Marvel's King

Chapter 161

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Royce asked me to bring it to you. Take a look."

Anjelica was very happy to meet an old friend, but she still had a task on her, she said after putting a box on the ground and pushing it over.

Tony stepped on the box happily and couldn't wait to open it. Inside was his armor made of vibrating gold, but... how did it look exactly like before?

"Royce... did he really help me strengthen this suit?"

Tony is a little skeptical, suspecting that Royce is lazy, otherwise, why hasn't it changed at all?

Angelica covered her mouth and threw a small device over and said: "Royce had guessed that you would say that. Tell him."

"what is this?"

"The ultra-long-distance communication equipment of the Shia Empire, Royce is still far away."

After Angelica finished speaking, Tony, a self-taught genius, figured out how to use this thing. If you couldn't figure it out, it would be a fool. There was a button on it.

After pressing the button, a virtual projection appeared in front of Tony, the image was very clear, and even a little lifelike.

"Yo, Tony, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing recently? It's not scorched by those bugs, haha."

Royce's humble expression made Tony extremely upset, and said, "It seems that the earth has nothing to do with you. You have forgotten the earth when you go to Olympus? Also, what are you wearing? Why are you like the ancients? Do you play cosplay? You are Socrates?"

"It seems that you have not been hit by such a cheap mouth, so I can rest assured, I am afraid that you will have bipolar disorder, ha ha ha."

Royce’s smiling but non-smiling expression made Tony feel a little bit in his heart. His recent psychological problems were very serious and he was extremely insecure. Especially after Royce, whom he thought he could rely on, left, the feeling of anxiety has been eroding him. Heart.

This is also one of the reasons why he can put aside his prejudice against Hill and concentrate on researching and developing the spacecraft with SHIELD.

"Do you understand everything on earth? Then when are you going to come back?"

Tony avoided this question, he didn't want to admit that he was sick.

Royce joked and said, "Soon, you know I'm so far away from the solar system. I have to drill hundreds of times to drill the wormhole, but there shouldn't be any major incidents with Angelica. .

Who are you talking to?Why is the diva missing?Who is this person?"

Tony stared at the woman who suddenly appeared behind Royce eating an unknown fruit, then looked at Angelica over the projection, and found that she had no reaction, and then relaxed, and laughed: "Yo, Roy Si, Angelica is still here, so you dare to be so blatant, you can."

Although Lelandra could not understand what Tony was talking about, she understood the meaning of Tony’s facial expressions. When she was pierced, she immediately became angry. Pointing at Tony, she yelled: “Whoever you are! Pay the price to belittle Queen Shia!"

Damn Olympus, I can't clean it up, and an earth is destroyed without waving my hand?Damn earthlings dare to laugh at me!Can't bear it!

Tony people are stupid. Why is this person so angry and said: "Royce, please tell me she won't turn green suddenly like Banner, or I will be afraid."

Royce coughed, gave him a look, and said, "I would like to introduce you, this is the queen of the Shia Empire, Lilandra Niramani. I will also introduce Lilandra to you. The bit is..."

"No, I don't want to know this rude man!"

After speaking, Lilandra left without giving any face, making Royce a little embarrassed.

When she walked away, she said to Tony, "This is the rescuer I brought. When she arrives on Earth, you must restrain your mouth. She has a bad temper!"

"Who has a bad temper!"

There was another scream from the projection side, and Royce directly hung up the communication.

Tony was stunned for a while, then suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Oh, how come I forgot to ask about the suit."

Angelica laughed and said: "Then tell him again, I have something to go to Europe, so I will leave first, and we will get together again when Royce is back. By the way, you know Jia Where is Li? I only know that she is on earth."

"Carrie? I know. By the way, what did you do to Carrie? Why did she and Hulk run back by themselves?"

Tony turned around and walked to a console to locate Carrie's coordinates while asking.

Angelica said embarrassedly: "Oh, it's our fault. I was busy fighting Shia some time ago, and some ignored her. The little girl was sad, so she ran out to play secretly."

"Then you two are too careless, but what is interesting about fighting Shia? Are you still fighting with people? What a big battlefield? Then why did Queen Shia be with Royce just now?"

Tony said, Jarvis had confirmed Carrie's location, and before Angelika answered, he said: "I found it, she is in...what kind of country is this? Forget it, you take this."

Maybe it was annoying, Tony directly took out a small instrument and gave it to Angelica, which showed Hulk's real-time location.

Although Angelica’s mind is pretty good, she really can’t get around so many questions, so she chose not to answer, saying, “When Royce comes, you can ask him. I’ll go to Carrie and then go. A trip to Greece."

Tony nodded and said, "Alright, do you need me to make an appointment for you? It's not safe outside now."

"No, I can fly."

Flying with the taciturn Artemis on the road, Artemis asked: "Who is that guy and why so many words? It feels more verbose than Apollo."

"His name is Tony Stark, one of Royce's good friends, huh? Artemis, look down, is there a fight there?"

Angelica was talking, and suddenly saw an aircraft under her being attacked by an unknown creature.

After all, Artemis was still the god of hunting. He had better eyesight. He saw the following situation at a glance. He stretched out his hand to get a bow and arrow from behind and said: "Two evil creatures are attacking a mechanical device. There is a man on the mechanical decoration. I'm fighting with a monster, do you want me to do it? Diana."

Angelika also looked intently, but the clouds were hazy and she couldn't see clearly, but thought that those who were not in human form were bad critics, she said, "Then you can help him, I will go down and take a look."

Angelica hadn't finished speaking, but the arrow on Artemis' string had flown out.

Rogers threw out his shield and smashed it against an Anzuo bird-shaped demon, and smashed it into the air. Another Anzuo flew up. The giant claws that were more strenuous than a blade were about to catch Rogers. But the golden arrow shot directly on its body, penetrated directly, and took its life.

