Marvel's King

Chapter 210 Underworld confrontation

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Angelica was so anxious that she could not wait to punch Gu one or two.This kind of person who doesn't move while talking is really too cheap.

Gu Yi looked at Anjelica with a worried look, hesitating whether to tell her some Misins.

"No, you speak. Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something you can't say? It's okay, you secretly tell me, I promise not to say it."

Gu Yi remained silent.

Angelika rolled her eyes and said, "Royce said that you are dying. You see, after you die, no one will protect the earth. Don’t say what I don’t know, just the earth I know There are many enemies. How can the earth be cleaned after you die? Tell me, how about I help you protect the earth?"

Gu Yi smiled directly by Angelica, shook his head and said: "No wonder Royce likes you, you are really cute."

Angelica heard Gu Yi's implication, blushed, and said: "I'm not stupid. Tell me, I'm almost dying. At least let me know who Royce offended. "

Gu Yi sighed, and decided to tell Angelica something.

"Time and space should be one, complement each other, and coexist with each other. But in this case, they have no meaning, no meaning of existence. So they separated and formed a universe with complete rules after the Big Bang.

And the big bang has also led to countless consciousness bodies, four of which have mastered the supreme power and jointly maintain the order of this universe with another powerful being."

Anjelica had a thought that scared her when she heard it, and asked: "Royce provokes these people? Gu Yi, is there any remedy?"

Gu Yi shook his head and said when Angelika’s heart sank to the bottom, “That’s not always true. If Royce touches the rules of time and space at the same time, he will be rejected by this universe first, unless he Find something that can store the knowledge he has learned."

As he said, Gu Yi gently touched the eyes of Agomoto on his chest, hesitating.

Every world rejects powerful people, because their presence will disrupt the balance.Those who master the rules will be expelled from the universe.

The incarnation of the universe is the five creation gods and the court of life. They are the supreme judges who maintain the harmony of the universe.

Royce touched a taboo, so he paid the price for his recklessness after all.

Whether this price is something he can afford is not known.

After Angelica left, Royce also began to ponder his own problems.

He let his consciousness leave his body, carefully inspected, hoping to find out the problem.

Several attempts were to no avail, which made Royce a little anxious. He stretched out his hand to open the space and prepared to go to other dimensions to find infinite questions. After all, this was the one who had a good relationship with him.

But at the moment when the space turbulence appeared, Royce suddenly found the problem.

The timeline flowing in his body was affected by the power of space, partly speeding up, partly decelerating, and some were frantically aging his body.

And the power of white evolution integrated with his body struggled in his bloodline to give him the time turbulence of DEBUUF, so he could not notice the changes in his body.

"How is this going?"

Royce was puzzled. He couldn't find the reason for this state. The existence of the power of evolution also made him unable to perceive why these inherently existing time flows became so confused.

"How good is this, do a comparative experiment?"

Royce thought for a while, but decided not to look for Infinity.Infinity gave him a wonderful feeling. He always felt that Infinity had plans for him, but she didn't know what to say.So to prevent this person from setting a trap for himself, he can rely on himself.

Royce called for room service and got a waiter.

She temporarily sealed her soul and began to study the flow of time and space flowing inside and outside her body.

The human body can feel its own existence because of these two things, and the only meaningful things in the long river of life are these two concepts.

As for other money, things, etc., they are created by people to satisfy their emptiness.

Royce probed carefully and finally found the difference.

Time and space flow in and out of the waiter’s body in a linear fashion, forming a complete cycle.

But Royce is not. The cycle of time and space has been completely disordered here.Many small loops are produced in the middle of the loop, and the oscillations generated by these small loops affect the stability of the large loop, which leads to this situation.

Royce segmented the circle on the waiter, and simulated the circle on his side, carefully comparing.

It was discovered that the reason for the turbulence in the flow of time was because Royce's body was affected by space.

The multiverse has multiple dimensions, and these dimensions are not intended to communicate, and there are traces of strict separation between them.

These traces cause the timeline, which runs through all dimensions like lines, to step and change when entering the next dimension, resulting in a fundamental difference between the two dimensions.

It stands to reason that this kind of trace will not appear on the human body, but Royce's body is densely covered with traces of this style, so the time trajectory flowing through his body becomes extremely abnormal, causing all of this to happen.

Royce was a little puzzled, because he couldn't figure out why these things appeared on his body, and how did the traces become more familiar as he looked at them?

Isn't he all these things in Infinity?

"Heh...I won't be infinitely overcast, right? Shouldn't, what am I doing when she is overcast?"

Royce was puzzled and wanted to ask infinitely. He felt stubborn again, and he felt wronged.

However, the most urgent task is to solve these weird loops in oneself, at least to make them reach a balance, otherwise, oneself will really become a grandfather.

"Oh, try to wipe it off first."

Royce pointed at the invisible dotted line on his forehead, he hesitated the moment he reached out to wipe it, and turned to the dotted line on his finger.

"You have to be careful, if you lose your head, where can you find it. Fuck!"

Royce just breathed a sigh of relief and teased himself, the finger disappeared from his eyes because it lost the support of the spatial dimension.

"I didn't say that I could accept a lost finger! Fuck!"

Royce yelled violently, he wanted to cry.

Other people's six-fingered piano demon sounds a bit domineering, after all, there is one more.

But he has become four fingers now, and he feels low compared to how he listens!

But thinking that I will age as a grandfather soon, going out with Angelica will be regarded as grandson, and going out with Carrie will be regarded as a grandfather, think about these Royce have motivation, carefully Adjust these marks on the body.

