Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 103 Top-level staff body (first order required)

When everyone arrived, Erza's luggage included George's backpack, and there was no need to find a staff member to store it, so the four of them and the two cats got on the train together.

Gray and Natsu sat in a row, with Happy in the middle, Lucy and Erza sat in a row, and George sat in the middle.

However, as soon as the train started, Natsu's whole state immediately changed. He lost the lively look he had just down there, and his face was full of pain, as if he was motion sick.

"What happened to him?"

George asked in surprise.

He could understand car sickness and seasickness, but this was the first time he heard of train sickness.

Especially with Natsu's abnormal physical fitness, it is even more impossible for this situation to happen.

Normal people don't get trainsick.

"Natsu is stunned by all means of transportation. As long as it is a means of transportation, he will be like this. Just get used to it!"

Hubby took out a small dried fish from his bag and chewed it in his mouth as he explained.

He was used to being Natsu's partner.

"By the way, George, do you want one?"

After speaking, he took out one and handed it to George, but George declined.

His body is a cat, but his soul is a human. He is not as fond of dried fish as Habi.

"It's unreasonable to faint all means of transportation."

He didn't understand what was going on, but he still pulled out his wand and cast a levitation spell on Natsu.

"Wingardim, Leviosa!"

Under the influence of the levitation spell, Natsu slowly floated up from the seat. He neither touched the seat nor the bottom of the car, and just floated in the middle.

Natsu, who was in this state, immediately regained his energy and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of flames.

"Haha, I'm back again, thank you George!"

"As long as it works."

George nodded. His magic power is unlimited. With the increase of the super wand, it is not a problem to maintain a floating spell for half an hour. If you use it a few times, you can make Natsu float to the station.

Natsu is one of the main combatants in this mission, so he naturally wants to ensure that he is always in good condition.

Otherwise, what if we encounter an enemy attack? We can't let him take over.

"Erza, we've already set off, and you haven't told us what's going on?"

At this time, Gray took the initiative to ask Erza.

Until now, they still don't know what kind of trouble Erza is talking about, and who the enemy they need to deal with is.

Erza nodded and began to tell the story.

It turned out that just a few days ago, she had just completed her mission and was about to return to the guild. When passing by a tavern where magicians gathered in Onibasi, she overheard the conversation of several Black Iron Forest guild magicians.

The general content of the conversation was that the Black Iron Forest had found the legendary Cursed Flute, and wanted to unseal the Cursed Flute and use its powerful curse-killing power to carry out some big plan.

"It turned out to be the Cursed Flute!"

After listening to Erza's story, George's eyes suddenly lit up.

He had read about the "Curse Flute" in a book about magic props in the library.

According to legend, the Cursed Flute was originally a magic tool used to cast curse-killing magic. It was later modified by Zeref, the most evil black wizard in the legend, and evolved into a magic flute.

Anyone who hears the sound of the magic flute will immediately be cursed by death magic and die. The attack range is very large.

What he cares about is not the curse-killing power of the Cursed Flute. That thing is indeed powerful, but with his strength, it is impossible to take it as his own, and it can kill a whole group of people with just one blow, unless he wants to be defeated by the demons of the entire kingdom. The guide hunted him down.

The main reason is that the book not only contains an introduction, but also a picture of the Flute of the Curse. It is a thick flute made of wood with a skull-shaped head.

In other words, if you take it back and sharpen it a little, you will have a very good stick body.

He always felt that the body of his super wand was not worthy of the core. If he used a section of the Cursed Flute as the body, he felt that the effect of the wand would be improved several times.

Especially for black magic with a curse like the Shen Feng Shadowless Curse.

"George, do you know about the Cursed Flute?"

Erza asked, noticing the change in George's expression.

George nodded and didn't hide it.

"I saw it in a book about magic items in the library. The Lullaby of the Cursed Flute is"

"It's such a dangerous thing, so we can't just let it go."

After listening to George's introduction, Erza had a solemn look on her face.

The Black Iron Forest is a guild of dark magicians. The magicians in it take on illegal tasks such as assassinations, but few are kind-hearted. What they use the Cursed Flute to do is definitely not a good thing. Maybe a lot of people will be killed.

"I didn't react before, otherwise I would have blood-sacrificed those magicians of the Black Iron Forest on the spot, and forced me to find out what they wanted to do with the Cursed Flute!"

"So what do we do now?"

Lucy asked a little scared.

She felt that this mission seemed dangerous, and she already regretted it.

"Go directly to the Black Iron Forest Guild Headquarters. We will go to the guild to defeat all their magicians and take away the Cursed Flute."

Erza revealed her simple and crude plan.

She had planned to go directly to the Black Iron Forest before, but she felt it was a bit risky to take on an entire guild by herself.

She was mainly worried that someone would secretly transfer the Flute of the Curse while she was fighting, so she decided to go back to find Natsu and Gray first.

"It seems to be fun!"

Gray's face showed no fear, while Natsu was so excited that his seven orifices were spitting fire:

"It's great to beat all of them!"

"I want to go home."

Lucy's face was sweating.

A few people came to attack an entire guild, and it was a dark magic guild famous for assassinations. This was simply too scary.

George felt okay about this. He thought that Erza, as an S-class magician, should not act recklessly. Since she dared to come to the door, it meant that she had a certain degree of confidence.

And in Erza's plan, she, Natsu and Gray were enough to challenge the Black Iron Forest. Now with Lucy and him, the confidence should be even greater.

He would not comment on Lucy for now. At least he was not only a supporting role. When it was really critical, his magic and superpowers were not vegetarian.

When the train was heading to Onibasi, where the Black Iron Forest was located, Makarov, who was attending a routine meeting of the Guild Leaders' Union in Kroba City, also received a magic letter from Mirajane.

"President Makarov, President Makarov, Miss Mirajane has written to you!"

The blue magic bird delivered the letter to Makarov, who was bragging about being a wizard in his guild with other guild leaders.

Makarov reached out and input magic power into the envelope, and a small magic circle slowly emerged on the envelope.

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