Marvel's King

Chapter 191

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After Sol came, everyone was almost alive, and his arrival also brought a lot of joy, so that the atmosphere on the court has always been very cheerful.

"Say you fly with a hammer all day, aren't you tired?"

Clint sat on the ground, leaning back on the sofa, and suddenly asked questions.

Tony also looked at the hammer and said, "What is the principle of your hammer? I have always wanted to know."

Speaking of the hammer, Saul’s facial expression became wonderful and he was full of pride. He glanced at Tony disdainfully and said, "You may be smart, but there are so many things you can't understand."

Tony was not angry. He pointed to Royce and said, "I can understand if he can sit here. Why can't I understand your hammer?"

Royce, who was lying next to Hill like Ge You, gave Tony a blank look, and said, "Just laugh at Saul, don't bring me."

Thor laughed, walked over to pick up the hammer on the table, and said, "It's very simple, because I am a god, and Mournier is..."

"Puff..." Royce was amused by the word "God" and laughed directly. Seeing Saul looked at him and quickly lowered his head, he waved his hand and said: "It's okay, you puff hehehehehe."

Saul turned black and said loudly, "I am God! God! Thor!"

Royce held back forcibly and said: "Yes, I didn't say you are not a god, you continue to say, hehehehehe..."

"Stop playing! I went back to Asgard!"

Saul is almost mad, why didn't he find Royce so cheap before?

Banner was getting old, and quickly came out to hold Saul and persuade him to sit down again.

Tony didn't understand what Royce was laughing at, and asked, "Why are you laughing? Isn't Saul a god?"

"God? There are no gods, they are all stronger bugs."

Thinking back to the few people who were able to control the rules of the universe, Royce was disappointed.

"It seems that you have encountered a lot of things in the universe? Let me tell you?"

Peggy's eyes moved, and there was always a lot of information about the universe from Royce.

Hill glanced at Peggy, smiled at her, then looked at Royce, and said, "Yes, let's talk about it. Let us also listen to what kind of people are ashamed of the gods."


Royce was preparing to talk to these people about the situation, and the War Machine came in with a message.

"Boss, we have to go there. There are terrorists on Greenland who have declared war on the world."

The news was silly to everyone, and Tony asked uncertainly: "What did you say?"

The war machine scratched his head and said: "Although I don't believe it, there are indeed a group of terrorists who have declared war on Greenland to the world. They are made up of a group of people from the bottom of society. They were recruited when the Cree arrived not long ago. Being a worker, I was brainwashed for not knowing why, saying that human beings are not worthy of ruling the earth, they want to go all over the world to welcome the arrival of the Cree."


"Does anyone complain about it?" Clint looked at the speechless crowd and joked.

Royce said: "Forget it, now is not the time to do this, let's go quickly."

Everyone originally wanted to make a joke, but seeing Royce look so serious, they calmed down.

"Is there something wrong?"

Tony thought of something, but the idea was not very clear, so he asked the question.

"I’m not sure yet. Let’s go and confirm the situation first." Royce said, opening a purple portal, and then said to Rod: "Rod, I’m sorry to trouble you. Let S.H.I.E.L.D. All the information they know is sorted out. I think this is not easy."

After speaking, he stepped into the portal.

Sol came out of this kind of thing before, and everyone walked in without any doubt.

The Avengers who came out of the portal on Greenland were frozen all year round standing on an iceberg watching the fanatical people below.

These people were holding some honest guns in their hands, and one of them was shouting something.

Royce stopped Saul who was about to rush down to deal with these people, listening attentively.

"What are you waiting for? Haven't been fed up with the life of being instigated every day? Haven't been fed up with being oppressed? Haven't been fed up with people who point to your nose every day and call you stupid pigs? Why do they come? Blame us? Why do they trample on us? Why do they enjoy a better life than us? Are you happy?"


"Do you like your life now?"


"So what are we going to do?"

"Rebel! Rebel!"

"What to resist?!"

"Rebel against SHIELD! Rebel against the United Nations! Rebel against the whole world!"

In the freezing world, Royce actually felt a rush of heat against his face, which was popular anger.

"Royce? What are we waiting for?"

Royce did not answer Hill’s question, but said to Peggy: “Contact Rhode and ask his source.”

