Marvel's King

Chapter 272 begins

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"Do they have two this?"

Peter thought it was helped to help, but he was pulled by Carrie, and his face was full of fear.

Carrylian recalled himself: "Yes, there have been a sweet time in the middle, then it will be like this. Mainly Royce often guilty, or I don't want to play him, I want to play him. "

Peter seems to be the focus of grabbing, "You said ... The day after the day, Mr. Bio is even more powerful?"

Jiali looked at Peter, couldn't help but frown: "How did you get this idea?"

How did Peter become so stupid ... I didn't find it before?

Looking at the look of Carli, Peter has understood what a stupid problem is. He is awkward, transferring the topic: "We look at Mr. Royce beaten? Can you help him?"

Jiali wrinkled the nose, glanced at the Rois two sons on the lawn on the lawn, shook his head and said: "No matter what they are, we have to play. Where do you want to go?"

"Ah? I want to develop the charcoal ..."

Jiali is not a lot of a beautiful mood, and then hold his chest after the white peak: "Then go it yourself."

Peter's eyes turned and said, "Then you can help me with Royce, Miss Angeli said, thank you."

After that, he left Peter, giving Jiali in the original foot.

On the other hand, Angerka is fixed by Royce in the ground. Royce is going to toss her for a while, and suddenly the whole person is shocked, and the eyes look at the East.

"Did something happen?"

Anger Card also stopped struggling and asked with concern.

Royce nodded and said heavyly: "The door is open, Tianjin Weng Xing is attacking Huangquan Nether."

"Ah?" Angeli is panicked, she grabs Rois's clothes asking: "Don't you help Pelthers Can you?"

Royose kissed a bite on the forehead of Angeli, "Then you return ... If you are, you stay here, you will send strength to the strength of the gem, you don't touch it directly with the thing. "

Angelika saw him still have to settle, worried that she urged her in danger: "Okay, don't say, I am not a child, I know. You hurry to go to the god, pay attention to safety."

"it is good."

Royce promised, the body gradually drifted in the air.

"Royce? Where did he go?"

Jiali had just came to the two people to pay attention to the fact that Royce disappeared, couldn't help but ask.

Angeli saw Jiali glance, took her to sit down, softly asked: "I listen to Peppher said that you want to go to Africa to participate in Africans with Peter?"

Jiali nodded and said, "Yes, Tony Uncle Tony is done in, I am worried that he will be dangerous, so I want to go with it, you won't blame me to intervene the earth?"

"How can I blame you? I am not Royce, there is no seven emotions." Angeli sorted out the clothes on her body, saying that Jiali who was laughed by himself: "Royce does not intervene the earth. The reason and considering, you don't. As long as I don't actively hurt others, I will not interfere. If there is anything to be caught by Royce, I can also tell me. "

Carryli puffed into the arms of Anglika, smiled and said: "I know that you will definitely stand in me, Royce is much more, I am bothering me."

Angelika smiled and stroked her back, and the other handed on his lower abdomen and gently touched.

This is temporary and pressing the table, the other side, the central part of the Africa, and Wangda and the captain have encountered.

"Sky, is you just here?"

At the market of the country, we have touched our own parcels in the hustle and honest, try to find the captain of their location.

Sky has queried it again and said: "Yes, we have the positioning chip installed on the falcon equipment to display them in this position. You can find it, I will try to invade my system, let It gives you a little prompt. "

"Okay, I will find it again."

No two steps in Wangda, but met the Winter Baki and Eagle Eagle Clint.

These two people took care of her in the loinily, but at this time, I didn't know that the enemy is a friend.

"Sky, I found the trail of eagle eyes and winter soldiers, can I go to find them?"

Now the situation is tight, and Wangda does not know that he can trust the other party, especially the two people who have triggered the entire event.

Skai hesitated, said: "Wanda, I don't recommend that you appear now, our mission is to ensure that Rogers discover the rocket to hide the location, avoid him change the route."

Wanta hesitated, or decided to listen to the order.

She and Hill have exchanged, and she understands why Hill is complicated.

At this time, her heart is extremely mission, and I feel that success or failure is hooked.

If you fail, then Hill is inverting, everything will not change too much, but the world is likely to return to the original chaotic situation.

If you succeed, then she is likely to be with Hill, create an Utopia world in the new oasis, a world without pain, ideal world.

Skye Wanta did not respond, said: "We have their own responsibilities, including people who are standing in our opposite. I hope that you can make the right choice, can you?"

"Of course, I will."

Wangda deeply glanced at the eagle eye in a very far, and then hidden in the crowd.

"What should I do? We all have been looking for three days, Natasha returned to the gods to find a way, but the captain still can't find a little trail."

Pakistan's tone is very bad, because he has become very violent because of the situation of Rogers, but also began to blame yourself because they have reached.

Clint's mood is equally unchaul, but there is no way, they can only stand here, waiting for Natasha to get more powerful tools from the God Shield.

However, he just saw a familiar figure in the crowd, which made him have some other thought.

He passed a message to Pakistan, and the two immediately divided into two roads, scattered.

Wanta is late, she has leaving the market quickly, turning into a small alley, but seeing another eagle eye in the alley is waiting for himself.

"Wanda? How come you? Does the God Shield have not protected you?"

Clint previously just felt that the man was familiar with and did not find who she was in the end, and found that the coming people were actually Wanda.

Wangda didn't want to get in front of Clint, and turned and wanted to escape toward another direction, but he turned his head, he saw that the winter soldiers did not know when he had already standing behind himself.

