Marvel's King

Chapter 246 Gu Yi and Mephisto

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"What do you do next? Waiting?"

After a while, the four of them came to a residential area halfway up the mountain. This was a safe house of S.H.I.E.L.D., which was later abandoned due to the drastic changes in the world situation. At this time, it became the place where the four of them stayed temporarily.

Sam put the robbed cash in the house and walked out and asked.

There was no guilt in their hearts.

First of all, this money can no longer be regarded as money. Ordinary residents will no longer use it. Only those who are doing illegal business will use it.

Secondly, they are here to do just things. Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial. If they were affected by this, they would have died long ago.

Rogers nodded and said, "Yes, wait, Clint should have arranged it."

The three of them turned their eyes to Clint, and Clint shrugged and said: "If they are normal people, they should find what I left behind."

The Winter Soldier and Falcon looked at each other, and Bucky asked with a confused look: "Will normal people buy weapons? In this era when guns are banned all over the world."

Clint was silly, and asked with some trepidation: "It should not be possible, it's not that stupid, I have done it so obviously."

Rogers asked: "How did you do it?"

"You said not to be too obvious, and I scattered the information in various places. Before you went to the bank, I went to a Chinese restaurant on the back street, and specifically mentioned that I had just arrived in this town, but Without saying the purpose, I ordered four fried rice. Later, when I went to get transportation, I stopped the car on the road and told someone that I was going to make a fortune.

In the end, I fired a shot in the police station, using S.H.I.E.L.D. standard equipment that has been eliminated, and told them about our information about S.H.I.E.L.D., and this safe house is the only one within 200 kilometers. The safe house is still abandoned and exposed. They shouldn't be able to guess it."

Clint was a little confused. After all, although he did a perfect job, he did it very concealed. If those people were dazzled by anger, they might not be able to find it.

Sam scratched his head and asked, "Why are you revealing our relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.? What if you get mad? Is it are the inner ghost?"

Bucky heard a little embarrassed, and quickly covered Sam's mouth.

This is when Clint found the opportunity and asked, "Then what do you think we are here for? Do you grab the bank?"

Although Sam felt embarrassed, he pulled Bucky's hand away and said unwillingly, "I mean you are not afraid that we will cause the arms dealers to alert? What if you let them run away?"

Clint said mockingly: "Run? Where do you go? The whole world is where S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have a fleet. Where else do they want to run?"

Due to various reasons, the situation in Africa is a bit complicated, and there are particularly many organizations opposing SHIELD.

When SHIELD set up a command outpost in South Africa, it encountered a large-scale impact.It was originally a trivial matter, but the key is that these people do not wear weapons, they just sit outside and call on S.H.I.E.L.D. not to let the African land ignite war again.

At that time, the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. was still Coleson, and the good old man naturally did not impose any strong orders, so he withdrew the garrison in Africa, leaving only the airport in Syria where the fleet could be sent to Africa at any time.

Once anyone in Africa dares to start a war, they will be crushed by the fleet in less than ten minutes.

There are also extremely strict security checks for transportation from all parts of Africa to other regions. Weapons of any kind are not allowed on airplanes, and plastic toys are not allowed.

And those who are extremely vicious, do not dare to go out without weapons, so they can only stay here, even if they know that SHIELD is going to deal with them, they will not leave Africa.

Moreover, these people are really not necessarily afraid of the agents sent by SHIELD. Perhaps Pal are eager for the agents sent by SHIELD to be annihilated by them and promote their reputation.

Sam thought for a while and figured it out, so he stopped talking and started to collect edible things in the safe room.

After searching for a long time and didn't find anything like hidden entrance, he asked Clint: "Did you just say that you bought four fried rice? Where's the rice?"


"Mephisto, are you kidding me?"

Hell Storm was stunned after hearing Mephisto’s purpose of coming to the earth, and pointed to his nose and asked: "Since you can't beat the opponent, why do you have to find what the opponent wants one step ahead of time? You are sick. ? Or do you want to find that thing and give it to him? I would have known that I would not help you come to earth."