The atmosphere below became more and more enthusiastic, but it was strange that Royce didn't hear any words about Kerry at all.

Before, Royce was thinking about whether these people were bewitched by the Cree, but now it seems the opposite is true.

"The weapons in their hands..."

Natasha's eyes were still good, she saw something wrong at a glance, reminding everyone.

"That is the firearm that has been eliminated. It is said that there are only a few chaotic places in Mexico and South America where there are police personnel. How did they get it?"

"Yeah, isn't the Cree's previous project near Africa? These people don't seem to be African."

As soon as Wanda finished speaking, Rogers came to a conclusion: "We may have been cheated."

"Who would lie to us? What do they want to do?"

Tony asked incomprehensibly, Royce chuckled and said, "Wait, we'll see."


Several chaebol representatives who came to make things difficult for Coleson in the morning were met with condemnation from within the family.

These people are accustomed to being pampered, and Royce had to bow his head to them back then, making them feel that their status as the king of the world will continue.

The financial turmoil was stabilized by the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau and other chaebols close to S.H.I.E.L.D. who mobilized a large amount of funds to stabilize. However, the impact on various places still exists. Although prices have rebounded, it will be a long process to return to normal. Not done overnight.

"Since S.H.I.E.L.D. feels that they can leave us and treat us as piglets, it's time for them to suffer."

The speaker was the speaker of the veteran American family, and as soon as his words came out, someone immediately notified all the forces.Literature under the pen

Less than two hours later, almost the world’s chaebol masters who opposed SHIELD started a meeting.

In view of the fact that Royce was invaded by the last network conference, they adopted offline conferences this time.

That is to say, the earth's technology is developing at a fast speed, otherwise they really can't get together in such a short time.

"Since everyone is here, let's not talk nonsense and go directly to the topic.

Every one of our families and forces has made a great contribution to the progress of this world, but now some people think that we are dispensable, or even cumbersome, this is not enough."

"Of course, the 19th actual United States almost fell apart. It only depends on the support of our family to have today's situation. Now that S.H.I.E.L.D. controls the world, it wants to strip us out? No doors!"

"Yes, the poor Eastern Europe depends on the support of our family to have such a little economic power in the world, but now they bite back and say that we are going to betray the earth. What does it mean? Do you look down on us?"

All the chaebols were dissatisfied with the strong command of SHIELD.

For a long time, they thought they were the cornerstone of the world, without them the earth could not operate.

This was indeed the case in Europe and the United States in the past, and all government decrees depend on the glance of capital.

But now it's different, at least the SHIELD controlled by Royce won't kill them.

This panicked them and made them angry, so they decided to fight back.

In their thoughts, they hurt S.H.I.E.L.D., and let them know that after the power of capital cannot be shaken, they can not only use this to stabilize their position, but also take the opportunity to retreat S.H.I.E.L.D., and even infiltrate it, killing three birds with one stone.

"Yes, it's time to let them know our power."

"What about the other people who are not present? You know there are still many people who are on the side of SHIELD."

"Oh, when we have results, they will automatically come closer."

Thus, a series of conspiracies began.


On Greenland, Royce finally received a reply from Rod.

The news was sent to the ears of the Polish local government from a whaling ship. The local government had no military power or ability to resist, so it chose to report it directly to S.H.I.E.L.D.

A seventh-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. dealt with this matter. He chose to directly assign the task to the Avengers, on the grounds that the Avengers are free labor, so there is no need to use it.

"Check the seventh-level agent, check his family background, bank account information, property under his name, and property under his family's name. As long as there is an abnormality recently, he will be arrested and examined directly on the spot."

As soon as Royce finished speaking, before Peggy could reply, he heard Royce say again: "Forget it, leave it to Sharon to deal with it. Just report the situation here."

After Peggy reported the information to Sharon, Royce smiled and said to everyone: "Okay, let's go back. We don't need to deal with the matter here. I'm sorry, but also brought everyone to this bitter cold place."

Wanda asked inexplicably, "What's the matter here? They have weapons."

Tony smiled and said, "These weapons are not allowed in the country. Don't worry, they can't cause any trouble."


After Sharon got the news, he immediately dispatched a team to drive the Quinn fighter to follow the rebels invisibly, and secretly investigate what these people experienced today.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hands and feet were very swift, and Sharon quickly got the information she wanted.

