Marvel's King

Chapter 275 does not face

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The sound of Hermes made the gods in a time.

What happened to night? Which night is not coming?

Athens Na has changed, and the twist looks to the sky. Sure enough, the dark is gradually eroding bright, and the entire Olympus is almost less than a few seconds in the day.

Athens is a little desperate, can't help but look at Royce's vain.

Although she knew that only the picture of Royz stored, she still hopes to rely on that person.

After all, she was brought to the Olympus for this downlink.

In the end, are you still not able to take a big go?

The disappointment of Athena is like a tide, soon, it will be overwhelmed, and it has lost his ability to think in a short time.

"Worse! It's coming back!"

"What about God? Athens is fast to inform God!"

Venus and Apollo's voice have not completely dissipated, a head tall, the skin is profound, appears in front of them.

"Um ~ Alta Misny? Is your wedding? It seems that I am coming."

There is no more noble and embarrassment in the woman's voice, and there is no meaning in the eyes of the Olympus.

She does have this qualification, as the first generation of original god, even Zeus during the peak is not her opponent, let alone these gods.

They didn't even qualify to Ni Xix.

After Ni X, several strange creatures have emerged from the darkness, which is her children.

"Ni Ke, what do you want to do ?!"

The gods saw that they were not good, and they were hurried to wait. But Ni Xix actually ignored the defense they gathered, and directly reached out to the necklace of Catherine neck.

"Is the trace? Where did you come?"

Royce's vain has disappeared, Ni XX did not pay attention. She only feels that the night of the soul is in a somewhat in the necklace of Catherine. The power contained in the necklace also makes her feel familiar. It seems that I have seen in another world called Maplekes. Over.


Athens has been reacted when Ni Xic's big hand reached out, and the golden light is flashing. The long gun has pierced the empty, pointing to Ni Xick's hand.

Ni Xix was spherped by the gun, and she knows that she will be damaged by this ray. I don't want to recover my hand.

Athensa has not succeeded, she knows that Ni Kes' opponents, this hand has been exhausted.

"Interesting, fun. Millennium has not seen it, did the little girl in the original grow up? Hehe."

Ni Kez fails to be angry, maintaining a noble smile and praised.

"Hey, it is more than me. Ni X, what is your purpose?"

Athena does not evaluate his own evaluation of the enemy and asked the long guns in the chest.

"Purpose? My purpose is very simple, that is what I treat my child, I will treat you today. How, this transaction is also fair?"

"Wink! God's adults will not let you succeed!"

Ni Xux's light attitude caused the anger of the gods, and Hermo, which was in Apollo, took out the lumbar long swords and sorrows: "Olympus only has a war!"

Ni Kez seemed Hermes to transfer the war of the gods. It is too lazy to stop, and the hand is on the side, directly explore the void, and caught a person who is familiar with.

"God king? Are you talking about this person?"

She lost the person on the ground, and Atthina glaved: "Zeus !!"


On weekdays, the most popular goddess, the goddess of Aegus, Altais, screaming out of the defensive mask of the gods, but pulled by the eye of the eye.

"Don't mess! Father must not want to see us hurt."

"But now ... he ... I ... what should we do ?!"

Alta Misans took the voice of the crowd, let the people feel desperate, and all the faces don't look good.

Zeus was awakened by the daughter's voice, supporting the exhausted body, said to Ni X: "See, I told you, Olympus will not yield."

Ni Xix laughed, when I was going to put some gods, Zeus turned her head to the gods. There was no disappointment in his eyes of Royce, but he saw that the children were so strong. He was gratified to say: "Yes, good. It seems that you have grown very well, I also There is no regret. "

The sadness is mobilized by this sentence of Zeus, and the face is full of embarrassment.

Aris is somewhat dissatisfied, he doesn't like this low atmosphere, and he mute: "Father, who is not necessarily not necessarily! Don't be so desperate!"

Zeus glanced at him, and didn't fight fighting, haha ​​laughed: "Haha, good! Arce, this war pioneer is you!"

"It's really noise ..."

Zeus has finished finishing, Aris has gone and responded that he was covered by a light blue tentacle. A paleble face is also on the side of Zeus, is a dream god.

"court death!"

Ares anger: Do you know how many years are this old? Do you dare to interrupt?

He raised the giant ax, and the ax was straightforward.

The lottery Nos raped, smiled, and smiled in Yinjing, and threaded Zeus and threw the throwing throwing to Ars, and he quickly returned to Ni Xi.

"Mother adult, their defense is broken."

"Well, do it well."

Ni XX praised, and the waves came to Athena to ask: "Can you still stick me again? Hehehe."

Athena was humiliated by Athens, and he was angry with a brain. He almost would be desperate with Ni X.

"The King of the King ..." Just as she thought that the anger of the stomach was released, Catherine behind him suddenly held the necklace: "I hope that the enemy of the criminal will retreat."

Wish, after the mind, the cool screen I expected in the Brando has not happened. The chain is only a stream to turn out the star point, the number of red powder is very large.

These red powder entered the air to continue to split, and the film was filled in the entire Olympus.

"This is your king ... ? I ... Mother saves me!"

The lottery Nos is unfaithful, and suddenly found that his body was wrapped in the red light powder.

The red light powder seems to have the power that makes everything dying, and the lottery I can't feel the existence of my body.

His call rescue did not respond, because Ni XX was also disappeared from Olympus after an exciting.

The existence has been modified, and the power is forcibly revolved from the place to another dimension.

