Marvel's King

Chapter 233 Glascott's Sword

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Mephisto saw the two men meet again but was not at all joyful.

These two are more than two or five boys, especially the idiot Black Heart, who is so stupid that he vomits.

Many times he wondered if the content in Black Heart's mind was all paste, thinking about some stupid things all day long.

He rebelled against him again and again for no reason, entangled with outsiders to seize the position of his lord, and persuaded Mephista, an idiot, to go around with him.

He couldn't figure out how he gave birth to these two short-sighted bastards, none of his excellent genes were inherited.Although he is not the top group in the world, he is also a hell lord anyway!

"How did you find it? Did you smell it? Haha."

Mephistopi laughed and mocked.

Mephisto was a little sad when he heard this. After Mephisto left hell, their brother and sister had a hard time at all.

In her stupid head, even though she and the black heart dealt with Mephisto over and over again, Mephisto is still their father and should not be cynic with their children.

But she never thought about the consequences of Mephisto if the black heart triumphed.

Black heart didn't care, if Mephisto came over and gave him a hug, he would not be able to stand it, and would give him a knife to verify if he was his father Mephisto.

"Father, shouldn't we let go of our hatred first? You know that the dark thing outside is much more difficult to deal with than us. Father, have you found a good rescuer?"

Hei Xin listened outside for a while, and when Mephisto refused to explain his escape, he knew that he was either subdued by Royce, or he had a thicker thigh.

He was very curious about this, because it was about the direction he wanted to choose.

Mephisto kept silent, turned to look at Lucifer and asked, "By the way, why did this Tianjin Weng star appear again? I remember he was exiled to the seventh dimension before?"

Lucifer shook his head and said: "It's not clear, but it is related to Sol in Asgard. Tianjin Weng Xing is so eager to swallow Heavenly Father to gain power in order to obtain something, but I still don't know what it is."

Mephisto nodded, thinking how to find out what Tianjin Weng Xing needed.

Upon seeing this, Black Heart suddenly said, "Father, how about a deal?"

Ok?What does he know?

Mephisto knew what Black Heart wanted, and he knew what he wanted, so he agreed to the deal without asking, saying: "Royce has stepped into the highest realm, he put me in hell, but no Tell me what I need to do, it's up to you."

Hei Xin nodded in satisfaction and said, "Tianjin Weng Xing is looking for a sword named Glascott's Sword, which was obtained by Thor a month ago. It should be on Earth now, but I don't know the exact location."

Mephisto squinted and thought.

He didn't think about the source of the black heart, but about what Tianjin Weng Xing needed that sword.

Odin is a collector, and Mephisto, who has dealt with him several times, can be said to know the old blind man better.

And if this sword does not have the meaning of being collected by Odin, it means that its power is not strong.

So why is Tianjin Weng Xing so desperate to get him?

Could it be that some kind of seal needs to be opened?Or is it that this thing will only explode in his hands?

Everything is hard to say, but he has found the first task.

"Earth? Lucifer, are there any of your followers there?"

Lucifer shook his head bitterly when he heard the question, and said, "No, all the roads to the earth have been blocked. Royce smashed all organizations that believed in demons. A few believers alone were unable to open the Hell Door. What do you want to do?"

Mephisto didn't say anything, and looked at the black heart again. He knew that his son was likely to be left behind.

Unexpectedly, Black Heart also shook his head and said, "I can't go to Earth either."

Just as Mephisto was thinking sadly, Mephisto suddenly said: "Hellstorm can go to earth."


The three turned to look at her together, and asked in unison.


A month ago, when Thor took the Three Warriors of the Palace to fight some unknown creatures in Warnerheim...

"Sol! Help me!"

The chubby Vostag asked Thor for help against a giant's attack.

Thor hit an enemy with a hammer, turned his head and laughed and said, "Haha, Vostag, I said you should lose weight! Look, now even the enemy can't be solved."

With that said, Mulnier had taken his body and flew in the direction of Vostag.

Sol is still the same Sol, naughty and open-minded, and it seems that he didn't take Jane's dumping into his heart.

