Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 192 Mutated Misaka Girl (Update 1)

"What's going on? Why did No. 9981 suddenly become so powerful?"

Inside the experimental base, the researchers who were responsible for monitoring the battle were also stunned.

Originally, today's experiment was just like the previous 9980 experiments. Not long after the battle began, No. 9981 was killed by Accelerator.

But just when they were about to let other Misaka clones recover the bodies and clean up the battlefield, No. 9981, who had died, suddenly came back to life, and his abilities were greatly improved.

According to the instrument detection, the power that burst out instantly had reached the level of a level 4 superpower.

"Is it because of a mutation?

Quick, stop today's experiment immediately, don't let Accelerator kill her, bring her back for research, and see what's going on!"

The head of the laboratory ordered excitedly.

There was actually a clone who changed from level 2 to level 4 during the battle. If we can figure out what's going on, can we mass-produce level 4 superpowers?

Level 2 superpowers are indeed useless. After all, the strength of level 2 superpowers is not much stronger than that of ordinary people with guns.

But it's different for level 4 users. Level 4 users are already very powerful, and ordinary people can basically not pose a threat to them. If they can be mass-produced, they can really subvert the whole world.

"No. 9981 did not respond, and destroyed the monitoring device on her body. Now her position cannot be located."

A researcher in charge of monitoring hurriedly reported.

The person in charge's face suddenly changed when he heard it:

"Impossible, how could this happen? Get all the nearby monitoring for me, and then find her!"

On the other side, George quickly came to the first floor from the fifth floor of the abandoned building with his super physical fitness, and then used magnetism to directly destroy the monitoring device on his body.

Then he used the illusion spell to escape from the building, leaving Accelerator who was chasing from the fifth floor empty-handed.

Spreading his wings, George flew above a building, looking at the prosperous Academy City around him, and began to calm down and think.

He can be sure that the "electromagnetic gun" and the way of attacking with coins must have been seen somewhere in his previous life, as if it was the protagonist in a certain anime.

But he didn't have a very good impression of the details, and he didn't know what it was about, after all, he seldom watched anime.

However, since there was magic in the world of his clones, there was a high probability that magic also existed in this world.

It's just that there seemed to be no relevant information in the memory instilled in Misaka's clone.

"Then find the protagonist first, and then slowly observe and see if there is anything to discover."

After thinking for a while, he gradually had some plans in his mind.

Since Misaka Mikoto is the protagonist of this world, the development of the story must revolve around Misaka Mikoto, and her clone is also Misaka Mikoto's clone.

It's better to find Misaka Mikoto first and then see.

George sometimes kept thinking, what is the meaning of opening clones in various worlds?

He personally felt that the first was that he had an extra life. Even if his original body in Marvel died, his thoughts could be transferred to any clone to continue to survive.

As long as the clones in not every world died, he would not die completely.

But if possible, it would be better to not die, especially the original body in the main world of Marvel.

Because every time the soul is split to obtain a new clone, it is the main body that splits. If the main body dies and only a few clones are alive, it is probably impossible to continue to split new clones.

Second, because the innate abilities of each clone can be superimposed all the time, each additional clone is a comprehensive collective enhancement. The more clones, the more enhancements.

The little boy in Harry Potter has more wizard blood, the magic cat in Fairy Tail has increased magic power and reaction speed, the panda in the magician's apprentice has increased strength and physique, and the Misaka clone in this world has enhanced superpowers.

Third, each clone can obtain different magic and abilities in each world, so that the main body and other clones can mix better in each world and have more trump cards.

When he entered the Harry Potter world, he had more superpowers than other wizards to cheat, and when he entered the Fairy Tail world, he had the magic and superpowers of the Harry Potter world to arm himself, and the magic of the Fairy Tail world can also be used in the first two worlds.

Now in this new world, he has the magic and abilities of all other worlds as the basis for the start.

With such superposition, he will become more and more powerful.

Fourth, every extra body means he has one more brain to learn than others. If he focuses on one magic at the same time, his learning efficiency is several times that of others.

So what should he do every time he awakens his clone?

The most important thing is to ensure the life of his clone first. If the clone dies, then everything will be in vain.

After ensuring his life, he can search for all the ways to improve his strength in this world, so that the main body and all the clones can also benefit simultaneously.

At present, there are no clues in magic, but there is a lot of information about superpowers.

According to the superpower level of this world, he should have reached level four, but it does not mean that his limit is level four.

The superpowers of Misaka's clones are fused with his own superpowers. Now the potential has not been fully developed. If it can be further developed, it may be possible to break through level four and reach level five.

Misaka Mikoto's body has the potential of level 5, and then she gradually reached level 5 from level 1 in the Academy City.

Under normal circumstances, everyone's superpower level is fixed, but some people cannot reach the limit immediately when they first awaken their superpowers, and need to develop slowly in school.

After developing to the limit, it is fixed. The limit of level 3 is level 3, and the limit of level 4 is level 4.

The rest is to learn how to better use and exercise your superpowers.

George feels that he has not reached the limit yet. Maybe by contacting Misaka Mikoto's body and learning the knowledge of this Academy City, he can break through to level 5.

"Direction manifestation-Misaka Mikoto!"

He cast a tracking spell with gestures, spread his wings and followed the golden arrow to find Misaka Mikoto's location.

There is no wand in this world, so he still has to use gestures to cast spells to release the magic of the Harry Potter world.

"I have to find Professor Snape to learn wandless and silent casting when school starts."

George thought to himself while flying.

Casting spells with gestures is always slow. Although his hand speed is amazing now, it still takes two seconds.

And when a new world is just starting, it is basically difficult for him to find suitable materials for making a wand so quickly.

However, wandless casting is usually mastered by top wizards. With his current learning efficiency of five heads, it is estimated that it will take some effort.

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