"Is it?"

The sky is being clear, and the mood of the gods is gradually relaxing.

Ars' s voice has just sounded, and the desperation of the gods happened. The darkness of the horizon is coming again.

"I am a night, the night is infinite, the night is certain, no matter what kind of strength, I can't eradicate me. Escape, Olympus people, escape."

Ni X's body reappeared, her children also appeared at her side. They still have a lingering, and they have not active. Ni XX was called in the air, and she saw that she didn't want to have a lot of twists.

"Be careful!"

Huffstos saw Aris to shouting the giant ax, seeing a similar turtle non-turtle, suddenly appearing from Aris, hurriedly shouting, and the moon will recruit a flame to help. Riss.

Ars has not yet arrived, and the rich combat experience tells him that you can't drop the chain at this time. If you don't care, you don't dare to attack the other side!


Ares completely, with people behind them, with tribute to pick the giant ax on the arm of Nix.


Ni X's arm should be broken, and Aris just grinned, who knows that her arms have a bloody fog.

The blood mist encountered the air and was ignited. When the hot is hot toward Aris, the heat wave shot he couldn't help but close his eyes. But that calories would not disappear because he closed his eyes, but it was much more powerful. At that moment, the moisture and oxygen in the air around Arce were all consumed, let him fall into a short asphyxia.

"Do not!"

Oxus's short knives have been near the back waist of Ars, and there is a miserable roar in the throat of Athena.

Fortunately, the fire of Heffistos attracted the fire to resist the monsters of the Osus, otherwise Ares will be afraid to suffer.


See Ni XX and reached out to Ares, Apollo also burned his body into a supernova.

The temperature of the super new star was extremely high, and the first moment of appearing will drop the sea plane of the endless sea to two centimeters.

Ni X Xixi is desperately hitting the momentum and does not hardly, and Arais who will not be easy to lose. You will be able to come to Athena.

"You want!"

Ni X Joh has just appeared in the hunting of Alta Misi, she quickly bowed, and released an arrow in Ni Xixa.

The brilliance of silver gray is equipped with silver, the same power is good.

It can be far more than the attack effect of Psychedrel, and Ni Xi is shrinking again, and it will arouse the arrow in the air.


She drunk scorn and turned back to the arrow.


"Royce! Don't let me hate you!"

Athens, the sound of the heart of the lungs sounded, and forced to pay attention to the Royse shot here.

"Don't you give you a face, let you leave? How did you come back? Is it a universe scene?"

The archer is alive in front of Alta Mismis, blows out of lightning, and one person is slowly coming out of this lightning.

" !"

"God of God!"

Royce finally came, he laughed at the gods, then gave the left hand to the left hand, and the empty é é where Ares where Arce was collapsed, and he The body is transferred elsewhere.

"You are the god king of Olympus?"

Ni XX was cautiously retired in two steps, looked at Royce's face, and mobilized the night's strength in the soul lingering around Royce, ready to directly gave him a fatal blow.

Royce disdainfully swayed her little movement, said to Ni XX, who was astonished: "Don't engage in these messy things. I will give you a word, Olympus, you will take it, I have Does the gods and residents leave, do they pay? "

Ni Kez breathes, but thought that Royce was afraid of himself, and suddenly had a bargaining.

She laughed, and asked: "Why? Do you think you can bring them away from the next 10, my palm? To tell you, as long as someone calls me, I will appear around them. Do you want to try to let them forget? Dark Night Concept? "

"Royce! How can you give up Olympus, here but ..."

"Shut up, go on the top."

Royce eyelids don't lift it, and the sound of Athena's reluctance.

Tianjin Weng Xing is still coming, he has no time to waste here, in case this little thing hinders his own plan, it is really crying.

Athens was uncomfortable to stand on one side, and his face was unhappy.

However, this move of Royce was also solved by Ni X, which undoubtedly make her self-confidence more expanded. It also makes the gods feel that the mood is tumbling again, and I don't understand why Royce is in my heart.

At this time, At this time, Apollo returned, Ni Xixi wants to try the true attitude of Rois, and immediately reached out the Apollo.

"Hey ... Why don't you always give your face?"

Royce face is a black, and the body came to Ni Ke, and she took her throat to put her from the ground.

"For! What!! Total! Yes! Give! Face! No! Want! Face!"

"I rely on ..."

"I go..."

"So embarrassing ..."

"Shen Wang is so handsome ..."

In the horror of the gods, Royce grabbed Ni XX was a big ear scientif. Every time I said that I was a mouth of Ni Xux, and I said that I have been swollen, I have said. The pig face is like, no longer, no longer.


Several children of Nix were also shocked, and Novu was the fastest response, and it was the fastest.

He just said that a word was raised by Royce to drop a lightning and smashed his body directly.

The hot blood is the best stimulant. The Tired mood of the Olympus gods is very exciting. One by one can help Royce.

Zeus is so powerful, it is also a gratification, I feel that I didn't choose the wrong person.

However, it is still a bit dissatisfied: How is Royce to the ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Ni Xix is ​​stupid, she can't think of someone caught her without entities.

To know that she is the avatar of the night, it is an infinite existence, it is impossible to be controlled by people.

Royce saw her eyes and a belly, raising hands and two big ear scissors, asked after being finished: "Do you think about me?"

"No ... I haven't dried it, I don't do it ..." Ni Kez is afraid, the pupil is flashing, and the people who look into the eyes of the people look dark.



"Do you want to fight?"



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