"Clint, we shouldn't meet, you leave, don't happen if you do something?"

Wanta's tone is very soft, she is really hard because she stands on the opposite side of the past.

Clint knew what happened in Wanda in the past few days, and understood her hardships, but this could not prove that he is willing to let go.

"Wanda, I don't want it. But we must know what to do, what information do you have to tell us?"

Clint knew that he and the winter soldiers were not a strong opponent, but it was very hard, because Wanda is still very tender, as long as it is looking for a while to force her is very easy.

Wangda hesitated, coming to the command of Sky in the earphones: "Wanda, don't talk to him, think about it. Once the exposure information, then the full-scale plan will fail."

How does Wanda may not know that Sky is unfortunate, but she can't do it. Especially after him said this, I am too confused. I have a lot of this road. Things, I was treated as undercover, the falcon didn't trust me now. The captain lived in life, I didn't even know where to find his body. Natasha also returned to the God Shield Bureau, I have no one around me. Help me. Wanda, what about you? Do you want to take an answer? "

Wanta looked at Clint helpless appearance, she could not reject Clint's request.

"Well, Clint, I know there are many."

Wangda is finally white, Skai is mad in the headset: "Wanda! You know you are doing ..."

Manda does not want to listen again, so unilaterally cut off.

She looked at Klind, and she took a deep breath and said: "Clint, my mission is to ensure that those people will be sold. These rockets are jointly developed with Sandal, used Transport a large number of people to the new oasis.

This is a good thing, but Hill is frustrated when preparing to filter the applicant, but it is horrified that the seat on the rocket has been sold out half, and even a whole rocket will disappear directly from the inventory of the God Shield. "

Pakistan is straightforward, is it so weak? Is the high-level corruption capacity of God Shield?

But Clint knew that this is not related to corruption, this is challenged Hill, which is the stability of the Shield Bureau.

"Hill learned about this information, it began to secretly investigate, but the results of the investigation made her unable to shake. The other members of each other occupy a large number of senior specialists of the God Shield, and these people are very determined eliteism They don't think that ordinary civilians have the ability and rights to dominate the world.

Hill is just the opposite, she hopes to give civilian opportunities, let them participate in the plan to build new Oasis. This is the root cause of contradiction, and the issues we have to work hard. "

The words of Wanda cannot be compromised by the eagle eyes and winter soldiers, and their contradictions described in Wanda have not substituted.

Where is this? Why do you want such a big contradiction because of this? Shouldn't it be to fight for power? How can I still have a spirit?

"Wanda, what you mean ... we are actually a united front?"

Klinde thought that the focus in the words was grasped, but Manda shook his head and said, "Sorry, Clint, this time you are our opposition, so you will find out what happened. "

Wangda felt enough to say that he was tuned to the chaotic magic distorted the reality around him, gradually rising her, flew away from the alley.

"Do you know what she does it mean?"

After Wang Da, Clint also stood in the same place, and the winter soldiers went to him.

Kllin looked up at the sky, shake his head and said, "I don't know, I don't understand it completely."

"But with us, we just need to follow the captain."

"Well, go find him. Since Wanda is coming, then the captain should be fine."

The two are coming again, but in the base below five hundred meters, Rogers and Falcon both are desperately looking for a long time.

"Captain, what do you say is what this place is used? What is nothing ..."

The falcon has been completely confused after a few laps, and two of them have not eaten three days. If this base is everywhere, the water pipe can solve the problem of drinking water, they are estimated that it is already a corpse.

Rogers looked at the falcon and shook his head and said, "Unclear. But you see the layout here, everywhere is a large laboratory and water pipe, I guess it is definitely the place where some large equipment is developed."

The Falcon standing in a laboratory door, looking away, shook his head and sigh: "Hey ... no one. Is it discarded here? Why don't you have ..."

"It is very likely, otherwise it will not sell emerging weapons here."

Rogers and falcon suddenly discovered a camera that illuminated light in the corridor. Falcon also thought that he was eye, and he pointed to the things asked Rogers: "Captain, do you see if it is glow?"

Rogers have long raised the shield and said: "It is really bright, be careful."

It is said that I have been careful, and the falcon is squeezing behind him, and it is also moved towards there.

When the two came to the distance from the camera, the camera suddenly shot a 3D projection.

Let Rogers are frightened by this projection is Hill.

"Captain, how did I spend so long to find me? I have been waiting for a long time."

Hill is really waiting for a long time.

Since the plan has taken a change, she is pondering how she wants to adjust to make himself in an invincible place.

And eventually she thought of a great idea.

If both are my people, how should I fail?

So the captain and the falcon are trapped in the situation that they have not allowed.

"What is Hill? What is going on? What do you want to do?"

Rogers confused, he lost his shield, and his face pointed to Hill.

"I thought that your reaction would be bigger, but it is good, there is reason to be good." Hill looked very much, it seems to guess Rogers's actions, which undoubtedly makes the captain more angry, and more calm .

"Captain, other things I temporarily told you. But with a residents of the Shenshun Bureau in your feet, the original mission is to put immigrant to the new oasis. But now it is unable to fulfill its responsibility, Because it is no longer a goddess.

In order to prevent it from affecting the security issues in New Oasis, I hope that you can destroy it, can you? "

Rogers and Falcon pair, said: "Why do I trust you? You have no positive image in my heart now."

Hill smiled and said, "I believe you will, hope ... you are good luck."


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