Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 147 The Terrifying Holy Ten (3rd update)

George and Mirajane did not participate in the battle. After explaining to Makarov how to defeat Gajeel, he was arranged to guard the unconscious Gajeel with Mirajane.

Gajeel is the evidence that the Phantom took the initiative to attack Fairy Tail. The Phantom cannot take him back, otherwise the people from the Council will come to investigate and explain it clearly.

Of course, Lucy and Happy are indispensable.

Lucy is a Celestial Spirit Wizard. The battle is to summon Celestial Spirits to fight. She has no attack power.

And because most of her Celestial Spirits have more personality, they don’t like to listen to her command to fight, and they are free to play.

So usually after she summons the Celestial Spirits, she will consciously hide behind and cheer.

Not to mention Happy. In addition to assisting Natsu in flying, his attack power is not as good as Lucy with bare hands.

"Beat him! Beat him!"

"Good job, Natsu!"

"Come on, everyone, pay attention to safety!"

Watching the Phantom Wizards being knocked down one by one, Mirajane, Lucy and Happy acted as the atmosphere group together.

"Erza, Natsu and Gray, follow the president, don't let him go up alone!"

At this time, George was analyzing the battle results to see which wizard's magic could be the priority to learn later.

Seeing Makarov slap the ghost wizards who blocked his way away, and then went straight up the stairs to the second floor, he hurriedly shouted to Erza and the other two who were already excited.

So far, none of the ghost's president Joseph and the four elementalists have appeared, and they are probably all on the second floor.

Makarov is indeed strong, but the ghost president is also a saint. If the ghost president doesn't want to be a bitch, and unites the four elementalists to beat Makarov when Makarov goes up, it will be dangerous.

If Makarov is defeated by the beating, the balance of victory will tilt, and Fairy Tail will no longer have the advantage.

It's better not to be too wasteful in such a guild war.

After all, there are four S-class wizards on the Spectre side, while Fairy Tail only has Erza, an S-class wizard today, and Mirajane is unable to fight due to psychological problems.

Although Natsu and Gray are not bad in strength, they are not S-class after all.

He found that the wizards of Fairy Tail are good in everything except that they are easy to get excited when fighting, which causes the situation to get out of control sometimes, causing large-scale unnecessary damage and losses.

And George saw that the president who seemed mature and stable at ordinary times was actually the most reckless one.

According to his thinking, he could actually hand Gajeel over to the Council first, and the Council would punish the Spectre. At worst, he could also call back the S-class Mystogon and Laxus.

In this way, there are at least three S-class wizards, and the gap in the top battles is leveled at once.

However, since Makarov dared to come to the door like this, he must have a certain confidence. He estimated that Makarov's strength is much better than Joseph, which can level the gap in top combat power.

Anyway, it is impossible that he is not an S-class wizard because of the addition of him. He has already told Makarov the reason for defeating Gajeel.

Because George used the amplification spell when he shouted, the sound was very loud, Erza, Natsu and Gray were pulled back to normal at once, and then the three of them went straight to the president.

"Let's go and see."

Seeing Erza and the other two chasing after them, George also controlled Gajeel to follow with Mirajane, Lucy and Happy.

The battle below is not a big problem. It is only a matter of time to win. It mainly depends on the battle above.

In fact, the battle above is the key to determining the outcome of this guild war. If Makarov wins, then Fairy Tail wins. If he loses, then it is useless for the following to win.

A Saint Level 10 wizard is enough to sweep all the wizards below.

"Joseph, I need you to give me an explanation, otherwise I will make you like six years ago!"

As soon as he reached the second floor, George heard Makarov's angry roar.

At this time, the second floor was a four-on-four situation, with President Makarov against Joseph, Erza against Sol, Natsu against Usagimaru, and Gray against Juvia.

"Hey, one is missing, isn't he in the guild?"

Glancing at the second floor hall, he found that Aria, the leader of the four elements, was not there.

"What a waste, he was captured alive, and I admire you so much."

Joseph glanced at Gajeel controlled by George, and immediately understood what was going on. He turned his head and looked at Makarov and said:

"No need to explain, Makarov, six years ago you beat me by chance, so you think you are really stronger than me?

Today I will not only kill you, but also kill all the wizards of your Fairy Tail, so that the Fairy Tail guild will completely disappear from this world.

Let everyone know that our Phantom Ruler is the strongest wizard guild!"

"Since this is the case, then die!"

Makarov's fist instantly grew bigger, and then he punched Joseph.

That powerful force seemed to be able to smash a mountain.

"Such an attack can't hurt me."

Facing Makarov's powerful attack that could knock out an S-class wizard, Joseph showed a sneer on his face, and actually condensed the magic power on the surface of his body into a fist to punch him.

Makarov was not surprised that Joseph could block his attack, and he knew Joseph's strength very well.

"Let's go up there and fight, if you don't want your guild to be completely scrapped!"

As he said this, he punched through the top of the guild, and then used his powerful magic to float himself up to the sky above the guild.

At their level, even if they don't learn flying magic, it's not a big problem to use magic to float themselves.

However, Makarov didn't want to fight with Joseph in the guild, not because he was worried about damaging the Phantom Guild, that was none of his business.

He was worried that the battle between the two would be too powerful, and fighting on the second floor might affect the mages on the first floor.

Joseph smiled strangely when he heard this, and he didn't refuse, and also used magic to float himself up.

"I knew you would do this."

In fact, he had long guessed that Makarov would definitely propose a decisive battle in the air for the safety of the Fairy Tail mages below.

So he let Aria hide and ambush above the guild in advance.


The two Saints rose to the air to confront each other, and before they started to cast magic, the collision of magic power alone had already caused changes in the weather above the city's sky, and the sound of lightning and thunder continued to sound.

If an ordinary wizard stood near them at this time, it is estimated that pure magic suppression would make them unable to move.

"Is this a wizard of the Saint Ten level?"

George below stared at the two presidents above, and his heart was actually quite shocked.

He thought Erza was already very strong, but he didn't expect Saint Ten to be even more exaggerated.

"Dark beam!"

Joseph, who was good at dark death magic, launched the attack first, and the powerful dark energy turned into countless beams and hit Makarov directly.

"Light array!"

One after another, the holy light magic array lit up, and the equally terrifying light energy burst out from the magic array.

Makarov's light magic is no worse than Joseph's dark death magic.

"Death Storm!"

"Light Explosion!"

One after another, dark death magic and light magic collided above the city. Just the aftermath of the magic had made all the buildings below tremble.

All the residents of the city were awakened from their sleep, and after discovering that it seemed that Fairy Tail and Phantom were fighting, they immediately ran out of the city.

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