Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 166 The Shocked Aurors (Second Update)

"Light Element·Three Pillar Gods!"

Seeing this, George spread his wings and flew directly over Hermione and others, and then a holy light magic circle appeared above his head. Three light beams fell around him, and a large protective barrier protected everyone.

At this time, all the wizards, including Old One-Eye who was still releasing thunder and lightning outside, were a little stunned.

The holy white light and white wings flew over the crowd to block the terrifying thunder and lightning. At this time, George did not look like a wizard, but more like an angel in Muggle mythology.

"Why are you dazed? Quickly build a super protective spell!"

After George withstood all the thunder and lightning alone, he saw Amy, Lina and the Aurors below, all looking up at him stupidly, and immediately reminded them loudly and speechlessly.

The attack power of these thunderbolts is not low, even his three pillars cannot stop them for long.

After George's reminder, Amy and others reacted immediately, and they immediately started waving their wands.

"Ultimate protection, total protection, stopping the enemy!"

The magical power of all the Aurors was concentrated in the sky, converging into a large magical protective barrier. The three pillars of God that replaced George blocked the thunderous attack.

The old man over there felt something bad after seeing George use the Three Pillars. He immediately waved his wand, turned around and ran towards the exit in the middle of Magic Street.

As long as he leaves the Magic Street from the stone statue at the exit and goes to the Muggle street, he can disapparate and escape, and no Auror can track him anymore.

"Old guy, can you run away?"

Here, George saw that all the Aurors had joined forces to block the thunder, put away the three pillars, put the Iron Armor Curse on his head, flapped his wings and accelerated towards the old One-Eye.

Before, he wanted to see if he could get any clues about ancient magic from Old One-eye. Now that Old One-eye had used ancient magic and it was so powerful, it was even more impossible for him to let him escape.

However, he did not chase too closely. Instead, after the old one-eyed man ran out of sight of the Aurors behind him, and after a certain distance, he accelerated and caught up to him again.

"You little brat, you are just looking for death."

Seeing George flying in front of him, Old One-Eye immediately gave up on maintaining the lightning magic, raised his hand and cast a death curse.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green magic light shot towards George at extremely fast speeds.

"What a fast casting speed!"

George deflected in the air, narrowly dodged the attack of the Death Curse, and landed on the ground.

Compared with the previous dark wizards, the strength of this old one-eyed man is obviously more than one level stronger. The life-killing curse just released was very sophisticated both in terms of timing and speed of release.

Even he almost got caught.

"Avada Kedavra!"

As soon as George landed, Old One-Eye's second death curse followed immediately.

However, after landing, he was much more flexible than when he was in the air. He easily dodged the attack, and then rushed towards Old One-Eye while waving his wand to counterattack.


The red magic light shot towards Old One-Eye. With a wave of Old One-Eye's wand, his magic light was bounced away. At the same time, another magic attack hit him.

"There are many obstacles!"

An invisible force suddenly enveloped George, and his speed was immediately reduced by more than half. The old one-eyed man used the obstacle spell.

If we just talk about his mastery of magic in this world, although George is only in the first year, he already has the magic level of an average Auror. However, if he compares with a top dark wizard like Old One-Eye, there is naturally a big gap.

But George has more than just magic in this world.

"The Divine Edge is Shadowless!"

The wand was waved, and a transparent Divine Edge Shadowless Curse flew out, while eight sharp blades shot at Old One-Eye from all directions at extremely fast speeds.

"It's really good to have such strength at such a young age, but I'm still a little young."

The old one-eyed man saw George waving his wand, and then eight blades flew towards him. He thought that George was using the object-moving spell to control the blades to attack him, so he raised his hand and cast the freezing spell.

"All fixed!"

Powerful magic burst out, and Old One-Eye's freezing spell actually forcibly withstood George's eight blades.

Unfortunately, he stabilized the blade but could not stabilize the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse.

The transparent Shenfeng Shadowless Curse directly dazzled half of the wand wrist on Old One-Eye's right hand.

In order to prevent Old One-Eye from casting spells silently and without a wand, the magic circle lit up again above his head.

"Array of Light!"

A light magic array emerged, and strands of light magic flew out, directly hitting Old One-Eye's back and slamming him to the ground.

At this time, George had also arrived in front of Old One-Eye.


Psychic abilities and the Legilimency spell were activated, and he began to invade Old One-Eye's memories.

"Sure enough, there is."

It didn't take long for him to find what he was looking for.


The sleeping curse put Old One-Eye down and fumbled in his wizard's robe. He found an old magic book that was only as thick as a diary.

The title of the book reads "The Book of Spells to Connect Heaven and Earth to Release Thunder and Lightning". It is the ancient thunder and lightning spell that Old One-Eye just released. It was found when he excavated the tomb of a third-century wizard in the past two years.

"Quick copy!"

He waved his wand and copied an identical magic book. After throwing it into his dressing room, he stuffed the original magic book into Old One-Eye's arms again.

The Copying Spell is also one of the spells he learned from Amy recently. It can copy non-magical items. There is no difference in appearance between the copy and the real thing.

It’s just that the magic power will dissipate after it is exhausted, and normal wizards can also distinguish the real from the fake at a glance through the magic power above.

"George! George!"

Just after doing all this, Amy, Lina and the Aurors rushed over.

After discovering that the lightning stopped, they immediately rushed over, fearing that George would be killed by the old one-eye in the process of chasing the old one-eye. You must know that the strength of the old one-eye is obvious to all internationally.

"Heal quickly!"

Because he was worried that the God of Shadowless Spell would make the old one-eye bleed to death, George was now using the counter-spell to treat the old one-eye. Seeing Amy and the others appeared, he turned around and replied calmly:

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him, he was just unconscious."

"We are not worried about him, but about you."

Amy and all the Aurors of the French Ministry of Magic saw the current scene, and they all froze in place, and then murmured.

They knew George was powerful, from the fact that he had just rescued the hostages and protected everyone with special magic.

But when they saw that the famous international wanted dark wizard was defeated by George in a one-on-one decision, they were shocked and speechless.

After all, George looked like a boy of only 11 or 12 years old, he was still so young.

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