Marvel's King

Chapter 205 Talking with Odin

You can search for "Marvel's Shenwangsou Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Hill was in a dilemma, and Captain Rogers said: "Queen, there is no doubt that we have sincerely asked you to come and discuss. If you have a request, as long as we can do it, we will do it."

Hill also said quickly: "Yes, Your Majesty. As long as we can remedy the relationship between our two countries, we are willing to pay the price."

Lelandra drooped her eyelids and said, "What I want is very simple. Give Sharon to me. She must bear the insult I received."

"Your Majesty..."

Hill was about to fight, when Lilandra suddenly slapped the table, revealing her original domineering nature, and sternly shouted: "There is no discussion about this matter!"

This caused a group of high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. officials to furious, and they glared at Lilandra one by one, their eyes flickering.

One of the tenth-level agents said solemnly: "Lelandra, you are just a loser in a coup d'etat. Without the help of the earth, you can't even return to the Shia Empire. So I hope you can be smarter and don't put it here. Treat it as your palace."

"Yeah, Lilandra, people who know the current affairs are talented people. There is no need to make the scene too bad. We are also kind to help you, right?"

A sinister old man with a white beard next to him also sang a white face in concert.

Because Sharon's behavior caused Lilanda to lose all rights, they felt that they could show off against Lilanda as a winner.

Lelandra grinned sarcastically, narrowed his eyes, looked at Hill and said, "Commander Hill, do you think so too?"

Hill naturally didn't think like these people, shaking his head and saying: "Naturally I don't think like this, Agent Simpson and they are also fainted, please don't mind Her Majesty."

Hill said that Simpson was dizzy and a little unhappy. He folded his arms and said, "Mr. Royce shouldn't think you are doing this right?"

"Dare you use Royce to crush me?"

Hill hadn't reacted yet, but Lilandra directly exploded. She stood up furiously and stared at Simpson with her bloodshot eyes, making Simpson, a veteran agent, a little afraid.

"The Shia Empire dominated the universe not long ago, and this credit is not obtained by anyone, it is me! Lelandra Niramani is Shia's greatest king! If you think Royce can make me stop thinking, then I I suggest you give it a try."

After speaking, Lilandra got up and left, and Karason also left with her.

She was originally forced by Royce, and the attitude of S.H.I.E.L.D. completely lost her mind to talk.

Hill and Rogers glanced at each other and hurriedly chased them out.

"Your Majesty, please stay."

Lelandra did not stop. Hill hurried to catch up, crossed them, reached out to stop Lelandra, and said sincerely: "Queen, if you need it, we can provide you with resources, military power, etc. All kinds of help. But Sharon, after all, is an earthling, she should be punished by earthlings for her mistakes. So we really can’t meet your needs. I hope you can understand."

Rogers also said sincerely: "Your Majesty, the policies of our two countries are different. Here, even criminals must guarantee her human rights. I don't know what is going on in Shia, but I also ask the queen to be able to Respect our habits."

"Criminal? Human rights? Are you so hypocritical?"

Lelandra laughed disdainfully.

Rogers smiled gently and said: "Of course, I don't deny that we people on earth are hypocritical. But I think it is this hypocrisy that makes us different from animals, because animals are not hypocritical. What do you think?"

Lelandra was persuaded by Rogers because she also agreed with Rogers's statement.

Even in their Shia, they will punish the criminals after they realize their crimes, even if they are executed.

As a necessity of civilization, procedural justice is so hypocritical and unrealistic.But it is precisely because of this that most people feel the existence of justice.

As for result justice, many people admire it, but this kind of unfair treatment will cause anxiety and panic when more people see it, and it's not as good as many idealists imagine.

"Then how are you going to punish Sharon?"

Hill glanced at Rogers and saw that he had no intention of speaking. He bit his head and said: "It depends on how much damage she has caused, but the death penalty should not be enough."

Lilandra didn't tell anyone what interest she suffered, and she didn't want to say more here. She just wanted to leave here.He nodded and said: "Then it's up to you. I don't need the help from the earth. Prince Karasson will follow me back to Shia, and the political situation still needs him to help me stabilize. So that's it, you two, goodbye. "

Listening to Lilandra's farewell words, Hill always had an ominous premonition and asked: "Queen, who is the one who succeeded Prince Karasson as Shia's embassy on Earth?"

Lelandra said without looking back, "You will know when he comes."


"Old man, do you want something to drink?"

Royce arrived in Norway, and there was an old man with a white beard lying on the side of the alley between several apartment buildings.

This person was dressed like an elderly hippie, with patches on his clothes, and the whole person looked foolish and desolate.

"Royce? Is that you? Haha, I didn't expect to see you here, soon..." This person is Odin. After seeing Royce, Odin looked very happy and was about to invite him to a seat It was embarrassing to find that there was no place to sit around.

Royce laughed loudly, pulled a cardboard from the side of the trash can, and sat down next to Odin, handed him the wine in his hand, and said, "Do you have to live such a downfall? Huh? Without divine power, you can be a rich man with your wisdom and knowledge."

Odin smiled gently, pointed to a nursing home at the end of the alley, and said, "Then, Loki let me live there. But I don't want to..."


Sitting with Odin, Royce clearly felt a desolation, which was the sigh of the king before his death.

Odin suddenly felt aggrieved, and said with a bit of weeping: "The people there reminded me of Friga, oh...she should have come with me too, it's peaceful and a good place to go back."

Royce looked at Odin's sadness, not knowing what to say, but whispered: "Sorry." 139Reading Network

Odin walked out of sadness because of this apology, smiled peacefully, and said, "Why do you apologize? You didn't do anything wrong. Didn't you see it before? She thinks. left."