Dimon's naive thoughts made Mephisto laugh, and the laughter was slightly ironic, but it quickly subsided.

He said: "We have reached the extreme of passiveness, so any opportunity to turn passiveness into activeness is worth trying. Once we find the sword Tianjin Wengxing is looking for, then we will have the initiative. I can't beat it. He can't beat a sword?"

Mephisto said, staring at the brooch hanging on Jack's chest. The breath from that thing made him tremble. It was Royce's magic.

Hei Xin kept looking at his father, and when he saw that he often peeked at Jack, he became curious to see what Mephisto was paying attention to.

But Jack himself was an ordinary earthling. He couldn't see how Jack had any special features, so he finally fixed his sight on the brooch on Jack's chest.

When Dimon heard Mephisto's explanation, he felt stupid.

But he is not a player who can easily admit mistakes, and he said bluntly: "Then how are you sure that Tianjin Weng Xing hasn't been watching you all the time? If you are killed before you have time to destroy the sword, what is his heart? Didn't we send it to the door?"

At this time, Lucifer, who came with Mephisto, couldn’t stand it anymore, and shook his head and said, “Dimon, since we are all going to die, what do we care about the sword? You don’t think we are dead, we will return. Hell?"

Hei Xin snorted, looked at Jack and said, "Man, who are you, you are a bit familiar."

Jack was taken aback. He was very repulsive to the strange-looking demons in front of him. He wanted to send them back to hell directly, but thought of Royce's words and dispelled the idea.

Seeing Hei Xin talking to him, Jack said in an unfriendly tone: "If I had seen you, you would have died long ago."

Black heart laughed silently, and madly rushed towards Jack, making him gritted his teeth and wanted to attack Black heart.

At this moment, Mephisto smiled gently and walked to Black Heart and stretched out his hand to Jack and said, "Hello, my name is Mephisto, I wonder if you are...?"

"Just call me Jack, but just shake hands, I'm allergic to demons."

Jack's tone was still with guns and guns, but Mephisto didn't care, smiled and stretched out his fingers to point to Jack's brooch, saying: "This thing is familiar, I seem to have one too."

Jack was taken aback, his eyes rolled, thinking of something.He tilted his head slightly, looked over Mephisto and looked at the people behind him, and found that they were all paying attention to this side, and then asked vaguely: "This was given to me by a friend of mine. How could you have seen it? He gave you one too?"

Mephisto laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "I'm not so lucky. He didn't give me any gifts."

Jack immediately understood that Mephisto was an acquaintance in Royce's mouth.

However, he didn't change his tone of voice towards them because of this, and asked bluntly: "You said you want to deal with the person named Tianjin Wengxing, why?"

After Mephisto explained it, the few people reached a consensus for the first time, that is, to find the sword.

"Dimon, you have some spatial means, can you help us search for it?"

Several people thought for a long time, but failed to find a way to their destination, so the black heart asked Hellstorm Damon.

Dimon shook his head and said, "I'm not a search and rescue dog. How do I know where to find that thing."

"Search and rescue dog?"

Mephisto was reminded of this term, and suddenly thought of a woman with a dog-like sense of smell.

Lucifer also thought about it, and said in doubt: "It stands to reason that our arrival should have alarmed her. Why didn't she come to trouble us?"

Mephisto released his mental power to perceive Gu Yi's position, and when he noticed her state, he smiled and said, "She wanted to come, but she doesn't seem to have that ability anymore. Haha, I didn't expect that she would have such a day. ."


Kama Taj, the temple.

Gu Yi has been paying attention to Strange who uses Time Gem to practice in the mirror world.

Every time she sees him making rapid progress, she always feels proud because she has such a spiritual apprentice.

Her magical power is almost undoubtedly black magic, this power constantly impacts her thoughts, disturbs her soul, and makes her feel unhappy.

She wanted to judge herself, but she sensed the threat from Domam, so she forcibly stayed in this world, wanting to see what the old thing was doing.

But she persisted really painfully.

