Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 200 George's Threat (Update 1)

"Boss, you actually lost."

Seeing the fourth-ranked boss of Academy City being defeated by the fourth-level clone 9981, Flanda and the others who were bandaging each other also showed an unbelievable look.

They really didn't understand why a mere fourth-level clone could be so strong.

"So strong!"

Not only Flanda and the other two, but also Misaka Mikoto, who had recovered some of her strength, was also shocked.

Because she asked herself that even if she was in her prime, she might not be able to defeat the fourth-ranked Atomic Destruction head-on.

"Leaders of the laboratory, I know you are watching. Accelerator has been defeated, and the level 5 ability user you sent also lost to me.

So I hope you can stop the experiment and let us clones live like ordinary people."

George looked at the sky and shouted:

"I don't think you want to see two level 5 superpowers making trouble in Academy City.

And I have a lot of information about your experiments in my mind.

If I make this information public, the whole Academy City and the whole world will see your experiments of killing clones.

Guess how many parents will be willing for their children to go to school in such a dark Academy City.

How will the whole world view Academy City at that time?"

Just now when Misaka Mikoto was fighting with Accelerator, he had already discovered those advanced small monitors, but he didn't destroy them this time.

He hoped that the senior management of the laboratory, or the senior management of Academy City, would see Accelerator being defeated and see his strength, so that they would be afraid.

The definition of a level 5 superpower is a terrifying existence that can resist an army by one person.

There are seven people in the whole Academy City, at least on the surface, and he doesn't know if there are any more in secret.

Among these seven people, the first one is Accelerator, the second one is Kakine Teitoku, the third one is Misaka Mikoto, and the fourth one is Mugino Shiori.

Now he has defeated the fourth one, Mugino Shiori, one-on-one, and at least he can be ranked in the top three in actual combat strength.

He teamed up with Misaka Mikoto to defeat Accelerator, and the top leaders of Academy City should be very clear about the destructive power of the two people working together.

The key is that the level 5 esper in Academy City are basically students, just like Misaka Mikoto, they all have their own ideas, and they can't be controlled by the top leaders.

So if the top leaders don't want the whole Academy City to be turned upside down, they should agree to her conditions under normal circumstances.

Of course, if they don't agree and think they still have a trump card to continue to capture him, then he can only accompany him to the end and show his last trump card magic.

Then don't blame him for going on a rampage with a fierce fire and destroying the whole Academy City.

"It's interesting, so keep it. Maybe it can be used later."

In the life support device of the seventh district building, Aleister thought for a while and conveyed his order to the people below.

The clone was more powerful than he expected. If the cost of forcibly capturing it was too high, it would completely disrupt his subsequent plans.

Although there were some accidents now, it didn't deviate from his plan.

So he decided to temporarily give up the capture of this special clone and continue to complete the following plan.

It may not be a bad thing that Academy City has an extra-powered person with level 5 combat power. If it is handled well later, this clone can be used to promote the completion of other plans.

"It's just that I didn't get to train Fantasy Killer. Forget it. It's the same to arrange more training for him."

In the original plan, he wanted the clone Misaka to introduce Kamijou Touma, who has Fantasy Killer, and then let Kamijou Touma fight with Accelerator to get training.

As a result, Accelerator was defeated by the combination of Misaka Mikoto and the clone, and Kamijou Touma didn't have to appear.

"Ring, ring, ring!"

Soon after George threatened the sky loudly, the feeling of being monitored disappeared, and Takitsubo Riko's phone rang.

After a moment, she said to George and Misaka Mikoto:

"The employer has transferred the task reward to our account, and asked me to tell you that the Absolute Ability Evolution Plan will be completely terminated from today.

All clones will be free and have a true human identity."

"That's good!"

Misaka Mikoto was relieved when she heard it.

George also smiled, which at least showed that the top management of Academy City had compromised temporarily.

And he would soon have a legal and formal identity in Academy City.

Everything ended, and the ambulance of Academy City arrived in time to carry the injured Accelerator and others into the car.

At this time, Misaka No. 9982 suddenly shook his body, turned his head and said to Misaka Mikoto and George:

"Sister, the laboratory has transferred the remaining 10018 of us to the hospital in District 7, and has lifted the control over us, stating that our freedom will no longer be restricted in the future."

"It seems that the experiment has indeed been abandoned."

Hearing this, George reconnected to the Misaka network and saw the images uploaded by the Misaka sisters.

Things have come to this point, and he no longer needs to block the Misaka network.

The Misaka network can share memory and assist in calculations, which is also helpful to him.

Of course, he would not share his memory, nor would he fully open the connection. He would always be able to disconnect and isolate in case there was a problem with the Misaka network, so that he could get out in time without being affected.

"Let's go to the hospital."

Misaka Mikoto took George and Misaka No. 9982 and got on another ambulance to the hospital in District 7.

All the Misaka sisters were successfully rescued, but the subsequent placement was also a big headache.

In the ambulance, George saw Misaka Mikoto's face and smiled and comforted her:

"Don't worry about the subsequent placement. The top management of Academy City is not that stupid. More than 10,000 second-level psychics can form a network of mutual communication. They will not just ignore it."

Although Academy City has 80% of people with special abilities, 60% of them are level 0 people without special abilities, that is, their abilities are negligible and they can hardly play any role.

Most of the remaining 20% ​​are level 1, and the number of level 2, 3, and 4 is decreasing. There are only seven level 5.

Therefore, even if the Misaka sisters who are level 2 and have rich combat experience and can share memories online are not used for experiments, they are also a very powerful team as a guard.

The top management of Academy City spent so much money to create them. Even if they gave up the Absolute Ability Evolution Plan, they can't just abandon it completely.

So Misaka Mikoto, a student, doesn't have to worry about these things.

In fact, their main purpose is to prevent the Misaka sisters from being killed again. As long as they can live like normal people and use their abilities to do some work to make a living, it is inevitable.

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