Rogers was taken aback, and looked up, a woman with red hair braving golden light appeared in front of him, it was Angelica.

He hadn't seen Angelica. He hadn't seen it once. He had seen pictures of her and Royce, but the gap between Angelica and now was so big that Rogers couldn't recognize it.

The high-altitude oxygen content is very thin, not to mention that on the plane, the turbulent airflow made Rogers speechless. The battle just now was the limit in the limit.

Angelica recognizes Rogers. After all, she is the great hero in the hearts of Americans. Although she has never seen a real person, she has always seen photos.400 novel

Angelica smiled at him, then released her supernatural power to grab the Anzuo who was stuck in his shield, and asked, "You are Captain Rogers, aren't you?"

With that, Angelica wrapped the shield with supernatural power and sent it to the captain.

The US team nodded and said hardly: "Miss, I think, now, it's not a talking, good time."

Angelica was a little embarrassed, she didn't think about it, nodded at him and flew away.

Rogers, who returned to the fighter plane, carefully recalled the information in his mind, and could not help finding anyone with similar abilities to Angelica. He was a little confused and reported all the information to Maria Hill.

The priest walked into Rogers' resting place and asked: "Captain, those monsters, have you eliminated them?"

Rogers shook his head honestly and said, "It's not me, it's a woman I haven't seen. Alas, the world is getting more and more weird. I'm thinking about whether I should retire."

The priest suddenly laughed and said, "Spiritual leader, how can you retire? Hahaha."


Listening to Rogers' description, Hill had guessed that Angelica was the one who helped him, and he felt excited. Although Angelica was not a strong combatant before, he was at least a helper?

Immediately began to contact her.

But Natasha, who didn't knock at the door, brought another bad news.

"Hill, we found a group of superpower criminals in Sokovia, related to the stolen psychic scepter."

Natasha’s expression was serious, and the situation in Sokovia had been turbulent. After this demon invasion, it was a hell on earth. Now a group of supernaturalists who claim to be "freedom fighters" have emerged. S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no way to control the situation over there.

Hill sighed helplessly and asked: "What is the specific situation?"

Natasha said: "They were founded under the leadership of a baron named Straker. It is said that this Baron Straker is also a hydra, and crossbones Rumlow is under his protection at this time. Hidden for a long time, only appeared some time ago. One of the supernatural powers is named Wanda Massimov, who seems to have the ability to control the mind, and the other is named Pietro Massimov, who is Wanda Ma Simov’s older brother has the ability to run extremely fast."

"What is their purpose?"

Hill asked while thinking about the countermeasures.

Natasha shook her head and said, "I don't know for the time being, but they are loyal opponents of SHIELD, and the funds behind them are abundant. It is estimated that some countries or chaebols are supporting them."

Hill thought for a long time and didn't know where to mobilize personnel to deal with this matter. For a while, he had a headache and asked angrily: "How can Baron Straker have not found out before? Pierce did not include him in the list provided by him. ?"

Natasha blushed and said awkwardly: "It was Clint who was going to deal with this matter. The mission failed. Straker didn't know where to get the news. He waited for Clint to arrest him. Has escaped."

"So Clint has refused to accept assignments for months? Because of this?"

Since the Battle of New York ended and S.H.I.E.L.D. officially took control of global activities, Hill has been busy all day long. Coleson and Natasha are responsible for most of the internal operations of S.H.I.E.L.D., and she does not know many things. .

If the crisis hadn't erupted and spread too quickly this time, she would still be calmly planning for future development.

"Yes, he has been guilty all this time, so..."

Hill hugged his head in pain, thought for a while, and said, "Let the others come back. I think we need some help."

"You mean, Asgard's side? But..."

"There is no way, the bastard Royce won't come back, and the others are unreliable. That's all."


Norway, Rainbow Bridge.

This is the largest and most luxurious building built after S.H.I.E.L.D. took power to form a pathway with Asgard.

However, because the Rainbow Bridge over Asgard has not been repaired yet, it is still impassable, but you can contact Heimdall here.

Hill directly mobilized the largest "space battleship" on Earth that could only fly on the earth due to the unfinished navigation system, and carried high-level members of S.H.I.E.L.D. here.

"Coelson, trouble you, go and negotiate with Heimdall, let Sol come to the earth."

Coulson nodded, and then landed on the Rainbow Bridge in a small warship.

This is a city, a city bigger than London, but not many people live here because it is not yet open.

Coulson came to a strange room in which a crystal-like object was placed.

He touched the crystal with one hand and said silently in his heart: "Heimdall, if you hear my voice, please respond."

Heimdall has been watching what happened on the earth. The impact of this disaster is too great. The demons have even gone to the next few worlds.

But the two worlds signed a non-interference agreement, and no one except Sol can intervene in matters on earth.

And he himself was very upset with the rebellious behavior of the earth, so he never told Saul about it.

Hearing Coulson's voice now, he couldn't continue to pretend to be deaf.

"Philip Colson, I heard your voice, what do you want?"

Coleson didn't talk nonsense, and said bluntly: "Heimdall, the earth is in a crisis. I hope to get Sol's help."

Heimdall was silent, but Odin in the palace suddenly said: "He is on his way, Heimdall, promise him, I will send Sol there."

As he said, using the power of Odin inside his body to activate the Eternal Spear, Thor, who was flying in the unknown world, suddenly felt a familiar light on his head.


With a scream, Thor was directly teleported to the battleship near the Rainbow Bridge.

Rogers was dressed in a uniform, watching Thor, who had fallen from the sky and hadn't awakened from the shock, smiled and said, "Avenger, rally."


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