"Have you been exposed to Hogarth's magic so early? That's not right."

Gu Yi smiled and murmured, reaching out to touch another book beside Strange to the ground.

Strange felt the magical fluctuations in the air, and looked up vigilantly to look around, but he didn't see anyone there.

"Wang? Is that you?"

Strange asked tentatively, but received no response.

"So... what is this?"

Strange rolled his eyes, relaxed his vigilance, and picked up a book that had fallen on the ground. The title of the book was-"Oshutu's Touch".

Since Strange came to Kama Taj, he has not stopped his curiosity and study of magic.

Under the influence of Time Gem, although he joined Kama Taj for less than a month, he has mastered many magical weapons and learned many white magic.

Although he is not proficient in using it, he believes that there is still a lot of room for improvement, and there are countless magics waiting for him to discover.

Gu Yi watched Strange open the Oshutu's notes on magic and nodded in satisfaction.

Just as she was about to take a break and relieve the exhaustion of her soul, she suddenly smelled the smell of the devil, which was the perception that Mephisto released.

"Mephisto? How did he come to Earth? Didn't Royce kill him?"

Gu Yi wanted to investigate clearly, but she was powerless.

Now she is definitely not Mephisto's opponent, besides, she has more important things to do, she has to figure out what Domam's conspiracy is.

Domam is very powerful, too powerful to be able to defeat her.

She didn't expect to be able to defeat Domam, all she had to do was to prevent Domam from devouring the earth.

And that was much simpler than defeating Domam.

But now she doesn't have that ability anymore. All she can do is use this last bit of strength to teach Strange to inherit the position of Supreme Mage.

"In any case, he should not be allowed to affect Strange's growth."

Gu Yi thought for a long time and made a decision. He reached out and took the holy spring water that Angelika had sent not long ago, and drank it in one gulp.

Although this thing can restore the injury to a great extent, delay the aging speed of the body, and strengthen the body, but after it collides with the black magic in her body, it becomes a deadly poison.

Enduring the conflict between two completely different forces in his body, Gu Yi pulled Mephisto into the mirror space.

"You know you are not welcome here, right?"

Gu Yi didn't know how Mephisto escaped from Royce, but she still wanted to use Royce's name to coax the cunning old fox.

It was not the first time Mephisto came to the Mirror World, he was only slightly surprised by Gu Yi's remaining strength.

But the surprise did not last long. He smiled and said, "I'm still about to come to you."

"Oh?" Gu Yi pretended to be calm, but his hand behind him had clenched his fist, ready to activate magic at any time.

"Is there anything I worth looking for?"

Once Gu finished speaking, Mephisto waved his hand and said, "Stop talking like this. I am from Royce now and do things for him. This time I came to Earth mainly to find something that can deal with Tianjin Wengxing. Have you heard of Glascott's sword?"

Although Gu Yi doubted the authenticity of Mephisto's statement, it was too late to verify it.

And Tianjin Wengxing and Glascott's Sword made her decide to believe in Mephisto for the time being.

"Tianjin Weng Xing? A Cthulhu dedicated to turning the universe into nothingness? Has he come out?"

The ancient pair of great demons knew the names of the great demons, and Tianjin Weng Xing was no exception.

If she left her before, Tianjin Weng Xing would be discovered by her before he had time to swallow hell.

But now her strength has been greatly reduced, and she is no longer able to perceive things beyond the earth.

"Do you know him? Do you know much?"

Mephisto asked, sighing that he had come to the right place.

Gu Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know much, I only know that he has great power. But I have heard of this Glascott sword. It was sent to the earth by Sol from the fairy palace some time ago. You know it. Does it work?"

As soon as this question was asked, Mephisto knew that Gu Yi didn’t trust him anymore, and said, “You really don’t have to test me. I was indeed released by Royce. But I didn’t know that he let me What to do, just take me out of his stomach and throw me into hell. We are now a group, so it is necessary for you and me to share news."

Gu Yi hesitated for a while and called Royce.

Mephisto: Why did I forget that there is a mobile phone... Gan!


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