Marvel's King

Chapter 228 Heavenly God Ruling

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"Are they malicious to the earth?"

This is what Natasha is most concerned about, and the rest does not matter.

Angelica shook her head and said, "It shouldn't be aimed at the earth, but guessing is meaningless. I'll go and ask them."

As soon as the voice fell, Angelica got up and flew into the sky.

Tony looked at the giant outside the sky thoughtfully, and the restlessness in his heart was restless again.

Natasha saw that his face was wrong, and asked with concern: "Tony, how are you?"

Tony said with a serious face: "If these things are malicious to the earth, how can we resist it?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the panic-stricken people became even more unbearable, and several of them had even begun to imagine the scene when they were crushed by the gods.

Natasha was also a little frightened. She took a deep breath and said, "It's meaningless to say this. It's important to consider what to do if Angelica's negotiation fails."

"Didn't Hill say that there is a Star Destroyer? Pull it out quickly, I'm afraid I won't even have a chance to create a Mariana Trench later."

Tony got up with difficulty. After speaking, he looked at the remaining Avengers and said: "We are all gathered by one target, and that is to guard the land under our feet. Originally I thought we were just fighting arms dealers and cleaning up. Pack up the gang members and execute at most an action against aliens.

But I didn't expect that today I would really have a fight with the gods."

Everyone looked at Tony's bitter face and couldn't help laughing.

Wanda smiled and said, "Mr. Stark, we had a fight with demons and angels last time, and we almost beat Jesus. Don't you think we are afraid of those giants?"

"Hahaha, let me first declare that there is no me when I go to hell, so God will still bless me!" Falcon also came out to liven up the atmosphere.

At this time, a single-soldier spacecraft landed in front of everyone, and an old man wearing a star-striped suit jumped off from above, with a "primitive man" holding a bow and arrow.

Clint saw that there was no misery in the crowd, he felt relieved, and joked: "I thought the last time I took a bow and arrow to fight with the demons was the most outrageous, but I didn't expect it to be even more outrageous this time. Someone can teach me those things What is it?"

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and finally turned their eyes on Carrie.

Carrie stretched her hands and said, "I don't know much, Angelica usually handles these things."

"My Lady Victory, can I do it for you?"

A woman wearing a Greek-style robe appeared in front of everyone. It was Su Lisha.

Carrie didn't feel anything against Su Lisha, she didn't know what Su Lisha did with Royce.Seeing Su Lisha's arrival was obviously a little excited, she raised her face and asked: "Su Lisha? When did you come?"

Su Lisha was about to answer, when she heard movement behind her, she quickly gave up a path and said, "All the gods of Olympus are here."

The Olympus gods did come, under the leadership of Persephone.

Athena has suffered some injuries and is still recuperating.

The Avengers had dealt with the Olympian gods before, and they were fairly familiar with each other.Tony asked Persephonenu, who had always been greedy, "Hey, goddess, do you know what those things are?"

Although Persephone was the queen of the underworld, she was indeed graceful and luxurious at this time.The blue dress on her body is solemn and glamorous, combined with her slightly serious face, it looks more solemn.

She looked at the heavenly gods group, her expression unchanged, but the gods behind her looked like enemies.

She said: "Those people are members of the Celestial Group. It was they who did genetic and genetic experiments on higher animals that gave birth to humans."

Clint rolled his eyes at hearing, and retorted, "Isn't it God who created mankind?"

Persephone ignored him and continued: "But the Celestial Group had negotiated with the Council of the Nine Realms and vowed not to interfere in the development of the earth. Why has it reappeared now?"

Hercules scratched his head and said, "Oh! It turned out to be them, I just said how familiar. Do you want to fight with them again? Odin is not there, Zeus... Royce is also not there, Brahma. The gang is also missing, even Zulas and the others are gone, can we beat them alone?"

Persephone glanced sideways at this younger brother who was timid before fighting, and said sharply: "Olympus is invincible!"

