books and operas about Olympus were brought to the Shia Empire by various gods.

Royce did not abandon that period of history based on the absurdity of what Olympus had done before. After all, the more absurd and obscene, the more people talk about it, right?

As for the consequences, I did not do it anyway, and the contemporary god king is not Zeus. What is the impact?

With the giant Shia Empire, Olympus' counter-offensive plan was soon implemented.

Twenty Shia's top fleets carrying the twelve main gods and several new gods selected from the Shia royal family and civilians who were given the gods and gods by Royce sailed toward the galaxy mightily.


Since the end of the last New York war, the earth has never been so messy.

The spacecraft was built and launched five months ago under the cooperation of Stark Industries and S.H.I.E.L.D., but their space voyages have almost always been put on hold.

"Tony, what's the situation on your side? Are those monsters still impossible to kill?"

Hill was grayed out by the chaos, but he still didn't change the slightest.

Two months ago, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky over New York. Originally, Hill thought it was another alien invasion, but the monsters that ran out of it were far scarier than aliens.

Not to mention their terrifying looks, they were as hard as iron, and thermal weapons could not cause them any harm.

Along with them, there are also various cult organizations. Even some Catholic priests have begun to spread the signal that this is a symbol of the end times, causing extreme panic among the people.

"My situation here is very bad! I... fuck!"




Tony's suffering sound came from the other end of the phone, and Hill unbearably took the phone away to prevent his ears from being shaken.

"Damn! Can anyone tell me what these things are! I feel like I have entered Dante's Purgatory!"

Tony's angry roar did not solve the problem, but someone who could solve the problem appeared.

Gu Yi stood in the sky facing an angel with wings.

"Is the kingdom of heaven guarding this world like this? Your approach is too much."

Gu Yi's face was full of anger. Every time she wanted to make a move, she would encounter the obstruction of this wise angel named Raphael, which made her annoying, but she did not dare to do it.

Since the last trip to hell with Royce, her strength has become weaker and weaker, and even this body can hardly be supported. It is her limit to be able to choose to stop these demons.

The wings behind Raphael swayed gently, giving him the power to hang in the air, and said with a chuckle: "Those people who chose to turn their backs on God will naturally not get help from the kingdom of heaven. I thought it was obvious, but I didn't expect to be famous. The supreme mage doesn't even know about this."

The anger on Gu Yi's face was even worse, and he said evilly: "No wonder your heaven is getting more and more declining, narrow-minded, and difficult to make a big deal. The doctrines handed down by Jesus cannot even be convinced by you, let alone ordinary people."

Raphael snorted, and just about to say something, he was suddenly hit by a big green ball, directly hitting the ground.


Hulk landed on the ground and was stunned when he looked at the winged monster he was stepping on. He didn't know what to do for a while.

Not far from him, Tony, who was shot on the ground by the demon again, yelled in surprise after seeing Hulk, "Hulk? Where is Royce? Did he come back with you?"

Hulk had already prepared Tony to welcome him, but he didn't expect that it was the question that greeted him. He said unhappily, "Hulk is enough! Royce, the bad guy, don't come back."

After that, the huge green demon in the sky flapped the bat wings and swooped down, and the spear in his hand was about to take the life of Hulk.


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