Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 215 Alchemy Master Arthur (Second Update)

After leaving the bookstore with the thanks from the staff of Flourish and Blotts, George and his friends continued to stroll in Diagon Alley.

After buying some magic learning tools here and there, Hermione said she wanted to buy a pet.

She had spent all her money on books in the past two years, and later found that everyone had their own pets, but she didn't. She was still very envious, so she wanted to buy one this year.

The first choice is of course an owl, so that she doesn't have to go to the owl post office every time she writes a letter.

"It seems that some things are destined to happen."

George muttered to himself when he saw Hermione holding a ginger cat with a face that looked like it was flattened on the wall.

After buying the pet, it was already noon, and everyone went to the Leaky Cauldron for lunch.

And here, he also met Arthur Weasley, Ron's father, an alchemist who likes to combine magic with Muggle technology items for the first time.

At this time, Arthur Weasley was sitting at the bar reading the Daily Prophet. Sirius, who was skinny and had a hideous face, was roaring in the newspaper.

"You are back, who is this?"

Arthur put down the newspaper and asked George, who he did not know.

Ginny rushed forward to introduce:

"Dad, he is George, I told you before."

"Oh, George, I know, the youngest national Quidditch player and the youngest recipient of the Valor Badge. Ginny always talks about you, saying that you are the best wizard in the first grade."

Arthur Weasley looked at George with admiration in his eyes. It was the first time he met George, but he also knew that it was because of George's persuasion that Ginny had the courage to tell the truth about Voldemort's diary.

"Hello, Mr. Weasley, I heard that you are a master of alchemy. I have also been learning alchemy by myself recently. I hope to ask you some questions if I have the chance."

In terms of alchemy, Arthur is definitely a top figure, and the magic car he modified is proof of that.

There are also various magic items invented and made by the Weasley brothers for mischief, which all use a lot of knowledge in alchemy, probably due to some guidance from their father Arthur.

So he wanted to ask for advice on alchemy, and Arthur Weasley was definitely a good choice.

"Master, no, no, I'm just interested in it.

But if you like, we can discuss it. Recently, I was thinking that if I add a traceless stretch spell to the Muggle refrigerator, can I live in winter in the hot summer."

As soon as he talked about his interests, Arthur began to talk endlessly.

And George felt that the opportunity was rare, so he threw out some of the problems he had encountered in his recent self-study of alchemy.

Just like that, it was soon evening.

"If I had known this summer vacation, I should have spent some time visiting Ron's house."

While eating at the Leaky Cauldron in the evening, George thought with some regret.

Arthur's alchemy level is absolutely impeccable. In just half a day, he felt that he had made great progress in alchemy.

Unlike the alchemy terms in books that are difficult to understand, Arthur can always use the simplest and most understandable words to let you understand some of the difficulties in alchemy.

If Hogwarts offers alchemy classes, he thinks Arthur is absolutely qualified to be a professor.

"It seems that it can only be next summer vacation, but I can communicate more with the Weasley brothers when I have time."

The alchemy of the Weasley brothers is basically focused on making magic props for pranks, but in fact, if those things are used well, they are also good attack props.

For example, the fat tongue and fat candy, after eating it, the tongue will become very big, unable to speak and very painful.

Biting the door handle, when reaching out to grab the door handle, the door handle will accidentally bite off your finger.

Constipation candy, after eating it, you will be constipated and unable to go to the toilet.

Canary biscuits, after eating, the body will turn into a canary, and it will return to its original state after one minute.

There are many more.

The next day, George carried his luggage and brought the owl Peppa to the Leaky Cauldron.

The Ministry of Magic will send two magic cars to take the Weasley family to the station at the beginning of the school day, so George also took a ride with them.

According to Arthur, because his magic car was gone, the Ministry sent a car to take care of him.

In fact, George knew that it was because the Minister of Magic Fudge was afraid that Sirius would attack Harry, so he specially asked the Aurors to drive the magic car to escort him.

Sirius's escape from Azkaban has put Fudge under great pressure. If the boy who survived was killed by Sirius in revenge, he would not have to continue to be the minister.

In order to consolidate his position, he even offered a sky-high reward. Whoever can catch Sirius will be rewarded with 10,000 gold galleons by the Ministry of Magic.

The Minister of Magic's salary is only 400 gold galleons a month. 10,000 gold galleons is definitely a huge sum of money for ordinary wizards.

"I can't wait to get on the train, at least I can get rid of Percy at Hogwarts.

He just scolded me for dripping tea on his photo of Penelope Clearwater.

You know, that's his girlfriend, she hid her face behind the frame because her nose was full of stains."

Ron put on a collarless long-sleeved sweatshirt and complained to his good brother Harry while carrying his luggage. When he saw George standing below, he immediately raised his hand and said hello.

"Good morning, George."

"Good morning, Harry, Ron."

George raised his hands.

At this time, Ginny's angry voice came from above:

"Mom, I said, I have checked and I didn't forget anything, don't nag me anymore."

But it seems that she heard the voices of her brother Ron and George greeting, and her attitude changed immediately.

"Okay, dear mother, I'll check again now."

"Harry, it seems that you are no longer my sister's most admired idol."

Ron shrugged when he heard it.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief:

"I don't think this is a bad thing."

That first-year Colin has already made him very troubled, and Ginny's shift in worship will only make him feel much more relaxed.

"It's okay, Crookshanks, I'll let you out as soon as I get on the train."

Hermione carried a wicker basket and gently comforted the cat she bought yesterday, and pushed Ron away and walked down the stairs.

"Hey, George, you're always so punctual."

"No, you can't let that guy out, what about my poor Scabbers!"

Ron stood up and said dissatisfiedly.

However, Hermione ignored him and pulled George out of the Leaky Cauldron.

"George, let's go to the door and wait for the car."

"Did you and Ron quarrel?"

George smiled knowingly.

It is sometimes interesting to watch children quarreling.

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