Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 163 Ancient Magic Contraband (fourth update)

"Old One-Eye, I'm going to kill him!"

When Amy heard the name of Old One-Eye, her whole body trembled, not because of fear but because of anger.

It was because of this dark wizard that she, who was most likely to accept the position of Director of the Auror Office in the future, became what she is now.

The most important thing is not the honor and position, but the feeling of powerlessness and frustration that she, as an Auror, could not do anything when she watched fifty Muggles being brutally killed by dark wizards.

After being dismissed, she frantically searched for clues about Old One-Eye for a while, but how could she find this dark wizard who was wanted internationally by herself?

After the search was fruitless, she began to numb herself with alcohol, because she did nothing but drink every day, her pockets gradually became empty, and finally she had no choice but to sell her house and live in the Leaky Cauldron.

"Amy, don't be impulsive. The old one-eyed man is very powerful and has many dark wizards under his command. He is not so easy to deal with.

You stay at home. I will catch him myself at night.

For his crimes, the final judgment must be death penalty!"

Lina hugged Amy and comforted her.

The French Ministry of Magic is different from the British Ministry of Magic. No matter how serious the crimes of British wizards are, they will only be imprisoned in Azkaban, without the death penalty.

But the French Ministry of Magic is the same as the American Ministry of Magic. If a wizard commits a serious crime, he will be directly executed.

If Voldemort's Death Eaters were in France, they would have been executed long ago.

If this old one-eyed man is caught by their French Aurors, he will be tried in the French Ministry of Magic. If the result of the trial is death penalty, it will be executed on the same day.

"Ancient magic contraband, interesting!"

George's focus is not on the old one-eyed man, but on the ancient magic contraband that Lina just mentioned.

Magic contraband usually refers to those items that have been attached with black magic by alchemy.

Because it is very dangerous, it is forbidden to buy and sell by the Ministry of Magic. Once a private transaction is discovered, the person will be arrested and tried directly.

It is inevitable to spend a few years in jail.

Ancient magic contraband refers to magic items made with ancient magic that are dug out from the tombs of ancient wizards.

The degree of danger of these magic items is unknown, but because they have archaeological value and can also peek into the secrets of ancient magic, they are very valuable, and many wizards are willing to buy them at a high price.

However, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, digging wizard tombs is illegal. After all, no one wants to be dug out by other wizards after they die and cast some inexplicable magic.

The key is that many ancient magic items have terrible curses. If they are not handled well, it will cause a great impact.

A hundred years ago, an American wizard bought an ancient magic item stolen from the pyramid from a black wizard at a high price. As a result, due to improper handling, three hundred No-Maj died in the area where he was.

So no matter which country, smuggling and selling ancient magic contraband is a felony.

With Lina's persuasion, Amy's mood finally stabilized.

However, at night, when Lina set out to gather, George found that Amy used the Disillusionment Charm to hide and quietly followed her.

As for how he found out, he also used the Disillusionment Charm to hide and followed behind.

It's just that Amy was walking behind Lina and following, while he spread his wings and flew in the air to follow.

Since the old one-eyed man was smuggling ancient magic contraband, there might be some clues about ancient magic.

The two followed Lina to the west of Magic Street, and found that Lina and a group of Ministry of Magic Aurors came to a tent of a magical animal show.

It is obvious that the place where the dark wizard old one-eyed man chose to smuggle items should be in the tent of this magical animal show.

The magical animal show is similar to the circus in the Muggle world, except that the trainer is a wizard, and the magical animals in charge of the show are from all over the world.

Unlike the performance troupes decades ago, the magical animals performed there were extremely dangerous magical animals such as runes, cabars, cat-leopards, and Zouwu.

Now, after rectification, they are all rare but beautiful magical animals such as moon idiots, ball-escape birds, and soundless birds, and there is no danger.

The magical animal performance troupe is also one of the few private groups that can legally use the tent of the traceless extension spell. The main reason is that the Ministry of Magic is also afraid that the magical animals may accidentally run out and cause riots.

In the French Magic Street, there are basically different magical animal performance troupes coming to perform every week during the two-month summer vacation. George has also watched it twice before.

Because he didn't see powerful magical animals like Zouwu, he didn't go again.

Seeing Lina and the Aurors disguised as ordinary tourists and bought tickets to enter the tent, Amy also bought a ticket to remove the Disillusionment Spell and followed in. George found a place to drop the Invisibility Spell and also bought a ticket to follow in.

Some counter-spells were cast in the tent of the magical animal performance troupe, and spells such as Disillusionment Spell and Apparition were ineffective.

The main reason is that they are afraid that some wizards will sneak in by using invisibility and teleportation.

"With so many people, it's hard to find!"

As soon as George entered the tent, he saw a dense crowd of wizards, probably hundreds of them.

Today is Saturday, and adult wizards are not working, so they just bring their little wizards on holiday to watch the show.

This tent looks about 100 square meters from the outside, but it is probably as big as one or two football fields inside.

In addition to the stages with various magical animals performing at intervals, there are also many vendors selling various snacks and special magic experiences for a fee.

After eating the super-large marshmallows, your body will be as soft as cotton. With a pull, you can turn into firecrackers of various magical animals such as fire dragons, phoenixes and thunderbirds in the sky.

There are also magic bubbles that can float in the air with a large bubble for only one silver Sickle.

Shuttled among the crowd, he couldn't find Lina and Amy who had already blended into the crowd for a while because of the obstruction of magic fireworks, magic bubbles and other things. He could only find a relatively high position to observe.

He was not worried about not being able to find them. When the Aurors and the dark wizards fought, he would naturally find them.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, a huge explosion suddenly occurred on the side of a stage six stages away from him.

Then he heard someone shouting with a loudspeaker spell:

"Ministry of Magic Aurors arrest dark wizards, unrelated wizards please leave the tent as soon as possible!"

Then the wizards screamed and rushed out of the tent one after another, and as the number of people decreased, he also saw the general situation of the stage over there.

Two groups of people were confronting each other on the stage. One group was the Aurors of the French Ministry of Magic where Lina was, and the other group was probably the group of dark wizards led by the old one-eyed man.

The reason why they hadn't fought yet was that the group of dark wizards led by the old one-eyed man had taken several ordinary wizards hostage.

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