Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 156 Magic Crash Course (Second Update)

Among all the spells, Apparition is definitely a very difficult and dangerous spell.

First of all, as a student of Hogwarts, you must be at least 17 years old and in the sixth grade to be eligible to apply for this course.

Secondly, when learning spells and practicing, there are teachers accompanying you throughout the process, because if you use it improperly, you will split your body, and it is common to lose arms and legs.

At this time, the teacher needs to use healing magic in time to reconnect the split parts.

Many young wizards are afraid to use the Apparition spell because of the psychological shadow caused by the split.

Finally, after the study, you have to take an exam. Only young wizards who can use the Apparition spell perfectly can get the Apparition license, which is equivalent to a driver's license in the human world.

If a wizard without a license uses Apparition, it doesn't matter if he is not caught. If he is caught, he will face a high fine.

This is done on the one hand for the safety of the young wizards themselves, and on the other hand to reduce the burden on the wizards of the Ministry of Magic's accidental magic incident reversal team.

Before the fine was imposed, the team received dozens of reports every day of people being separated and discovered by Muggles because of unauthorized Apparition.

So under normal circumstances, it was not easy for George to learn Apparition in the first grade.

Even though he had already found the spell and related learning materials about the Apparition spell in the restricted area.

Unlike other magic, there would not be a big safety problem even if he could not learn it by himself. If he could not learn this spell well, he would die.

With his physical fitness, if his head and body were separated, he would not survive.

It was not easy for him to ask Snape for advice on this magic, because Snape could not violate school regulations to guide him to learn in advance, which was different from the spells that Snape taught himself to create.

As for Voldemort in the diary, on the one hand, the Voldemort in the diary was Voldemort in the fifth grade, and he had not started to learn the Apparition spell. On the other hand, even if Voldemort knew it, it would be useless.

What he needed was someone to help him heal and recover in time when he was practicing the Apparition Charm, but the diary could not do that.

In addition, he was thinking about whether to kidnap a dark wizard and control him with the Imperius Curse to teach him the Apparition Charm, but he felt that it was also very unsafe.

People controlled by the Imperius Curse were not normal to begin with, and it was really unreliable to let them be teachers. If he was discovered, he would have to go to Azkaban.

So after thinking about it, he felt that there was only one way to go, that is, safe and without any future troubles.

That is to spend money to sign up for a magic crash course.

In fact, the magic crash course in the Muggle world is an extracurricular tutoring class jointly founded by some wizards who are recognized to be quite good.

The main purpose is to make up for those little wizards who did not do well in school, and to further improve those adult wizards who have graduated but have insufficient magic skills and cannot apply for good jobs.

Of course, in addition to this, they will also trick those squibs from wizard families to learn magic.

Argus Filch, the school's janitor, had always wanted to take a crash course to see if he had a chance to learn magic.

He believed that as long as he spent enough money, the teachers of the crash course would not mind breaking the law to teach him how to Apparate in advance.

After all, it was not a big deal. Even if he was caught, it would only be a fine, which was not at the same level as the crime of using the three unforgivable curses.

Besides, the Ministry of Magic generally did not pay much attention to these things, especially since the Ministry of Magic was in a mess, and it cared less about this aspect.

George felt that since it was something that could be solved with money, there was no need to take unnecessary risks.

After thinking this through, he began to study magic normally again. Recently, he was studying the Disillusionment Charm, a high-level spell that could make the body invisible.

Last time, when he saw Aria successfully sneak attack Makarov through invisibility, he felt that magic that could make him invisible seemed to be very useful in battle.

The next morning, George first visited Ollivander, the wand maker, with gifts.

Ollivander, the old wizard, has a wide network of contacts in the wizarding world. Even if he doesn't need to learn wand making now, he must still maintain the relationship.

In this way, if there is anything in the future, he can ask Ollivander for help.

Ollivander was very happy about George's arrival. It was rare to have such a talented apprentice. The key was that George also brought some rare materials for making wands.

After leaving Ollivander, George found a poster about the magic crash course on the wall on the street. Following the address on it, he found a shop with the name "Magic Crash Course".

This is a very small shop with a faded front. It may be the smallest shop he has seen in Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, sandwiched between a second-hand cauldron shop and an ice cream shop.

Pushing the door and walking in, he found that the space inside was even smaller than he imagined. It could only fit a table and two chairs, and there was not much free space.

At this time, in the shop, a witch who looked to be about thirty years old, with fair skin, short hair, and a jacket that was washed a little bleached, was sleeping soundly on the table. She didn't even notice George coming in.

"I'm a little doubtful about my decision."

George's mouth twitched, and he stepped forward and knocked on the table.

"Madam, is this a magic crash course?"

The witch opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw George, she stood up immediately.

"Of course, are you here to sign up?

Our magic crash course is low-cost and effective, and can help you improve your grades quickly after school starts, and you will never be looked down upon by your classmates again."

"Okay, stop!"

George raised his hand to interrupt the witch's introduction, and then asked:

"Just one sentence, can you teach me Apparition?"

"Apparition is of course no problem, but you don't seem to be old enough."

The woman was stunned for a moment, then looked George up and down, and her tone began to become hesitant.

George replied calmly:

"If I meet the age requirement, I can just learn it at school. Why should I come to you again?"

"Oh, but we only provide Apparition training to adult wizards who have not yet mastered it, so that they can retake the Apparition license.

We don't provide this service to wizards under the age of seventeen. You should know that if you are caught by the Ministry of Magic, you will have to pay a lot of money!"

The witch showed an embarrassment on her face.

"Why don't you change other spells? Normally, we can provide guidance for the spells from the first to the seventh grade in your school, and we can also help write your school's holiday homework."

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