Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 227 Miraculous Healing Magic (Update 1)

"We are near your school, but we can't find the location of your school."

Black Widow said awkwardly.

Originally, they wanted to go directly to the school to ask for help from George, but when they arrived nearby, they found that they could not find the school at all, even with the instruments they had developed before.

What makes them even more surprised is that the school's location, which was originally located based on SHIELD's technology positioning system, has completely disappeared from the system.

This caused them to walk around the neighborhood several times, but they still had no clue. They could only use the contact device they had left behind to contact George through their mobile phones.

"Oh, I just upgraded the school's defense system a little bit.

Let's do this, just stand where you are and I'll pick you up. "

George suddenly realized that it turned out that he was blocked from the school by his loyalty curse.

Spreading his wings and flying out of the school, he soon found the injured Black Widow and others on the roadside near the school.

"There are quite a few people."

In addition to the Black Widow, Coulson, Hawkeye, Hill, and May he knew, there were also a dozen SHIELD agents he didn't know, and basically all of them had injuries on their bodies.

However, it is understandable that each of the more than thirty Winter Soldiers has about the same strength as Captain America under normal circumstances. It is indeed difficult for these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to have a chance of winning.

"George, I know you don't like to get involved in our affairs, but if Hydra's plan succeeds this time, the whole world will be in chaos."

Black Widow saw George appearing and once again emphasized the seriousness of the matter.

"If you are willing to help, SHIELD will give you a satisfactory reward after it is rebuilt."

Based on her analysis of George's character, she knew that George was not a person with a strong sense of justice, and he had to have certain interests before he would be willing to help.

"Go to the school for treatment first, and then tell me in detail what's going on."

George nodded and led Black Widow and others to the school gate first.

He really doesn't want anything from SHIELD right now. SHIELD doesn't have any magic for him to learn, and he doesn't dare to learn Marvel's magic.

All Marvel's magic has its own origin and is connected to the corresponding demon. Whichever demon's magic is used will have to pay a corresponding price, even if he uses his own magic.

Like the crimson belt of Karma Taj's magic Cyttorak, it comes from the demon god Cyttorak.

The Shield of Seraphim comes from the demon god Seraphim.

The sacred sword of Emperor Weishan comes from Emperor Weishan.

This is also the reason why he never went to find Ancient One and then went to Kama Taj to learn magic.

Moreover, Gu Yi, that old salty fish, was enigmatic and had a great connection with eternity, so he did not want to have contact with him for the time being.

Unless he waits until one day, his strength can match those of the demon gods, he can analyze the magic of those dimensional demon gods, and finally use his own magic knowledge to restore it.

To be honest, he was quite interested in Kama Taj's space gate that could teleport across planets.

But if you are really interested in something from S.H.I.E.L.D., it might be the Cosmic Cube.

As one of the six Infinity Stones born in the Big Bang, it contains the most fundamental laws and power of the world. The weapons born just from studying it are very powerful.

Like the energy weapons made by Hydra during World War II by extracting the energy of space gems.

And Captain Marvel was able to obtain such powerful power because Kree scientists studied space gems and produced a light speed engine.

If you can get the space gem and use the infinite power in the gem to meditate and increase your magic power, then wouldn't it be an inexhaustible magic crystal?

"This is our school, Super Academy."

As soon as George said the name "Super Academy", the entire school seemed to have appeared out of thin air, in the eyes of Black Widow and other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

When he casts the Fidelity Charm on the school, the only person George keeps secret is himself.

That is to say, only by knowing the location of the school through his mouth can he see the school, and he can only see the school by himself and cannot tell others the location of the school.

For example, he now tells these SHIELD agents the location of the school, and these agents can see the school, and when these agents leave and want to take other people to the school, a phenomenon will occur.

That is, no matter what these agents say, even if they carry people into the school, those people cannot see the school.

This is the power of the Chidan Loyalty Spell.

So even though Snape was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, he was not the Secret Keeper and could not tell Voldemort the location of the Order of the Phoenix.

Of course, Snape himself was a spy, which was just a legitimate reason to prevent Voldemort from knowing the location of the Order of the Phoenix.

And even if the secret keeper is captured, no matter how tortured he is, as long as the secret keeper does not reveal the location willingly, he still cannot find the place protected by the Red Dank Loyalty Curse.

This is why Sirius immediately knew that Pettigrew had rebelled after knowing that Voldemort had killed the Potters.

"It's amazing!"

Coulson muttered, holding his arm soaked in blood.

He has read information about the Super Academy, and also knows about the magic of this school from Nick Fury and Black Widow.

But after seeing it with my own eyes, it still felt incredible.

As for the other SHIELD agents, most of them didn't know about the existence of the Super Power Academy before. It was only after Nick Fury's death that Black Widow and other senior agents brought them here to learn a little bit.

"Healed as before!"

Bringing Black Widow and others to the school conference room, George used telepathy to notify Professor X to temporarily suspend classes, brought all the teachers here, and then began to use healing magic to treat these SHIELD agents one by one.

The injured agents watched their wounds gradually heal under George's magic, and they all showed shock again.

These injuries that would not heal without lying in the hospital for several months were so easily healed, without even a scar.

They didn't know that for wizards, this injury was really nothing. Even if it was split, as long as the separated limbs were not lost, the healing magic could reconnect you.

"No need to lift the clothes, it's OK to do it through the clothes."

A female agent had a wound on her chest. When it was her turn to be treated, she immediately lifted up her entire top, not caring about exposing her important parts. Fortunately, George stopped her in time and put it down again.

After he finished treating all the agents, Professor X and other teachers from the school also came to the conference room.

"Tell me, what happened? Why did you lose so badly? Didn't you say you had the upper hand before?"

Seeing that everyone was there, George gave a general account of the situation and asked Black Widow in detail.

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