Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 151 The Man Who Wants to Become the President (Second Update)

"What now?"

On the train back to Magnolia City, the Fairy Tail wizards looked at the unconscious Makarov, like a flock of sheep that had lost its leader, with confusion in their eyes and very low morale.

George shook his head when he saw this. He found that Fairy Tail's magicians were all good at fighting, but outside of fighting, their brains were not very good.

So he used the amplifying spell to amplify his voice:

"Joseph will never give up just like that. He is probably gathering the magicians from all branches now.

If we hurry, we might be able to attack them tomorrow morning. "

After hearing George's words, the faces of Fairy Tail's magicians became quite solemn.

Without Makarov, who can stop Joseph, and there are so many magicians in his branch, and a sense of despair surges into their hearts.

George continued:

“So my advice is this.

First, we must find a way to cure the president as soon as possible and restore his magic power.

Second, after returning home, immediately build fortifications, arrange spell barriers, and use all the holding magic items to fight.

Third, report the ghost attack on our guild to the council as soon as possible. As long as the council intervenes in the investigation, we can buy time for the president to recover.

Fourth, immediately summon all the magicians in Fairy Tail, especially the S-class Laxus and Mistgun. It would be even better if Gildarts could be recalled.

Finally, you don’t need to worry so much. Didn’t we successfully retreat under Joseph’s eyes just now, and we also killed one of their elementalists?

So as long as everyone works together, if Ghost and the others dare to attack, there will be no way for them to come back! "

"Yes, George is right. What are you afraid of? We are Fairy Tail, the strongest mages guild."

Natsu, who was floating in mid-air, instantly burst into flames. Listening to George's analysis, the others' faces gradually regained their confidence.

Yes, although Guild Master Makarov was attacked and lost his magic power, that doesn't mean that Fairy Tail will lose. He is Fairy Tail!

"There is a healing mage named Borusika living in seclusion in the East Forest. She has very superb medical skills and is also a good friend of the president. We can send the president there for treatment. She can definitely cure the president. ”

Erza raised her hand and said.

She lost her right eye when she first joined Fairy Tail. It was Borusica who installed a prosthetic eye for her, and used superb healing magic to make the prosthetic eye almost indistinguishable from her real eye.

The only difference may be that prosthetic eyes cannot shed tears like real eyes.

"Very good, the first thing I will do when I return to the guild is to send the president to find Poriusica."

George nodded upon hearing this.

At this time Mirajane also said:

"After returning home, I immediately wrote a letter to Councilor Yajima of the Council. He was once a mage of our guild and one of the president's best friends. He has also been speaking for our guild in the Council.

And I can use the magic crystal ball to contact Laxus and his Thunder Gods and notify them to come back as soon as possible. "

"Great, the problem has been solved. Then we will work hard to prepare for the war and wait until all the ghost ruler's magicians are beaten to the point of peeing!"

George's face was full of confidence, which made all the magicians in Fairy Tail scream, and their morale instantly rose to the top.

"George, you feel very reassured!"

Seeing George waving his cat paw, Mirajane couldn't help but sigh as everyone dispersed despair and became full of confidence with just a few words.

Erza, Natsu, Gray, Happy and Lucy on the side also nodded in agreement.

At this moment, George, because of the strength he showed in the previous battle and his current wisdom, has won the recognition of all the magicians present in the Fairy Tail Guild.

"If this continues, when I learn the magic of transformation and can appear in human form all year round, I might even have a chance to take over the position of guild president."

When George saw this, he couldn't help but smile.

When he saw Makarov cast the Fairy Law, he had already decided to become the next president of the guild, because only in this way could he learn the powerful light super magic.

The first step to becoming the guild president is to get the approval of all the magicians in the guild.

Later, you must at least learn the art of transformation and be able to maintain your human form for a long time. Otherwise, you will always appear in the form of a cat to represent the guild, which will affect the guild's image.

He is already learning the transformation technique from Mirajane, but he hasn't started yet.

There are three stages of transformation in this world, primary, intermediate and advanced.

The primary transformation can only change the appearance, while the intermediate transformation can not only change the appearance, but also the clothes.

However, during the primary and intermediate transformations, affected by the transformation magic, the strength can only be displayed at half of the original level.

After reaching the advanced transformation, the strength will no longer be subject to any restrictions.

He can't even do the primary transformation yet.

The train arrived in the city of Magnolia. Artzak and Bisika, a boyfriend and girlfriend from the Western Continent, were sent to Boliuska in the Eastern Forest by General Makarov.

Mirajane writes letters and uses magic crystals to contact Laxus.

Macao and Wakaba, a group of senior guild wizards, are responsible for transporting various offensive and defensive magic items from the warehouse.

Leibby led all the magicians in the guild who knew magic to work together to construct a magic defense barrier that covered the entire guild.

George took Natsu to experiment with one of his ideas.

After everything was over, everyone began to wash and rest, waiting for the attack of the Phantom Ruler.

"George, Laxus is unwilling to bring the Thunder Gods back to help, saying that unless the president is willing to pass the position of president to him."

During the break, Mirajane said to George with red eyes.

"I can't believe that this kind of person is actually a member of our Fairy Tail Guild and the grandson of the president."

"This guy, doesn't he know that it is not to become the president to get everyone's recognition, but to get everyone's recognition to become the president?"

George raised his eyebrows when he heard this. He actually wanted to compete with him for the position of president, so don't blame him for making trouble now.

Hearing George's words, the other wizards present also nodded.

"Now that the guild is facing such a big crisis, Laxus is unwilling to come back to help. Anyway, I will not agree to him taking over the position of president in the future."

Without the recognition of the wizards in the guild, even if Laxus is the grandson of the president, it is impossible for him to take over the position of president.

Fairy Tail is not a family-inherited guild. The second-generation president is a veteran who founded the guild with the first-generation president. He took over the position of president because the first-generation president died unexpectedly.

The third-generation president and the second-generation president are not related by blood. The third-generation president and the first-generation president have the same philosophy and are recognized by the wizards of the guild, so he took over the position of president.

Therefore, with Laxus's current personality, if he does not change in the future, he will never be the president.

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