Thor hit the giant's back with a hammer and almost cut him off.

The giant was in pain, released Vostag and slammed his fist at Thor.

But the gap between his combat effectiveness and Thor was too big, and Thor easily subdued him and knocked him out in three or two.

Vostag breathed a sigh of relief, his heavy body a little tired, and no matter what he was on the battlefield, he sat down on the ground.

Seeing that he was all right, Saul turned his head to return to the battlefield.

But Vostag suddenly broke out with a scream like a pig, and the whole person jumped up and landed on Thor's back.

"Damn! Someone put a sword casually on the ground!"

Vostag pulled a sword from his ass and yelled.

And Fandral, who had already rushed into the enemy's base camp, saw that his teammates hadn't kept up, and while struggling to resist the attack from the behemoth, he took a break and shouted at Sol: "Sol! Did you go back to shit?!"

Solhaha laughed and threw the hammer in Fandral's direction, yelling: "Have you waited so long! Vostag is injured, Sif! Can you help him?!"

Sif kicked away the choking creature she had killed, glared at Vostag annoyingly, then walked towards him, and said as he walked, "You can get hurt by hitting these things? It is recommended to put the fairy The position of the Miyasa Warriors was given to Loki."

Vostag didn't reply, he stared at the sword on the ground in a daze.

This sword is only eighty centimeters long, simple and heavy, and looks nothing special.

But whenever people look directly at it, the line of sight will be surrounded by clouds and fog, and nothing can be seen clearly, but a little clue can be seen.

When Sif walked, he saw Vostag waving and fanning something in front of him, but when he walked in, he found that there was nothing in front of him.

"Go away! You annoying smoke!"

No matter how hard Vostag tried, he couldn't get rid of the clouds and fog that blocked his vision, and he couldn't help but squat down and shouted at the sword.

"Vostar? What are you doing?"

Seeing that Sif frowned, he ran to Vostag and saw that he was still angry, so he slapped him hard to wake him, and asked, "Who are you talking to?"

Vostag, whose eyes were blurred, was awakened, and pointed to the sword in horror and said, "That's an evil sword! It casts magic on me!"

"What kind of magic?" Sieff couldn't help looking at the sword. There was no doubt that she was also caught in a wave of illusions.

Everything in front of me turned into a fairyland surrounded by clouds and mist, and there seemed to be a throne in the mist, a very huge throne.

Above the throne, the clouds are thicker, and the line of sight is completely impenetrable.

Sieff's curiosity was aroused, and he walked towards the seat, trying to see what brought her here.

But the more she walked, the farther away she was from the throne, and the fog became thicker and thicker, and soon Sieff was completely lost here.

"Sif? Sif!"

Hearing someone calling her, Sif turned his head to check, but the back was also full of clouds, and he couldn't see what was on the way.

"Who is there? Who is talking?"

Sieff asked loudly there, but got no response.

This made Sifu a little flustered, and couldn't help holding the long sword in his hand tightly. This was the only thing that could give her a sense of security.


The call sounded again, and it sounded to be near her, but she couldn't tell who was calling her at all.

Sieff felt even more uneasy. She pointed her long sword in the direction of the sound source and shouted: "Who! Who is there! Come out!"

At this moment, a figure emerged from the clouds, and he suddenly appeared so scared that Sieve stabbed the long sword directly, but after seeing the face of the visitor, he quickly stopped the long sword and asked inconceivably: "Sol? Have you shaved?"

The person in front of him was Sol, and it was Sol when she was young, the Sol who made her dream and liked for many years.

Saul laughed boldly, and suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap Sif in his arms, and said, "What? Do you like seeing my beard?"

The feeling of leaning in the arms of her lover is very warm, even though she longed for this kind of embrace for nearly a thousand years.

But she was a soldier, and knew when to do something, so she pushed Sol away with a look of disappointment, and said seriously: "Sol, do you know where this is?"

Saul lowered his head to hug her again, smiled softly, and asked, "Isn't this a fairy palace?"

As he said, he kissed.