"Royce? Royce, what's the matter with you! Royce, don't scare me! Wow! Gu Yi, help him!"

Anjelica's voice frightened Royce, her hand trembled, and a trace was accidentally wiped off by him.315 Chinese Network

"Angelica Jones! You are sick!"


"Can I get it back for you? Don't be angry. I know it's wrong, I'm sorry~"

"Go away, your voice makes my brain hurt."

Royce was lying on the floor with a look of love, he wanted to die.

The dignified king, the figure who touched the sole of the creation god's foot, lost two fingers in one day.

Angelica pouted aggrievedly and squatted beside Royce, looked at the two fingers distressedly, and said, "Can the holy spring let them grow?"

Royce did not speak. He was looking for his missing fingers in every corner of the multiverse, but the multiverse was too big, and he had not yet reached the realm of omniscience and omnipotence. Searching for this kind of work is too reluctant.

Gu Yi said quietly at this time: "Why don't you use space gems?"

The ancient understanding of space also had two brushes, which naturally saw what Royce was doing before.

She wanted to ask why Royce didn't use space gems to do this.

Space gems are the source of space power in this universe. In a single universe, the status of space gems is even higher than wireless.

Space gems have the ability to cut, separate, distort and even reorder space at will, which can easily solve the problems that arise in Royce.

Royce raised his eyes and glanced at Gu Yi, and said, "The problem with me is not just a problem of space. Didn't you see that the timeline under my skin is still irregularly ordered? I still have the connection between the two troublemakers. If I didn’t figure it out, changing the spatial sequence was only temporarily suppressed. By the way, lend me your stone for use?"

Gu Yi had already made a decision, but he hesitated before handing over the time gem.

She urged the Time Gems to see what would happen if she gave them to Royce.

But to her horror, she did not have the right to see Royce's future, because he was an outsider.

Gu Yi said imploringly: "Royce, you know its importance, so..."

"Don't worry, I will pay you back, I just want to see if this thing is effective, it's useless if I want it."

Royce really has no greedy mind for infinite rough stones. The space gem has always been in his hands. This thing is equivalent to giving an ordinary person a gun, which can exert strength, but it will never be his own.

Royce didn't like the feeling that his power might be controlled by others, which made him feel insecure.

He is more willing to make himself stronger, so strong that he does not need these things and is not threatened by these things.


Gu Yi was still reluctant to bear the thief, but finally lent Royce the gem of time.

Royce put his gaze on the eyes of Agomoto again, and screamed at it: "Let me play with that thing."


Haier Hades, the kingdom of death controlled by Hela, is now the place where Hela is sealed.

Hela wriggling on the ground limp like a pool of green mud, feeling the gradual reduction in pressure on her body, showing an evil smile.

"Are you dying? That's great..."

Suddenly footsteps sounded outside the door, lonely and terrifying in this empty world.

"Hela, are you still struggling? You know it doesn't make sense."

The person here is the queen of Olympus, Persephone.

When she was given this position by Royce, she knew her mission-to control the entire Hades.

And she had been struggling for this goal, she was about to succeed, and the underworld of other gods had been eaten away by him.At this moment, the Haier Hades, who had escaped from the underworld region, was still stubbornly resisting.

"Bitch, do you have to see me once a day?"

Hai stretched her hand to touch her crown, a powerful force poured into her body again, giving her the strength to stand up.

Persephone is an elegant woman, even if she deals with these dead creatures all day long, she is also an elegant woman.

Hearing Hela's abuse, he just smiled and didn't care, and said: "Why do you bother? For that little obsession in my heart, I tortured myself like this."

Looking at her compassionate expression, Hela felt sick and cursed in her heart, "What qualifications do you have to criticize me? Marrying your uncle, does this sense of taboo make you feel bad? people."

Persephone was still not angry, swaying his graceful and luxurious dress, and stepping up to Hela, sitting on her throne, saying: "Go on, let me see the death goddess who is fighting everywhere. What filthy words can be spit out, don't let me down."

Hela was so angry that she opened her big hand to attack, but was easily subdued by Persephone.

She smiled and put down Hela's hand and said, "Don't do this, chat, why are you still angry? I haven't scolded you yet."

"Your humiliation to me, I will return it to you, no one can stop it."

Facing Hela's gritted teeth threat, Persephone covered her mouth and laughed. She said: "You are sealed here by Odin. How can you retaliate against me? Do you use your fangs? Then you should be with me. Cerberus’s exchange, hiss...I’m excited just thinking about the way you kiss it, do you want to try it? Hela."

Hela was almost mad at the insult. She yelled at Persephone and attacked, but to no avail.

After she stopped, Persephone also put away the smile on his face, becoming serious and sullen.

Persephone lifted Hela's chin and said, "Hela, times have changed. Asgard you are no longer the prestigious appearances you used to be. There will be only one king in the universe. It is Royce, the god king of Olympus. I appreciate your achievements, so I have given you many opportunities.

This is the last time I ask you, you better think clearly enough.

Do you choose to surrender or die?"

Hela was strangled by Persephone, but she had many questions in her heart.

"Royce...who is it? Where is Zeus?"

Persephone narrowed his eyes suspiciously. After thinking for a while, he let go of Hela, and asked, "You don't know...oh~you don't know what happened outside?"

"In the end what happened?"

Hela felt like she was out of touch with the world, but it was true that she was cruelly sealed here by Odin for more than 1,500 years.

Persephone finally found a way to make Hela succumb, success or failure, in one fell swoop.


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