Marvel's King

Chapter 264 You have to die here

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Pepel is a little sad tone, but it also understands that he really disappoints too many times, it can be understood.

He was originally looking for Pepel, I would like to help myself to communicate with Carli. After all, they often go out, the relationship is better. If you will pull it to a table, you will not hurt your feelings.

He knows that he does not do it, but it can only be like this.

The monster only geeks are outside, but also not explain to Carrie, let him get a good person in the middle.

However, Pepe's attitude made him some uncomfortable, and also dismissed the original idea, laughing and said: "What? Isn't it possible to call you now?"

Tony mouth flower speech method makes Pepel unfired, tone and said: "Tony, I think I have already put it very clear before. If you still think this is a small thing, then I am not Is it necessary to write a contract with you? "

Tony knocked on the forehead without helplessness: "Pep, you really understand it, but what you need is also needed, you don't have to refuse you."

Pepel is directly scored by Tony's words, excited: "Time! Time! You know time ?! How old? How much? How much do we know? Do you know that I will watch you every day? How much do you worry about those things? How long can you wait?

If you are going out, don't you come back? What should I do again? Tony, you want to be responsible for the world, I understand. But don't I need you responsible? Every time you say it is the last time, but I really can't wait, I spent more than ten years in you, don't let me think it is a waste, can I? "

When it comes to the end, Pep's mood gradually calmed down, which make Tony first feel scared, and let him really start reflecting his own problems.

Pep is no longer anxious, saying: "Yes, I will give you time to consider, I will give you time to solve this thing. I have to be busy here, next time ... Next time."

Tony listened to Pei Pelp to hang up the phone, quickly said: "Don't, Pepe, and wait."

"Do you want it?"

Tony finally decided, nodded: "I decided, Pep, I want you to participate in it, participate in this final battle."


Carli and Hill are rushing to the Stark Industry to find Tony, and the middle has encountered Wangda.

"Wanda? Are you going to the African implementation task? Do you have an accident?"

Hill is soaked, his eyes are slightly, and there is a terrible milder in the eyes.

Wanta face is not good, she looked at Carryl, Jiali left. Wanda immediately handed a note to Hill and said, "I think you need to look at this."

Hill hesitated for a while, took over the note.

The above is the news of the Shield Board to intercept the Pride of the Wasanda Agent Organization.

This era has rarely communicates the news in this manner, but the more abandoned, the easier it is to be forgotten, and the easier it is to escape.

Hill launched a look, the above is written: the bureau is dangerous, please ask the prince of Chicara.

Hill's face changed, she stared at the eyes of Wangda: "Wanda, I need you to go to Africa to sit in the town, don't let anyone rushed into the rocket launch!"

Manda is busy, turn around.

Hill turned and said to Jiali: "Jiali, sorry, I can't accompany you to Tony, I still have something to deal with."

Carrying the eyes is a bit lost, she asked: "Is it what Tony said?"

Hill hesitated, or shook his head and said, "Not, not the same. You go to Tony, let him take you out."

"Well." Jiali agreed, and then reached out when Hill turned to go.

"What happened?"

Hil asked.

Jiali shook his head and said, "No, you pay attention, I still want to help you talk to Royce."

Hill couldn't help but laugh, and the little face of Carli said: "Haha, you can don't, when Anger Ka is angry, I will finish. You go to play, wait for this matter to end us. Go out to travel together. "

Hill left, she also had to work.

This matter is dominated by her and Wasanda, because the new oasis project is in cooperation with Wasanda, trying to create an Utopian form.

However, Wasanda missed the best time, now there is no one's right to speak, and Hill must have a component with a component, so I combined with the old king and prince Charlala in Union Vanshada. action.

The Pride organization is the command of the Chart, which is the first batch of equipment to the new oasis, and beware of being destroyed by the people.

But now they should have reached the purpose.

"Is the plan to be disrupted?" Hill sat in the aircraft, but soon, he was very excited, smiled and said: "But it is good, just make up for some plan in some plans."

She is going to dialect the phone call, and suddenly remember that Carrie's variables, so I dialed the phone of Ghost Ava.

Eva has long retired, she is now studying in a university.

Suddenly I received a phone call, Eva hesitated or not.

After all, everyone knows that the Shen Shun Bureau is directly linked to trouble, and now it is extremely dangerous. On this phone, she doesn't have this safe day.

Eva hesitated for a long time, waiting for the call to wake up.

She shook his head, smiled and said: "When Rois helped me, I didn't pay back, but how did I think so much now?"

Said, Eva dialed Hill's phone.

"Commander? Is there anything?"

The title of the commander made Hill a breather, smiled and said: "I haven't heard your voice for a long time. I didn't expect you to remember me? Haha."

Ava smiled ashadly, said: "Is it happening? What do you need to do?"

Hill sighed, slightly helplessly: "Hey, I haven't contacted you for so long, suddenly telling you that the task is not too hypocritical?"

Ava listened to haha ​​laughed and said, "Haha, you can say that two words are enough to go to the hypocrisy."

Hill is no longer chat, said seriously: "Eva, I need you to go to Yellowstone Park in Montana, I will tell you the task place, what you have to do is to monitor Mucus Muni's people. He is the inner ghost of God Shield, I doubt that he wants to destroy the new oasis plan, you have helped me stare at him, give him a report, can you complete? "

Agovascon has a sigh of relief, she thought she had to do some assassination mission, and the monitoring task is more relaxed.