As soon as the voice fell, several faint green light gates appeared on the distant streets, and countless creatures of the underworld emerged from them, causing a riot in downtown New York.

After all, the creatures of the underworld have experienced a long battle, and they didn't panic after they appeared. Soon they were under the leadership of Su Lisha and Hades, and they were ready to fight.

"We defeated them a thousand years ago, and we can defeat them now!"


"All the gods, do you have anything to do when you come to earth?"

After Angelica arrived, Gu Yi was there, but she looked sluggish and didn't know what was wrong.This left Angelika with a look, watching OAA and other gods warily.

"You have the smell of Olympus Protoss, who are you?"

The solemn voice of the deity adjudicating with a giant axe sounded.

Angelica looked up at him and said proudly: "I am the queen of Olympus——Angelica, did you forget the vow? Or did you underestimate the determination of our Protoss to fight to death?"

The Celestial Group is not here to fight, in fact they don't like to fight, otherwise they would have ruled the universe long ago.

They only came to tell Royce to avoid him doing things he shouldn't do.

But this does not mean that they have a good temper, nor does it mean that they can tolerate Angelica talking to them in this posture.

"The Celestial Group never abandons its vows, but it never gives up its duties! Queen of Heaven, the person we are looking for is Royce, the god king of Olympus, hand him over!"

Angelica immediately became annoyed, and directly took out the Storm Controller, feeling that it was not enough, and took out the Celestial Scepter Hera had brought when Royce disappeared.

Armed with two weapons, Angelika held the Storm Control in front of her, holding the Celestial Scepter in the other hand, and said brutally: "Grab my husband? Do you have that strength?!"

With that, Angelica attacked.

What kind of world is this?Someone will fight with my husband?

Not long ago, Royce's exhausted return made Angelika feel bad. At this time, the guardian's mood was almost at the extreme, and naturally she couldn't tolerate these gods' troubles. Even if she tried her best, she couldn't beat these people. same.

Without a doubt, Angelica was repulsed.

The ruling easily repelled Angelica. The recoil from the collision of the blades made Angelica almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Apollo, who had been paying attention to the situation outside the sky, saw Angelica being shaken back, and hurriedly bent his bow and pulled an arrow. A burning arrow dashed across the sky and headed straight towards the head of the judgment.


"What is God?"

Royce asked rhetorically, seeming to be asking the life court, but actually asking himself.

He also doesn't know what God is.

Is it a bright ruler like Odin and Thor?Or is it the wrong leader of Brahma and Shivāra?Or is it a greedy sucker like Jesus?

Or is he such a hypocritical guardian?

Royce didn't know how to answer this question for a while, so he set his sights on the several supreme gods in front of him.

"Are you gods?"

Nodded infinitely, and shook his head, saying: "What we are does not matter, what matters is what you want to be."

Royce looked infinitely startled.

These supreme gods are cold, whether it is life or inorganic matter, they are the same in their eyes.

Human emotions, genetic inheritance, and population continuity are no different from meteorite fragmentation in their eyes.

Do I want to be like this?

Royce was lost.

But these people are also the only people in the universe who can be called gods.

No matter how many times Thanos destroys the universe, they will exist forever.No matter how you deny it, you cannot deny that eternity is the essence of the universe, and that infinity is the combination of all known and unknown spaces.

They represent the universe, and themselves and sentient beings are just passing by.

Perhaps one day there will be an extremely powerful and evil creature that will shatter the universe, and make all the people or lives that they don't care about become nothingness.

What can he do with Royce?

Is it absolutely correct to reach immortality?

"Can you tell me why you never punish someone who wants to destroy the world?"

Royce was standing on the edge of compromise, not to anyone, but to himself.

Eternal reached out his hand to draw a ring-shaped spectrum connected end to end, and Royce was a little surprised by the energy emitted from the spectrum.When the spirit gradually fell into the spectrum, he saw countless possibilities.

"This is called the law of causality. I believe you already understand how it works. Then, tell me, what do you see?"

