Marvel's King

Chapter 195

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I hope Mr. Bartholomew has prepared the wedding money for me."

Angelica smiled like a little girl, stretched out her ring finger, and got ready.

American weddings are generally paid for by the woman, but it is not absolute, but Angelica is an old Texan, and those who inherit some of the weird traditions of the United States will naturally not let go of this custom.

"By the way, where's the Bartholomew? I went to see the place where he was not living before and found out yesterday, did he move out?"

How could it be unbearable for his father-in-law to return to Earth? Since most of the memories were awakened by Angelica, Royce began to slowly recover. Although it was slow, important people and events were still recalled.

"He was taken to Olympus by me. He is now mixed with the residents, drinking and drinking all day long, and he still..."

Speaking of Bartholomew Angelica, she couldn't stop, and kept telling Royce about Bartholomew's stupid things at Olympus.

The two embraced on the street naturally attracted the attention of many people.

It was common for two people in ordinary clothes to hug each other, but since one person noticed that the two were Royce and Angelica, things changed.

The employee of the jewelry store who did not sell Royce's ring because Royce had no money before ran out after learning of the situation, came to the two of them, interrupted their communication in fear, and said to Royce: "That... Royce, I didn't recognize you before, so..."

Royce looked strange, and asked with a pursed lips: "So what? I didn't bring money. Isn't it normal for you not to sell to me? Why are you chasing it out for...?"

The fear on the faces of the jewelry store employees has not diminished at all, and the situation has even worsened.

S.H.I.E.L.D. does not control the Internet, and has never controlled some people's ulterior motives.

As long as you don't promote reactionary remarks and cult organizations, then you will say whoever you like, and no one will care.

So Royce's reputation on the Internet is very poor.

Many people say that he is the master of the earth, the ultimate leader of SHIELD, and the operator behind all events.

There are also rumors that he particularly killed, and even killed all the demons in hell, and a photo of Royce tearing the angel Raphael that Tony once secretly took was also circulated on the Internet.

This photo directly equates Royce with brutality, even if Tony and others come out to clarify later, it will not help.

But Royce didn't know about these things. In his opinion, he should be the patron saint in the eyes of the people.

The employee was speechless, making Royce very puzzled. At this time, a woman in professional attire with a microphone trot over, stretched out the microphone tremblingly, and asked, "Hello, is it Mr. Royce?"

Royce first glanced at Angelica and found that there was no disgust on her face, and then replied to the reporter, "What? Don't I look like him?"

Royce has never been interviewed, and this is the first time he has been passively photographed.

Although he has done several activities in the past, he is very serious. At this time, this joking tone made the reporter a little flattered. After being amused, he put his other hand on his chest and said: "No, no, no, very similar, no, I That’s not what you mean, you..."

Royce watched the reporter suddenly become flustered, and said with a smile: "It's okay, don't be nervous, I don't eat people."

The reporter was not angry when he saw Royce, so he finally relaxed and asked easily: "Mr. Royce, what are you doing here? Or is there something big going on here?"

Royce brought out Angelica, who was hiding behind him, and said, "No, I just asked my girlfriend to marry him."

The reporter suddenly realized that he placed the microphone in front of Angelica and asked: "Then do you agree?"

Angelica smiled shyly, this kind of smile usually doesn't appear in front of people.She didn't answer, she just showed the ring that Royce had just made, then hugged Royce's waist happily and started to giggle.

Royce knew that Angelica was letting her go, but he didn't care, let her play, there was no fun in the cold temple all day long.

The reporter asked a few more questions about the two of them and then smiled embarrassedly, saying: "Although it is too much to disturb you at this time, I still want to ask about the recent economic shocks, Royce Do you know?"

Hearing this question, Royce changed his previously relaxed expression into seriousness, nodded and said, "Know a little."

When the reporter saw Royce's face change in a second, he felt a little scared, but he still plucked up the courage to ask: "So what do you think? Regarding the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. sanctions a large number of companies that caused market instability."

"The market is unstable? Has it affected the lives of residents?" Royce asked rhetorically.

The reporter is speechless, this is really not there.Although many familiar brands on the market have disappeared, other unheard brands have been added almost at the same time.

To talk about the impact, there is but not great, there is no need to come up with it.

But at this time, it is only when small things are magnified to have an effect, so the reporter nodded against his will and said: "There are images. Starting yesterday evening, major brands were taken off the shelves at the same time. This caused residents in many places to panic and even began to hoard goods. , For fear that a financial crisis will affect their lives."

Royce saw through the reporter's lie at a glance, and there could not be more manufacturing plants under SHIELD, almost all over the world.

It's just that I have been engaged in the production of cutting-edge technology or weapons industry.

Since those capitals withdrew from the market and put pressure on them, SHIELD immediately opened those manufacturing plants, and the impact of those capitals was almost negligible.

Sharon's previous consideration was who should share this cake with. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot eat alone, otherwise it will cause huge class conflicts, and it is very likely that the civilians will launch violent resistance, and the gains are not worth the loss.

The reporter also seemed to see that Royce had seen through his lie, and quickly remedied: "This is actually caused by the bankruptcy of most banks. Residents are locked in their money and cannot be taken out. In addition, the stock market It also fluctuates, so...the situation is really bad."

"Bank? Why did the bank declare bankruptcy?"

Royce really didn’t know about this. The reporter also seized the opportunity and continued: "There are various reasons, but the target is S.H.I.E.L.D., what do you think of this matter? Or, you know S.H.I.E.L.D.'s next plan?"

Royce did not answer this question, but whispered softly: "Isn't this a rebellion?" Then, as if he had missed his mouth, he remedied: "S.H.I. People don’t die from starvation, and life will soon become as secure as usual."

