Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 185: Thunderstorm Magic Shows Its Power (Update 1)

"Quickly, mobilize all the craftsmen to build a temporary floating platform!"

Loki, who retreated to the rear to observe the battle, quickly discovered something was wrong.

The Rainbow Bridge is only so wide, and only six Divine Realm soldiers can attack at one time, while the other side also has six people defending it, which is equivalent to six versus six every time.

After the six soldiers in the Key God Realm were defeated, the opponent would not push these soldiers to the starry sky abyss under the Rainbow Bridge, but instead just lay them down on the ground in front.

It was even more impossible for the divine soldiers behind to push their comrades off the Rainbow Bridge. In order to continue the attack, they had to move the downed divine soldiers to the rear for treatment.

This delay gave the six people guarding the bridge a chance to breathe.

Every time you defeat six people, you can rest for a while before continuing. Of course, you won't feel tired and it will be very relaxing.

If this continues for a long time, the soldiers of the God's Domain who originally had low fighting enthusiasm may really be slowly worn away by this.

You know, although the Divine Realm has a population of 50,000, the actual number of Divine Realm soldiers is less than 10,000.

Of course he couldn't let this situation continue, so he asked craftsmen to build a floating platform so that the soldiers of the God's Domain could swarm up. At least dozens of them would attack from different directions at the same time to see how the other side would respond.

Soon, Asgardian craftsmen appeared around the Rainbow Bridge holding strange golden instruments.

As they started the instrument, a series of golden light paved the floating energy platform and connected it with the Rainbow Bridge, forming a super huge platform with the Rainbow Bridge main control room as the center.

On this huge platform, there is no need to worry about falling due to fighting, nor does everyone need to crowd on a rainbow bridge.

"not good!"

Seeing the God's Domain soldiers pouring in from all directions, Steve and others felt bad.

Sure enough, due to the emergence of the giant floating platform, the attack intensity of the God's Domain soldiers instantly increased by more than ten times. The pressure on everyone increased greatly, and the defense line began to gradually show signs of collapse.

At this time, Steve no longer showed mercy to the soldiers of God's Domain, and began to use Mjolnir to summon thunder from time to time to assist attacks.

But after all, he is not Thor, and he does not have the blood of the Odinson family in his body. The power of thunder comes entirely from Thor's hammer. He can make up for it with skills in close combat, but this kind of special power is much weaker.

"Banner, it's your turn to take action!"

Seeing that the Three Warriors of Asgard and the War Goddess Sif were beginning to be injured, and that several weapons had been inserted into Logan's body before it was too late to remove them, Steve knew that he could not wait any longer and began to call Banner.

Banner, who was willing to jump out of a plane regardless of life and death to save others, naturally did not lack courage. He ran out from behind and rushed towards the soldiers of the God's Realm, screaming.

Just when a divine soldier subconsciously stabbed Banner with a weapon, the Hulk came out.


The Hulk roared loudly and swung his hands, sending a large number of God's Domain soldiers flying away.

"Hulk, help them!"

Seeing the Hulk appear, Betty immediately shouted loudly.

The Hulk turned to look at Betty, then nodded and joined the melee.

With the Hulk as a big killer, the situation immediately calmed down again.

When Loki saw this, he was so angry that his teeth almost broke.

"These damn mortals, if this is the case, then let them all die!"

Raising the Eternal Spear, he began to summon the Destroyer, the guard of Odin's treasure house, and soon a giant magic armor made of Uru metal fell in front of him.

"Go deal with them!"

The Destroyer jumped in front of the Hulk, and opened his cheeks to reveal a super-high-temperature beam, which knocked the Hulk away.

And Ze also angered the Hulk. He roared and stood up, rushed in front of the Destroyer and started fighting hand to hand.

The Hulk's defensive capabilities are astonishing, and his resilience is also amazing. The Destroyer is almost impossible to destroy. The two of them were fighting fiercely, and no one could do anything to the other for a while.

But without the Hulk's defense, the battle once again turned to the soldiers of the God's Domain.

Because Steve really can't handle it alone.

"Now, let me see what else you can do!"

Loki stood behind the God's Realm soldiers and laughed. If this continues, his plan will be completed soon.

However, at this moment, dense black clouds suddenly began to gather above the Rainbow Bridge control room, and countless lightnings appeared in the clouds.

"What's going on?"

Loki looked over to Steve and realized that it wasn't Steve's fault with Mjolnir.

"Finally finished reading."

At this time, George also opened his eyes, turned the index finger of his right hand, and walked out of the main control room of the Rainbow Bridge.

"It's time to show off your real skills!"

I saw him pointing his right hand to the sky and shouting:

"Ancient magic, thunderstorm is coming!"

The dark clouds covering the control room of the Rainbow Bridge suddenly began to rain down dense lightning.

The soldiers of the God's Domain who were struck by lightning were weakened by the electricity on the spot. If it were not for the support of the weapons in their hands, they would be unable to stand.

George's level of ancient magic is naturally not as good as that of Old One-Eye, but his current alloy ring's magic bonus effect is worse than the wand in the Harry Potter world.

Therefore, the overall magic power is greater than the magic power used by Old One-Eye in France's Magic Street.

It's just that the physique of these God's Domain soldiers is indeed strong enough. Ordinary people will be burned on the outside and tender on the inside by lightning if they are hit by it, which can only make their bodies weak and unable to use strength.

But this is enough.

Because the God's Domain soldiers are weak and unable to fight, Steve and others basically become a comprehensive crush one by one.

Soon the God's Domain soldiers within the range of lightning were cleared out.

As for the God's Domain soldiers outside the range, it's okay. If they enter the range, they will also be paralyzed by lightning.

So for a while, they dared not move forward.

"Steve, go help Hulk and use your Thor's hammer to destroy the magic armor."

Seeing that the God's Domain soldiers were suppressed, George immediately sent a telepathic message to Steve. Steve heard the words and rushed up with Thor's hammer to fight the Destroyer.

His lightning magic is useless against the Destroyer. Thor's hammer is still needed to defeat the Destroyer.

As long as the Destroyer is defeated, the Hulk will rejoin the battle. With his ancient magic, he will not be afraid of more God's Domain soldiers.

Ancient magic is to use the magic power in one's body to communicate with the power of nature. These lightnings consume natural energy, not magic power. His magic power is responsible for maintaining communication.

So as long as his body can withstand it, this thunderstorm can last until Odin wakes up tomorrow.

"Go, let's see how long his magic power can last!"

Seeing that the Destroyer really had cracks with the cooperation of the Hulk and Steve, Loki was shocked and shouted at the remaining soldiers of the God Realm.

I can't stand it anymore, I'll take a break after two updates

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