Sieff was dumbfounded, so he was forced to kiss by Thor for a long time.

It was too late by the time she reacted to something wrong, the mist that filled her body had turned red and black, and she herself was very weak, and she didn't even have the strength to stand.

"Do you like it?"

Sol in front of him let go of Sif, the smile on his face looked very evil, making Sif's back chill.

She asked with trembling lips, "Who are you anyway?"

But she didn't get the answer, Sol disappeared in the next moment, and the mist around her also disappeared, replaced by the smell of blood on the battlefield and Sol's big, unshaven face.

He slapped Sif's face frantically, shouting: "Sif! How are you? Sif! Wake up, Sif!"


Sif asked with a vague look. Seeing her waking up, Saul laughed excitedly, patted Hogan on the shoulder and said, "Haha! I did it, Sif was woken up by me!"

Sif felt relieved when he saw Saul like this.

"You look so handsome with a beard, Thor."

This is the fool I like!I just don't know how his kissing skills are...

"What the hell happened? Sif, what happened to you?"

Hearing the question, Sif subconsciously turned his head to look at the sword on the ground, but when he turned halfway he realized how he had been hit before, and quickly tore off Thor’s cloak, threw it away, and covered it there. Put the sword on.

Said: "Be careful, there is magic in that sword, you will have hallucinations when you see it."

Saul didn’t believe in evil. He got up and walked over. Regardless of Sif’s voice, he opened the cloak and revealed the brown-red ancient sword. He played with it in his hand and said, “It’s okay. Nothing."


Saul had just finished speaking when a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

He hurriedly turned his head back, eyes full of disbelief and horror.


Five minutes later, Saul woke up from the illusion with a sorrowful expression. He hurriedly wrapped the sword and said: "You can't let this thing fall outside, we must seal it up."

"Where to put it? Asgard? It's too dangerous."

Vostag said with lingering fear, he now fully remembered what he had experienced before, and was very scared of this sword.

Sif thought for a while, and said, "How about putting it on the earth? There is Royce guarding it, so there should be no trouble."

Saul shook his head and said, "No, we can't resist it, even the people of the earth can't bear it. And Royce...I don't think he can handle it either, so we have to change places."

I can't stand the illusion that Royce can stand it?Don't lie to me!He definitely can't stand it!

Several people discussed it for a long time, but couldn't think of a perfect place to store this thing, so it fell into a deadlock.

After thinking about it for a long time, Sieff suggested: "How about... in the pool of True Seeing Water? No one will go in there."

"Is it true water?"

Saul thought for a while and found it feasible.

The place was protected by Asgard's magic, and no one except the Asgardians could enter.

But he forgot to really see that the location of the pool was still on the earth.

In this way, the earth is about to usher in another disaster because of Thor and the Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace.

After dealing with Warnerheim's side, Thor asked Heimdall to send himself to the earth, but the three warriors of the fairy palace returned to the earth.

They would never imagine what this meeting means...

"Saul? It's not like you are in disguise."

Eric Shavig sneaked out of S.H.I.E.L.D. and saw Sol on the side of the road at a glance.

Thor was wearing a gray jacket and jeans suit, his face was not covered, it was not like sneaking to the earth.

Thor laughed and hugged Eric, and said, "How are you doing?"

Eric laughed and said, "Who do you want to ask? Jane has been doing well recently. I heard that she has found a boyfriend again."


Sol was shocked. He was still lingering with Jane in the fantasy world not long ago, so why did he find a boyfriend?Isn't this the green me?!

The more Saul thought about it, the more he felt that the previous illusion was very real, and now there was an illusion that it really happened, and he believed in this illusion.

He couldn't help feeling resentment towards Jane, and it gradually deepened.

Fortunately, at this time Eric laughed and said: "Haha, I lied to you, Jane is also very uncomfortable, but you have too little time with her. But you have to hurry up, Jane is beautiful and excellent. It’s normal to be pursued. Don’t wait for Jane to get married and tell me you regret it."

Thor breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Eric complainingly, and said perfunctorily: "I see, I know, shut up, I have something to do with you."


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