"I saw me, and you..." Royce said like a dream: "I saw that I was attacking you with infinite gems. I killed the court of life. No, he didn't seem to be dead... I died. It’s not right. I’m not dead. I’m back on Earth. The gem of time seems to be devouring me, and the gem of space is the same. I disappeared? I... become one with the universe?"

Royce woke up, but the illusion in front of him did not end, only switched one.

Here he chose to walk with the Supreme God and obtained the source energy of the universe, but the consequence is still the same. He merged with the universe, but this time he gained a little freedom.

"Look at the others."

The eternal sound dispels all the pictures, replacing them with an endless wasteland, and in the wasteland is a lonely throne with Thanos sitting on it.

Thanos looked senile, and the signs of the years were so obvious.

There was nothing around him, not even a slag of a meteorite, let alone a creature.

At this time, he took out the gem of time and summoned the same purple Titan, who was the Thanos in his youth.

The two of them did not know what they said, so they fought.

The two fought for dozens of rounds, and the old Thanos was dying from the beating of Thanos. At this time, a woman in a black wedding dress appeared beside them, and that person was dead.

There was madness in the eyes of the old Thanos, and he said something, but the face of the young Thanos appeared extremely impatient, and his eyes were full of contempt.

He threw away Old Thanos angrily, using the Time Gem to return to the timeline where he should exist.

After a while, the old Thanos disappeared, and the world in the picture turned into darkness, and then slowly lit up again.

The world has regained its vitality, and aircraft will be skipped from time to time, and then an air battle will begin.

Royce also gradually woke up from the law of causality, turning his head and looking behind him, as if there was something there.

There is indeed something behind him, and there is himself, countless kinds of futures.

At this time a voice sounded: "Everything in this world seems unpredictable, but they actually only lead to one place."

"Destruction is the beginning, and the beginning is destruction. There is no difference between the two."

"But if the process can be changed, why not change it?"

Royce is still staring at the familiar world behind him, where there is everything he cares for.

"Why change? As long as the cycle of life and death is not critical, there is no need for change."

"The Mobius ring is indestructible, and the creatures circulating on it are the saddest. What's the difference between aid and killing?"

Royce shook his head to discard the distracting thoughts in his mind, looked at the life court stubbornly, and asked: "Then why are you punishing me? Is there really no difference between killing and helping?"

The life court was silent, and an object with a body presenting nothingness but with traces of ripples said: "What you do affects the smooth opening of the new era. That's why we spend a lot of time to enlighten you. Or, you It is qualified to let us take a high look at you, not like something..." At this point, the creature took a look at death and sneered: "I don't know it is being treated as a plaything."

A golden big head also laughed and said, "Why do you say it, some people enjoy it, you are not afraid that others will treat you as a plaything?"

The big silver head next to him also echoed: "Yeah, yeah, some people have very bad tempers and are very grudges. You have to be careful so that you don't miss the opening of the new era."

Death silence, these people are not worthy to talk to themselves, even if they are also members of the Supreme God and Xianwei.

"New Era, be careful when you speak, and be careful to incur any disasters."

Annihilation was unwilling, his words really had a lot more weight, New Era and the Lord of Order and Chaos around him shut their mouths obediently.

"Killing, killing and rebirth, in your opinion, are relative, in our opinion. There are some truths that you will never understand if you don’t see it yourself. Just like the fetal membrane of the universe, if no one Tell you how this thing came into being, what would you do?

I have foreseen that the entire universe will be filled with energy fluids and will expand and eventually explode, which will affect its future development. I believe that is what you did.You are stubborn, I like that.Similarly, you are also very smart, know when to compromise, and know whom to compromise, and this is where I admire you.

So, make a choice."


A golden arrow dashed across the sky, arrived at Angelica in an instant, passed her shoulders, and flew straight towards the judgment's eyeball.

The whistling sound in Angelica's ear has not stopped, a faint voice sounded, the voice is very familiar, and she can imitate it when she is familiar.

"This is my explanation to myself... and also the compromise I gave to myself..."


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