After speaking, she took Angelica and disappeared in front of people instantly.

The reporter was sluggish for nearly ten seconds before reacting. He rushed to the camera and said to the filming director behind him: "Quick! Call the reception! I just interviewed Royce!"

The fact that Royce was interviewed almost spread all over the world in a very short period of time. Anyone who follows news programs has seen Royce's statement.The eighth book

To be honest, although they have a lot of views on Royce, for example, the forced opening of global surveillance in the past led to the demon invasion.

But there is no doubt that Royce's words still have a lot of weight.

Because he has always been in front of the people, it makes them feel safe.No matter what happened, it didn't seem to be a problem to him, and it would be resolved quickly without harming the interests of most people.

As for those who are harmed, they are generally Royce's enemies, who have no right or ability to make a sound.

Many people don't care about Royce's engagement. They only care about people's livelihood issues.Royce's answer satisfied them enough. The sentence "Isn't this a rebellion?" gave the people great confidence.

At this time, no matter how S.H.I.

After returning to the restaurant to sit down, Tony handed over the phone in his hand and said, "Sharon called. She wants to thank you."

Royce answered the phone, and the four women Anjelica over there were chatting about the ring, and even Nebula rarely joined their conversation.

"What are you doing? You want to thank me for doing your job? It would be better to go out and hold a press conference when that time is available."

Sharon’s voice sounded lazy, and she said, “Phil has already gone to drive. It’s not my turn to do this. If you don’t call me and Hill for dinner? It means it’s all about it. No more food?"

Hill let out a sweet laugh from the side, making Royce's scalp a little numb, and said, "Kidnapping? Just tied up? After all, it was someone who was a high official. Kidnapping still has one hand."

"Hahaha, by the way, can you take Hill away? She's annoying me by staying with me."

"Aren't you two good sisters? You two are having a lot of fun. I'm dead, goodbye."

Hearing the subject change to Hill, Royce hung up the phone in a hurry.Hill is not greedy for him a day or two, he knows that this incident is also more than three days and four days.

Sometimes I want to make it clear, but friends can't say anything. He himself didn't want to lose his friend Hill, so he dragged it to the present.

Tony took the phone away, looked at the four women in a circle over there, and said, "Is that thing so attractive to women?"

Royce gave him a blank look, took a sip of the red wine on the table, and said, "You are a playboy, you ask me?"

Tony looked disgusted after hearing that, and said: "I have been rectified for so many years, so why are I still holding on to this matter? It's boring, Royce. Besides, are you just Angelica's girlfriend? "

After asking this question, the women over there who were discussing like geese looked at Royce at the same time, their eyes full of inquiry.

Nebula that hadn't heard of Tony's question was excluded, and some were unclear.Unable to bear the silence, she asked cautiously: "What is this doing?"

Carrie hurried to Nebula's ear and whispered: "We want to know if Angelica is Royce's first girlfriend."

"So what? No so?"

Nebula asked Royce’s voice, and he quickly followed Nebula’s words and said, "Yes! It doesn’t make any difference, right? We are both engaged. Asking if it doesn’t make any sense, OK?"

Royce’s performance has said everything. Pepper took the lead and laughed, and Tony also laughed, and said to Angelica, "The Queen of Heaven has found it cheaper! Hahaha."

Lao Mei takes love seriously and lightly. If they don't have a partner at their high school prom, they will be ridiculed for a year or even a lifetime, and a large number of people will not accept that their partner has never been in love.Except for some CN control, other people are unwilling to accept that the other half has never had a relationship experience, because that would be too exhausting and both parties are tired.

"So when are you going to have the wedding? Who are you going to invite?"

Tony looked at Royce when he asked questions. Royce said, "You don’t think I have friends besides you, do you? Besides, you still don’t see who is in charge of Angelica and I. ?"

Everyone laughed, and Angelica gave Royce a white look and said: "It's like I can tie it by myself, but I do have to plan, I have the final say?"

"You have the final say."


Thanos, rescued by death, still cannot accept the shame of being abused by Royce and Nebula.

He sat alone in the command room of Temple No. 2 watching the star sea outside the window, lost in thought.

Death is a proud person. She didn't reveal her real body in front of Thanos, and she didn't even talk to him.

It was nothing more than a thought of death that accompanied Thanos from beginning to end, and it was only a thought of death that teased him.

But Thanos stepped into the trap of this bad woman so easily, killed his own people, and slaughtered half of the lives of the universe.

Originally in the universe he knew, he was an invincible existence.

His huge amount of knowledge allows him to know who in the universe is not easy to provoke, so he does not actively provoke them.Unexpectedly, he was still caught by arrogance and lost to Royce.

Thanos almost became a bereaved dog because of this depression.But fortunately, he is not an ordinary bereavement, he is an ideal bereavement, so he resisted the attack he launched on himself.

But the shadow that Royce left on him was still too deep. When facing that person, he felt like he was resisting a universe, not only meaningless, but also insignificant.

He had doubts about his goal.

Not only that, but Nebula and Kamora rebelled against themselves one after another, which also hurt Thanos.

Especially the news of Kamora's rebellion made him feel like a knife.In the entire universe, he only cared about that woman, but in the end, she would turn to himself.


Ebony Maw suddenly broke into the command room and rushed to Thanos at the door and said, "My lord, I'm disturbing you, but the superstar is awake, she wants to see you, look..."

Thanos raised his head. The sharp pupils were a bit muddy at this time, but they soon became clear again. He stood up and said to Ebony Maw, "Take me over, and let me know what enemies she has encountered.


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