Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 179 Thor in the Pet Shop (5th update)

"I know about the Super Boy project. Cyclops mentioned it when he first met me and wanted me to join. With my status, how could I possibly work for him, so I refused."

At this time Tony also spoke.

He also heard Nick Fury talk about the Avengers plan, but Nick Fury didn't say it in such detail.

"George, have you seen any useful clues? Otherwise, we would only know that aliens are going to invade, and it would be difficult for us to prepare."

At this time Steve raised the key to the problem.

He already believed what George said, so what he was thinking about now was how to deploy operations and deal with the coming aliens.

"Right now, I only know that the leader seems to be named Rocky, and the clue I saw recently is that he appeared near the town of Old Bridge, New Mexico, so I thought that if you are free, you can come with me to have a look.

Maybe we can find some useful clues there. "

George finally revealed his purpose.

"I have no problem. Send me back and put on my suit, and I'll go take a look with you."

Tony nodded in agreement first.

How helpful George was to him, he would naturally not refuse. The most important thing was that even without George, if he knew the information, he would check it out himself in order to protect the earth.

"I think it's not too late. If this is the case, we need to set off as soon as possible."

Steve immediately nodded in agreement.

As a hero who can use his thin body on a grenade to protect others and is willing to be buried in order to save a city, how could he refuse.

Seeing that Tony and Steve agreed, he turned to look at Banner and Betty.

"Would it help if we went?"

Banner asked somewhat unconfidently.

George nodded immediately:

"Of course it will help. Both you and Dr. Betty are the best scientists. They may be able to find some clues about aliens entering the earth."

"Okay, then we will participate too."

Before Banner could answer, Betty agreed.

As a scientist, let alone saving the earth, how could I miss the opportunity to witness aliens and alien technology?

And with the powerful principal, Iron Man and Captain America around, she felt that safety was not a problem.

"Very well, that's it."

Seeing that everyone had agreed, George began to make arrangements for the itinerary:

"The professor is staying at the school. You all go back and get ready. I will send Tony back to get the suit first, and then we will go to New Mexico on a fighter jet."

There must be someone staying at the school, otherwise others will take the opportunity to steal the house.

The professor's psychic ability can cover the entire school, and he can also control hatred. He can deal with any situation if there is any situation, and his ability is similar to his own, so it is better to stay in the school.

As for why Betty, who has no fighting ability, is of course because Betty can guide Banner to a certain extent after he transforms.

Otherwise, Hulk won't help fight the Destroyer and will catch him first.

Everyone dispersed to get ready, and George used phantom movement again to take Tony back to his mansion.

While Tony was donning the new Iron Suit, George also took out the Hulk's hair and created a new set of wands made from the Hulk's hair.

I roughly tried the power and the effect was very good.

It is even more effective than his wand in the Harry Potter world, and can already be compared to the magic ring in the wizard's apprentice world.

He had heard in his previous life that the Hulk was powerful not only because of gamma rays, but also because his essential power actually came from a certain dimensional demon or hell demon.

Therefore, even if someone else gets his blood and becomes a being similar to the Hulk, they will never be the Hulk's opponent, and there will be no setting that the angrier they become, the more powerful they become.

Maybe there is some possibility, so after he used the Hulk's hair as the core of the wand, the effect exceeded his expectations.

With Tony in the steel suit back to school again, everyone here is ready.

In fact, there is nothing to prepare.

Captain America just took his shield and didn't wear the iconic tights.

Wolverine's weapon is the Adamantium wolf claw inside his body, and he doesn't even need a weapon.

As for Banner and Betty, they just took some testing equipment from the school to see if they could be used.

So everyone sat in the X-fighter and quickly flew towards the town of Old Bridge, New Mexico.

About an hour later, they arrived above the town of Old Bridge.

"We need a plan, and then assign tasks. We can't go out so obviously, or we will be exposed."

Steve took out the map of Old Bridge Town and was about to propose his plan. Before he was halfway through speaking, Tony had already flown out in his steel suit.

"I'm going to scan around Old Bridge Town first to see if there's anything unusual."

"Don't worry about him, Steve, just keep talking."

George smiled and asked Steve to continue.

Every hero has his own personality, his own strengths and weaknesses, and he doesn't intend to make them his little brothers. He doesn't have the domineering spirit or the energy.

Just like Tony, you could never ask him to be your little brother.

As these heroes get along with each other, they will naturally gradually discover the bright spots in each other, thus easing their relationship.

What he wants to do is to help them get together, and then give them a goal for them to solve on their own. He will check for the deficiencies later and take the opportunity to complete his own goal.

So if Tony wants to act alone to detect intelligence, let him go.

Moreover, the battle uniform he wore was already very conspicuous, but it was exposed once he got underneath it, and he knew it.

Steve wanted to follow the plan and proceed steadily step by step, so they cooperated and followed Steve's instructions.

"Dude, keep going."

Logan smoked his cigar and motioned for Steve to continue.

He doesn't like to use his brain anyway. If Steve and Tony want to use their brains, let them use their brains. He only needs to be responsible for the fighting, which saves trouble.

Steve didn't argue with Tony and continued to deploy according to the map of Old Bridge Town.

So when the X-Fighter docked invisibly not far outside Old Bridge Town, George, Steve and others entered Old Bridge Town from four different directions and began to inquire about information about Loki.

George is to the east, Steve to the west, Logan to the south, and Banner and Betty to the north.

Shortly after walking into Old Bridge Town from the east, George discovered traces of Thor, the god of thunder, at the door of a pet store.

"I need a horse!"

Thor, wearing Earthling clothes, yelled at the pet shop owner.

The pet shop owner looked at Thor with a look that looked like a fool:

"Sorry, we don't have horses here, only cats, dogs or birds."

"Then find me the biggest one."

Thor ordered.

The pet shop owner silently pointed to the golden retriever in the cage next to him.

"It's just the biggest."

Thor was speechless.

"Sir, maybe I can help you a little bit?"

George opened the pet shop door and smiled at Sol.

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