"Yes, you can do it."

Hill said again: "Your beliew will be delivered within half an hour. If someone will pick you up, you don't have to contact anyone, don't listen to anyone's order, understand?"

Hill's serious tone makes Eva have some panic.

Is the situation of the God Shield?

However, she has been professionally trained, and she will never ask.

"Okay, understand."

After Eva's thing, Hill all died the phone of the absorbent.

"Cleril, where are you?"

In the face of the absorbent, Hill's tone is not so gentle.

The absorbent Kril was previously a criminal. Later, he was arrested by Phil Collson, and finally promised to serve the Shield Bureau to offset the crime.

In this action, Kril is a Victorian agent of Hill's opponent by the Avengers, after the Avengers amendments, Cleril returned to the God Shield, but he is not trusted by Hill.

"New York, Avengers."

Cleril knew that Hill did not want to see yourself, not much, but they dare to make cautious.

"Cleril, I need you to go to African Wasanda, Union Candida Prince Chuanli pulls to the Sudan to investigate the enemy of the reclamation equipment."


Listening to him promised, Hill dispatched a plane to pick him up, saying: "Okay, I will take off for five minutes, you will pass it as soon as possible."

Cleril didn't need to be prepared, departed directly, Hill once died Sky's phone: "Sky? Where are you?"

"I am in Sudan, is Whang Da have come back?"

"Yes, Sky, I need you to look for Steve Rogers, let him step up, I want to see the news of Sudan's situation in the newspaper in tomorrow, understand?"

Skye said that he promised and said, "Experience, Wanta still need to participate in the battle? I let her go back."

Hill said: "Need, I will let her go back. Next, don't tamper with my action plan, I have her own task."

Sky has become not very good, nod should promise: "understand."

After completing all the arrangements, Hill hesitated and gave Angeli card.

The phone quickly received, the amount made Hill a little surprised. She thought that Anglika hesitated for a while.

"Hey, Hill? Your busy man also remembers to call me? Haha."

Angelika's tone is still familiar with yin and yang, let Hill jumps back from the heart of the mouth.

"Are you not angry? Because I ..."

Angelika's smile, noddron after convergence expression: "Of course, I have seen you and Royce kiss before, I didn't have anger this time."

Hill is silent, with apologetic with confused, "then why ..."

"Why don't you get angry with you? I am a birthplace of Rye, and I am not angry with you." Angeli squatted his head, continued: "It is very normal to be an anger, I am just angry. I'm. For you, I didn't have a resentment. "

Hill was completely frustrated. She couldn't think of Angelica. This kind of victim's declaration was too big, so that she had countless emotions.

"Well, don't say those unhappy things." Angeli saw Hill's face change, no longer stimulating her, asking: "Yes, the earth is not very stable? You handled it. ? "

Hill's face is more and more, shaking his head: "Yes, now it is completely confusing prelude, it is not far from it."

Anglika laughed and said: "It's still Olympus, there are fewer people, and there are few contradictions. Earth people are too complicated, the situation is not good to control?"

"Yeah, smart people are too much. The key to smart places will never be right. Can you imagine that there is still a guidance that humans don't have a government?" Hill was hooked by Anjilia, immediately Start complaint.

She said that many this should be correct, but it has become a natural concept after being affected by the human being.

Anger Card is more powerful than human life, but it is really a more far. I can't help but sigh for her.

Hill had almost no selfishness during the bit, and it has always been derived from the earth in the universe.

How many people feel that there is Olympus and Asa's support of the Waist to survive in the era of the crisis, so they don't understand the many moves of Hill.

Destroying the Earth is what many people are moving fingers.

Even if Olympus and Asa Give the earth, they are asylum, they can't destroy unknown enemies before the Shi Shiger starts.

Don't say anything else, an empire in Grig, is enough to easily extract all the lives on the earth.

If there is no interest, it is only forced to suppress, it is difficult to keep the Kerrone's dog in a hurry.

But many people don't understand this, they feel that I have worked, and everything is nothing.

If the war can have a big effect, the world is full of love and peace.

This part of the people are civil firm opposition to Hill.

Another part is completely faithful to the government, and believe that humans must be taken enough to survive.

Most of these people have strong IQ and act, they advocate ten people to drive a one billion theory.

These people are the people who oppose Hill within the Dynasty Bureau.

Both the two sides gave Hill's pressure, because they are all thoughtful people, very terrible.

Hill's complaint gradually stopped, Angelika saw her emotionally excited look, said distressed: "Do you need me to help you?"

Hill smiled and shook his head and said, "No, I know what I am doing, this is the most critical, and my motivation."

"Have the opportunity ..." Anger Card recalled that Royce told himself that she might have some pain, proposing: "My name is Shangli Lanka and Athena, we gather together "

Hill pupil suddenly enlarged, she was a heart, then gave up, shook his head and said, "No. Thank you, I have put down."



Rogers and Sam have successfully mixed this arms auction in Felix.

After coming in, every buyer stays in a separate small room, can't get what the outside world has happened.

Sam has an urgent, he is looking out to the door, said: "Captain, what should we do?"

Rogers did not expect this auction to be in this form. He also think about the seller of the soldiers soldiers, which is directly taken.

Phillius has a ridicule, but nothing is said.

You must die here, everyone.


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