Odin's kindness made Royce feel even more uncomfortable. He couldn't help but invoke the immortal power, hoping to compensate slightly.

But it was blocked by Odin.Odin squeezed Royce's hand and said, "My death is bound to come, and there is no point in delaying. I don't believe you don't understand these principles, so what's wrong with you?"

Royce smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Forget it, drink the bar. This is the wine made from the Holy Spring of Olympus. Taste it and see which one is better with your Asgard wine."

Odin didn't even drink it, and said arrogantly: "There is no wine anywhere in the universe that tastes better than Asgard's wine, because it was made by me, haha."

After speaking, he opened the wine bottle and exchanged it with Royce.

"If you give Asgard to Loki, aren't you afraid that he will cause trouble?"

After three rounds of drinking, both of them were a little bit drunk and could say something that they couldn't say when they were sober.

"Rocky? Chaos? Hahaha, all the chaos that will appear are bound to occur. I just gave it a light push. Will it have any effect?"

Odin also recovered his boldness, and Thor's laughter may have been inherited from him.

Seeing the proud look of the old man, Royce couldn't help but sarcastically said: "After all, you should use one of your sons to pave the way for another son, so noble."

Odin was not angry, looked at Royce proudly and said: "It's a pity, I have cultivated a king who will eventually be great, as for Loki. If he has the ability to govern Asgard, Saul will not What will happen to him, so...hehe, I earned everything from blood."

"So you are invincible? The old people still have so many twists and turns in their hearts, and they are not too tired to panic? Look at me, there is a strong wife and everything will be solved."

Hearing this, Odin despised Royce and said: "You are ashamed? Let the person you should be caring for take shelter for you? I'm really ashamed of you."

Royce was not ashamed, laughed happily, and said: "Haha, sour, continue to sour, you don't need to add lemon slices to this wine."

Royce's shameless appearance made Odin shook his head and said: "That is to say, the queen is more honest, and I will definitely not make you so comfortable."

"Change you?" Royce frowned and said, "You have to be sick of me?"

The two chatted for a while, and Royce suddenly asked Odin: "By the way, are you just Frigga a wife? There is nothing else? A lover or something."

Odin was stunned for a moment before he understood Royce's intentions. He laughed and said, "Is it emotionally troubled?"

Royce smiled shyly, scratched his head and said: It doesn't count, but my will is a little confused."

Odin nodded, his eyes became misty, and said, "I only have one wife, and that is Friga. In fact, the Friga you see is not her original face, she... is much more cruel. Speaking of her The queen of yours is a bit like. Both are kind and determined people. She established the Nine Realms Council. At that time, an old Zeus dare to challenge me. If it weren't for Friga, you wouldn't be Olin The king of Pace."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"I have a very clear understanding of myself. I am arrogant, narrow, and authoritarian. When I was young, I looked down on any non-god beings. Well, it's not just that. I also look down on all the gods, including those who bring life. God.

Before overthrowing my brother Kul’s rule, I think I can be a good king.But when I ascended to the throne, I was swallowed by my arrogance and desire.I became very cruel and slaughtered the entire planet at every turn. During this period, I gave birth to a monster and nurtured a redeemer.

The monster is my daughter Hela. She should be fighting in the underworld with the Persephone you supported now, right?Haha, I don't want to bother about it either.The redeemer is Friga.She can always help me when I am confused and wake me up when I am stupid.

When no one in the world dared to disobey me, only Friga dared to jump out and call me a one-eyed butcher, an old bastard, to make me sober.Someone once told me that Friega tried to invade the royal power. In fact, I sometimes hope her to occupy it because she is more suitable for this position than me. What a pity... alas."

Royce listened to old Odin's monologue and couldn't help but vomit: "So are you confessing?"

"Repent? For whom? Who is qualified to make me repent?"

Odin's sudden arrogance left Royce speechless, avoiding the topic and saying: "Then you haven't encountered any... relationship problems in your life?"

Odin shook his head and said, "I have disappointed you. I have spent my whole life in struggle. I am not as idle as you, so there are not many things that bother me."

Royce gritted his teeth with anger, grabbed the wine bottle in his hand, and said, "You can play here alone."

With that, turned into wind and thunder to escape.

Odin shook his head helplessly, drank the last bit of wine in the glass, and muttered: "There should be some difficulties, right? The catastrophe of the universe is approaching, but I don't have a chance to join the war. Friga , You say, is this my luck?"


Lelandra did not join Olympus, but she borrowed the Spear of Victory from Royce.She is going back to take revenge.

Royce was not at ease, wanted to go with him but was refused. In desperation, he could only ask Athena to help him look at it. After all, holding the Spear of Victory would only increase Lilandra’s attack power. Inadvertently, the situation of losing the game can happen at any time.

Although Athena was unwilling, she did not want to disobey Royce's orders, negotiated with Lelandra and finally convinced her to let Athena join her team temporarily.

Royce sighed slightly as he watched the spacecraft leave the solar system.

"Regret it? Just chase her back after regretting, I don't care."

Angelica hugged Royce from behind, put her head on his shoulder and said mischievously.

Royce took her hand, kissed it lightly, and said, "I do regret it, but I don't regret rejecting her. Are you sick? Why don't you care? Do you not love me at all? "

Angelica laughed loudly, bit Royce's ear and said, "You should worry about this too? Hahaha."

Royce frowned in confusion, picked up Angelica behind her lap, squeezed her hands and raised it, and asked: "Why don't I worry about this? Angelica, I advise you to be good Answer, otherwise you can't get out of this room today."

Angelika blushed when she heard it, and forced her back to stick to Royce, saying: "Punish me first, and I will answer you."


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