According to the explanations of friends and relatives around those people: These people were more or less scolded and treated harshly this afternoon, and some were even beaten in public.

Then a group of people came and said that they would take them to work in a new factory, and they insulted them.

These people didn't know the next thing, but Sharon also guessed everything.

"Where they work, and the person who took them away this afternoon, check it out."

Skye handed over a report and said: "Deputy Commander, it has been found out. The place where these people work is all invested by the Washington family. It was Brick Enterprise who took them before. According to a report by the Undertide personnel, four A few hours ago, many business predators gathered in Boston, the specifics are not yet known."

After listening, Sharon closed her eyes and pondered. After thinking for a while, she said, "Are there any other questions? They couldn't just get together for a meal?"

"Um... I'm not sure yet, I'll check it out, wait a minute."

After Skye left, another agent came in and reported: "Deputy Commander, many investors in the big voyage plan have withdrawn."


Sharon suddenly became clear and asked, "What about other aspects? It should be more than that simple."

"Yes, a large number of cargo ships outside have declared that they need to return for equipment overhaul, and some people provoke our frigate and threaten not to cooperate with us again next time."

"Yeah." Sharon nodded and said, "What about the world economy? Oil prices? Food prices? Commodity prices? Should all have risen?"

"Yes, many large factories have stated that they have internal problems. They are currently undergoing inspections and are even recovering the goods sent before. Deputy Commander, the situation is not very good."

Sharon laughed when she heard the words, and said: "It's really not so good. If you put so many things in our hands, I'm really not afraid that we will compete with the people? Haha."

The agent didn't know, so he could only smile embarrassingly. Just when he had a headache, Sharon asked again: "Is there no company coming to us? I don't believe everyone is on their side."

The agent nodded and said, "Yes, but not many. They are small businesses or start-ups. Agent Frank is entertaining them. They look panic."

Sharon didn't care, just got up and said, "Take me to meet them, their chance is coming."

The meeting room was full of people. There were almost two hundred people. They were all businessmen who worked closely with SHIELD.

The companies and groups in which these merchants belonged are not complicated. They basically made their fortunes by relying on S.H.I.E.L.D., and belonged to the current "Royal Merchants."

However, the capital of these imperial merchants is not strong, and it can even be said to be thin. If S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau collapses, they will be eaten away soon.

This is why these people immediately came to investigate the situation after the limelight went wrong.

"Sharon Carter? Why is she? What about Commander Colson?"

Sharon heard this question as soon as she stepped onto the stage. Her face was mild and she said: "I am the deputy commander of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Commander Coulson will be responsible for the big voyage plan in the future. I will take care of the other minor matters.

There was a lot of discussion. After the discussion, one person stood up and asked: "Deputy Commander Carter, things are trivial now? Not necessarily. Once those people provoked greater conflicts and caused the workers to strike, they would not be allowed to strike. Cleaned up."

Sharon still looked relaxed, and even smiled, and said: "They gave up the site by themselves, don't you have the ability to occupy it?"

The lifeless atmosphere suddenly changed, and a few people's eyes lit up.

When Sharon saw this, he knew that his purpose had been achieved. After the desire was hooked, only permission was left.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. allows you to contribute to the comfort of the world at this moment of crisis, and hopes that you can stand up at this time to solve problems for the people."

There are many people who have been dazzled by desire, but there are also many people who stay sane. A business woman stood up and asked: "Deputy Commander Carter, we understand what you mean, but how much help can SHIELD give us? Although we have a great appetite, we still know whether our teeth are good."

This question has been echoed by many people, and those who have just begun to fantasize also calm down, waiting for Sharon's statement.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. will tilt you in various policies, there is no doubt. First of all, I hope you can invest in those small processing plants, so that the problem of daily necessities can be solved in advance. Second, the investment in many large nautical projects Everyone has withdrawn their capital. You can fill the empty space. In the end, S.H.I.E.L.D. will issue loans to you when you need help, the kind without interest. Now, do you have any questions?"

The business woman thought for a while, stood up again, and asked, "Deputy Commander Carter, what chance do we have?"

Sharon smiled confidently and said, "Ten percent."

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