Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 172 The Principal's Power (3rd update)

At this moment, Banner has understood that even if he becomes an ordinary person, he can't live a normal life with Betty.

Because just now on the helicopter, Thaddeus Ross told him that if he doesn't have the Hulk in his body, he will face a lifetime of imprisonment.

In fact, he can't become an ordinary person. The medicine studied by Dr. Stern can't remove the Hulk gene in his body.

In this case, it's better to join the Superpower School where George is.

On the one hand, George can easily let him withdraw from the Hulk state, and he will no longer worry about hurting ordinary people after becoming the Hulk.

On the other hand, if he doesn't join the Superpower School, he will have to wander again and be hunted by S.H.I.E.L.D. and General Ross, or even any forces that covet his genes.

"Very good, let's go back to the academy. You will be responsible for the physics class of the academy in the future, and Charles will be much easier."

Seeing Banner agree, George nodded and took him to the abomination.

"Wingardium, Leviosa!"

A floating spell made the abomination float slowly, and then he planned to take the abomination and Banner back to school.

He can now Apparate with one person, but he can't Apparate with several people, especially one of them is larger than the size limit that Apparate can bear.

"Wait a minute, you can't leave!"

However, at this moment, the helicopter landed, and Ross came over with Betty and the soldiers, blocking their way.

At the same time, the troops who had just been hiding around because of the battle between Abomination and Hulk also surrounded them again.

"This is General Ross, right?"

George looked Ross up and down and smiled:

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

"Everything here belongs to the military, you can't take it away, and you have to go back with me for investigation."

General Ross waved his hand, and hundreds of soldiers pointed their guns at George.

Whether it was Abomination or Hulk, he would never give up. As long as he could get these two specimens, he could create a large number of real super soldiers who far surpassed Captain America and swept all countries.

As for this George, he has so many strange abilities, maybe he is a missed mutant, and he can also take him back for research.

"Father, what are you talking about? He saved us, why are you still like this!"

Betty looked at her father in disbelief, then angrily pushed away the soldier who was blocking her and came to Banner's side.

Seeing this, George did not reply to Ross, but looked at Betty and invited:

"Dr. Betty, our school is still short of a biology teacher. I wonder if you are interested in coming."

"If I am interested, I am willing to be a teacher in your school."

Betty glared at her father, then hugged Banner's arm and replied.

Seeing this, Ross winked at his guards:

"Send Miss Betty home, and then take all these people back to the base."

With the order of General Ross, two guards walked towards George and his men, and the surrounding soldiers also raised their guns and aimed at George and Banner to prevent them from counterattacking.

George shook his head helplessly:

"You guys can never tell the difference between the big and small kings. You are not as good as Nick Fury in this respect. At least that guy dares not to provoke me before he is 100% sure.

You see that I have easily dealt with the guys you can't handle, and you dare to deal with me.

Do you think I am too easy to talk to, or do I look like a fool with a problem in my brain?"

Raising his hand, the magnetic control was fully activated, and the guns in the hands of all the soldiers around were forcibly taken out of their hands, and then turned around and pointed at their own heads.

"From now on, hold your head and lie on the ground without moving. If it weren't for the fact that you are the family of a teacher in our school, this principal would let you hang naked in the sky for a day today to see if you know what shame is!"

To be honest, he sometimes felt speechless about the top leaders of this country, that is, the blind confidence in their own power.

Nick Fury is the same, but a little better, not so stupid.

If there weren't so many superheroes coming out to save the world, and it was just these so-called government officials, the world would have been destroyed countless times by villains, and it wouldn't have waited for Thanos to invade.

If it wasn't for wanting to leave a good impression on the two new teachers, General Ross would have been dead if he dared to threaten him like this today.

With the strength he has now, he doesn't really care about ordinary people and organizations except for those at the level of Ancient One, Odin, and Captain Marvel.

Especially after he mastered the ability to teleport.

"Sir, I hope you can calm down. You will be wanted nationwide if you do this. Even if you don't care, you always have family and relatives and friends, which will affect them.

In this way, I can let you go alone and not pursue what you did, as long as you leave them."

General Ross didn't expect George to be able to control everyone's guns, so he had to make concessions at this time.

He felt that George was able to subdue the Abomination and the Hulk because of his special superpowers, but these abilities did not mean that he could fight against the modern weapons of the army.

He had read some information about mutants. Those mutants with powerful abilities might be able to destroy a city, but they might not be able to withstand a single shot.

But he had never seen that the other party was actually able to restrain their modern weapons.

"Stuff a big stick into your front teeth!"

George waved his hand, and General Ross, who was still threatening in his words, suddenly had long front teeth, which grew to his collar, forcing him to shut up.

"You are welcome to arrest me, but whoever gives the order will inform me, and I will talk to him that night. Believe me, it will be a very pleasant negotiation."

Nick Fury is now fighting Hydra in full swing and has no energy to care about him. If other departments dare to provoke him, he doesn't mind having a good chat with their leaders, which is also a deterrent.

To be honest, it is a problem whether those departments can find the school. They don't have the technology of SHIELD.

"We should go!"

Seeing that all the soldiers, including General Ross, finally fell to the ground with their heads in their hands, George cast an illusion spell on Banner, Betty, Abomination and himself, and then spread his wings and pulled them to the school.

"Father, if you still have some affection for me, please don't come to us again."

Slowly flying up, Betty shouted to her father, General Ross below.

Ross stood up and looked at the empty sky, his expression was also very complicated.

About a minute later, the guns that were aimed at the soldiers fell to the ground at the same time. General Ross stood up and was silent for a moment, then wrote to the signalman:

"Contact Nick Fury for me, I want to know who this guy is, and contact the dentist for me."

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