Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 161 Orange in the Orange (Second Update)

Since Amy was once an Auror, in addition to the Apparition spell, there were actually many spells that she could ask for advice on.

For example, the Patronus Charm is known as the strongest defensive spell.

It happened that he was going to face Dementors next semester. Although he felt that his light magic of the Holy Light system should also be able to cause damage to Dementors, he had not verified it after all.

The reason why the Patronus Spell is called the strongest defensive spell is that it can not only resist normal magical attacks, but also resist spiritual attacks, especially dark creatures such as Dementors and Voldebats.

At the same time, the patron saint can also quickly help the wizard deliver messages, as well as perform physical attacks to a certain extent.

He had read in a history of magic that during the ancient Greek period, there was a wizard named Andros, who summoned the Giant Patronus, and relied on the Giant Patronus to become the strongest wizard in the contemporary era.

He was nicknamed "The Invincible Andros".

You can also see his introduction on the chocolate frog picture.

However, the Patronus Charm is much more advanced than Apparition. There are not many wizards in the wizarding world who can master the Patronus Charm, especially those who can summon a physical Patronus.

"That's great. If you have any magic spells in the future, feel free to come to me for advice. As long as I know how to do it, I will definitely teach you!"

When she heard that George would not refuse the money, Amy immediately patted her chest and made a promise.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a witch with brown hair and brown eyes walked in, holding a bag of French bread sticks. His appearance looked somewhat similar to Sophie Marceau. .

"Oh, dear Lina, you are back from get off work!"

Amy immediately stepped forward to take the bread, and then hugged the long brown-haired witch.

The witch named Lina complained after letting go of Amy:

"I told you a long time ago not to take that magic crash course anymore. It's not like I can't afford to support you, come here and live together."

"Ahem, Lina, let's talk about these things tonight."

Amy quickly interrupted Lina’s complaint, then pointed at George and introduced:

"This is the student I'm talking about, his name is George.

This is Lina. "

"Hello, Miss Lina."

George smiled and nodded at Lina.

He always felt that Amy and this Lina didn't seem to have a normal friendship. Maybe he was overthinking it.

Lina quickly stepped forward and walked to George, leaned over and looked at her, and said hello gently:

"Hello, George, what a lovely boy. I wish I had a child like that."

"Okay, it's almost time to eat. Lina, have you bought wine?"

Amy rummaged through the big bag and quickly took out two large bottles of sherry.

"You still understand me best!"

Dinner was roast leg of lamb, cheese, bread and sherry that Lina brought back. After dinner, George ignored the two drunken and chatting women and went out to visit Magic Street.

He planned to visit the bookstores in the French Magic Street to see if he could find any useful magic books.

"There are really many Beauxbatons students."

Walking on the street, George saw many young wizards who had just had vacation and were still wearing Beauxbatons School uniforms and wandering around Magic Street.

After walking around the entire street, he finally entered the largest magic bookstore on the street.

There were many books in the bookstore, but George found that there were very few useful books, and he had read most of them.

The all-encompassing library at Hogwarts, coupled with the bookstore in Diagon Alley, already contains 70 to 80 percent of the world's magic books.

""Legendary Ancient Magic""

After wandering around the bookstore for an hour, he finally found a book that interested him.

This was not a spell book, nor a magic theory book. Instead, it was a history of magic book like an unofficial history, but it mentioned ancient magic that interested him very much.

Legend has it that in the era before the legendary wizard Merlin or even Merlin, the magic used by wizards had great power, and could even move mountains and fill seas, summon meteorites, etc.

However, since it took more than ten or twenty minutes to cast a spell just by chanting it, it was gradually eliminated, especially after the invention of magic that could work quickly, such as disarming spells and stun spells.

However, even if it is eliminated, one has to admit that ancient magic is still incomparable to modern magic in some aspects.

It is said that when the first magic school, Hogwarts, was built, a lot of ancient magic was used.

There is no other school that can completely ban any technological products like Hogwarts, can not be marked, can prohibit apparation on a large scale, and contains many magical mysteries that cannot be cracked to this day.

"I don't know if this ancient magic is real or fake?"

After putting "Legendary Ancient Magic" on his list of books to buy, George couldn't help but think about it.

In fact, he felt that maybe ancient magic really existed, and the "love" magic that Lily cast on Harry that could rebound the Death Curse might be a type of ancient magic.

And the curse that Voldemort placed on every Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Of course, this is just his guess. After all, the serious history of magic does not mention ancient magic.

If he really wanted ancient magic, he felt that he could still learn it. Ancient magic might not be as good as modern magic in one-on-one combat, but it was much more powerful.

Sometimes not all battles are one-on-one head-on battles, ambushes and sneak attacks, ancient magic feels more practical than modern magic.

It was almost nine o'clock when he left the bookstore and went back, but the number of wizards on the street had not decreased much.

Magic Street is different from Diagon Alley. At this time in Diagon Alley, everyone has gone home. Without customers, the shops will naturally close. Except for some dark wizards, the street is basically empty.

But everyone lives in Magic Street. Many wizards like to go shopping after dinner at night, which is more lively than during the day.

So there will be more wizards selling magic cotton candy, magic firecrackers and performing magic on the street.

It feels like the night market in the previous life, but it has become a magic version of the night market.

After strolling around the night market, he returned to Amy's friend's house at about ten o'clock.

But as soon as he entered the door, he was stunned.


"Oh, YES!"

The voices of Amy and Lina from the master bedroom of the house made him twitch his mouth.

In fact, the soundproofing of the house is quite good. Normally, he should not be able to hear it, but his physique is special, and his hearing is naturally much better than that of normal people.

So he can still hear some of the movements in the master bedroom.

"French wizards are really like French Muggles, they are more free in this regard."

He sighed and returned to his small bedroom silently.

No wonder he always felt that Amy and Lina were in love, and both of them were very beautiful, and they were still single at this age.

It made sense, everything made sense.

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