Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 110 The Ultimate Magic Wand (Update 1)

"We won! We won!"

Seeing the three-eyed demon being destroyed, Lucy and Happy hugged each other and cheered.

The guild leaders also praised it. After all, it was a demon created by the black wizard Zeref. Normally, even if three S-class wizards worked together, it would not be so easy to destroy it.

Makarov was also full of pride and relief when he saw the wizards of his guild being praised by everyone.

But the next second, he heard George's voice full of resentment:

"President, if you can't get the cursed flute, I will consider changing guilds!"

The original Kroba City was just a ruin. Now due to Natsu's last blow, a big hole was directly blasted out of the city center, and it was obviously more troublesome to repair it.

"Leave it to me! Leave it to me!"

Makarov's body trembled when he heard George's words, and he immediately rushed to the front at a lightning speed and picked up the cursed flute before the arrival of the kingdom army.

Then he looked around, broke off the skull on the cursed flute with great force, and quietly stuffed the remaining part into George's hand.

"Put it away quickly, don't let the people of the Kingdom Knights see it."

"Thank you, President!"

George took the cursed flute and immediately felt relieved, and happily stuffed it into his backpack.

Before, he planned to take advantage of everyone's inattention and quietly cut off a small section of the cursed flute to make the shaft of the new magic wand.

But after such a commotion, the kingdom army and the presidents of various places were there, even if the three-eyed demon was defeated, he couldn't go forward to cut the cursed flute.

So just now he told Makarov that he was making a magic prop that could greatly improve the efficiency of his repair magic, and he needed to cut off a part of the cursed flute as material, hoping that Makarov could help him.

But he didn't expect Makarov to be so fierce, and he directly broke off the skull on the cursed flute and stuffed all the remaining flute shaft to him.

This shaft must be the bigger the better he can make the magic wand.

"Well, you are the person in charge of the Kingdom Knights here, right? This is the cursed flute, which has been completely damaged and only this much is left.

The people from the Council will come over later, and you can help hand it over to them and ask them to seal it well.

Also, tell them that we will send someone to repair the damaged city in two days, that's it."

Holding the skull that was forcibly broken off, Makarov ran to the Kingdom Knights who were still in a daze, and stuffed the skull into the hands of the legion leader.

Without waiting for the other party to react, he quickly came back with Erza and others and disappeared in front of everyone.

The Council has teleportation magic, and it will be teleported soon after receiving the message. If you don't run now, you will be troubled when you meet it later.

"Makarov, this guy, is still the same!"

Looking at Makarov who took the lead in running away, the four hounds and the president of the blue Pegasus smiled at each other. They were also wizards of the Fairy Tail Guild and Makarov's best partners.

Later, because of their own ideas and dreams, they left Fairy Tail and founded their own wizard guild.

But the feelings for Fairy Tail Guild are still there.

At night, in a forest on the way back to Magnolia City.

"George, your magic can actually be used like this, it's great, why don't you team up with us for missions in the future!"

Natsu gnawed on the golden roasted lamb leg and said to George who was waving his wand to perform cooking magic in front of him.

Because Eligoer hijacked the train, the train stopped running, and the rented magic car was damaged in the war, so the few people could only walk back to Magnolia City.

Fortunately, George prepared kitchen utensils and some ingredients in his backpack just in case, so that they would not starve at night.


Happy raised his paw while eating grilled fish.

"Forget it, I don't plan to team up for missions for the time being."

George brought a bowl of freshly cooked broth to Natsu and took the opportunity to cut off a tuft of hair from the back of his head.

As for the wand core, Natsu's hair is better.

"George, if you want, you can form a team to do the mission. Magic is still the fastest to improve in actual combat."

At this time, Makarov suddenly said.

For the benefit of the guild, it is best for George to stay in the guild as a firefighter, but he thinks that is not the best for George's magic improvement.

In terms of the overall interests of the guild and the personal magic improvement of the wizards, he is more inclined to the latter, otherwise he would have constrained the guild wizards to perform tasks, instead of letting the guild wizards do it under the pressure of the Council.

"I really don't want to do it for the time being. I want to read more books now and determine my own magic path. I will go out to form a team for the mission after I make a decision later."

George made an excuse perfunctorily.

In fact, it is not an excuse, because he originally planned to read all the magic books in the library and then go out to explore other places in this world.

But to be honest, Makarov persuaded him to go to the team mission, which really surprised him.

It can only be said that as a guild leader, Makarov is indeed a qualified guild leader. No wonder he is so loved by the guild wizards.

Two days later, George took the train that had resumed operation and came to Kroba City again.

Croba City is still a ruin, but the big hole in the middle of the ruins has been filled up, probably the work of an earth wizard. All the residents of the city have been moved to military tents outside the city for temporary residence.

"Are you George, the repair wizard of Fairy Tail?"

Urutia, the leader of the investigation team of the Council of the City of Croba, looked at the golden kitten with a backpack in front of her, and her eyes narrowed.

Ever since she learned that Fairy Tail said that there was a wizard who could repair the entire city, she took the initiative to take on the task of leading the team this time, wanting to secretly observe whether the other party was using the lost magic "Arc of Time" like herself.

But she didn't expect that this repair wizard was not a human, but a cat.

"Yes, it's me. If there is no problem, I will start working."

George nodded and replied.

Hurry up and repair the city here, he still has to go back to continue studying magic.

Since he saw the true strength of Erza, Natsu and Gray, he felt that he still had a lot of room for growth.

Giant magic and light magic have already been introduced, and it is difficult to improve quickly, so he can only take it step by step.

So next he can use Feng Yong's glasses to learn more other types of magic, complement each other to improve his overall strength.

"Of course, then please let Mr. George start!"

Ultia smiled and stepped back, and began to stare at George casting a spell.

George didn't care, took out the new wand made of the cursed flute and Natsu's hair from his backpack, and began to cast a repair spell on the ruins in front.


Thanks to the big guys for the subscription and monthly tickets, I will continue to update five times today, begging for more votes and subscriptions!

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