Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 236 Hydra's Inhumans (Second Update)

"How is this possible? The whole army was wiped out, and even the Winter Soldiers didn't escape."

In the Triskelion Building, Pierce looked at the screen that had turned into snowflakes, with anger and horror on his face.

He didn't expect that a mere mutant school could have such terrible strength.

The most elite troops under his command that could defeat SHIELD carried a large number of energy weapons, and there were more than 30 Winter Soldiers comparable to Captain America.

In such a short time, it seemed as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth, and there was no news.

"Could it be that George?"

At this time, Pierce suddenly thought of the George he had ignored before.

Before, he just thought that George was a puppet pushed to the stage by Professor X, and the real leader of the Super Power Academy, which was the previous Mutant Academy, was still Professor X.

The most powerful mutant in the Super Power Academy was also Professor X.

But when they used an instrument to isolate brain waves and Professor X's ability had been abolished, they still suffered a terrible large-scale lightning attack.

It shows that there is another mutant in the Super Power Academy who is not inferior to Professor X.

All the information about Wolverine Logan is available, and the rest are just kids. The only possible one is George, the principal in public.

So he might have made a mistake. George is the real leader of the Super Power Academy and the most powerful mutant in the Super Power Academy.

"Go, inform Dr. Zora to send all the newly developed robot soldiers here for defense!"

After the Queens robot soldier incident, SHIELD got some information about Anton Vanko's manufacturing of robot soldiers, and these information naturally entered the Hydra database.

With Hydra's technical level that surpassed SHIELD, it quickly copied a batch of similar Hydra robots.

But because things have been going smoothly here and Nick Fury was killed by him, he didn't use this trump card.

Those manufactured Hydra robots were placed in the base guarding the Cosmic Cube, under the unified command of Dr. Zora.

Now is the critical moment for the aerospace carrier to take off. In order to prevent Coulson's remaining trash from taking the group of mutants from the Super Power Academy to counterattack the Triskelion, they can only be transferred here to defend first.

"I should have ignored those mutants."

After giving the order, Pierce couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

If he knew that this would be the consequence, he should have tried his best to capture Coulson and other agents alive, waited for the aerospace carrier to take off and control the entire world, and then brainwashed them and found the location of the Super Power Academy.

This is the safest way.

The main reason is that he was careless. After capturing the Triskelion Building and killing Nick Fury, he became arrogant and thought that there was nothing to worry about in the Super Power Academy with only a few adult mutants.

It can be solved at the same time, and it can also prevent them from making trouble at the critical moment.

"No, this is still not safe. I need to borrow some people from that guy Strat."

Walking back and forth in the office for a few steps, Pierce still felt uneasy, and used the communicator to contact Baron Strat, another big boss of Hydra.

Hydra is a whole, spread all over the world, but it is not completely unified, and there are many large and small branches.

He is a branch of Hydra developed by Zora's Red Skull remnants. He is mainly rooted in S.H.I.E.L.D. and grows stronger by sucking S.H.I.E.L.D.'s blood. He has always wanted to use Zora's algorithm and the Insight Plan to let Hydra rule the world.

Baron Strat is the leader of another branch. His headquarters is currently rooted in Sokovia. He mainly wants to let Hydra rule the world by super powers through research and experiments.

Everyone has the same goal, but the methods are different.

Usually, they will definitely help each other if they can, but they will not become vassals of each other.

So he launched the Eye of Insight Plan. After the leaders of other branches knew about it, they also provided him with some help in various aspects, but did not personally bring everyone to help directly.

He has a good relationship with Baron Strat. At the beginning, the research base in Sokovia was bought by him in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. for Baron Strat.

So it should not be a big problem to ask Baron Strat to borrow a few super powers to help.

Super powers fight mutants, so he will feel more at ease.

"Okay, no problem. I'll send a few of the most powerful superpowers to help you."

In the Hydra base in Sokovia, Baron Strat waved his newly updated mechanical right hand Satan's Claw twice, hung up the phone, and ordered his men next to him:

"Let Jiaying come over!"

A moment later, a young woman with an Asian face came to Baron Strat:

"Lord Baron, what do you want?"

"Let Gordon take the most powerful warriors in your tribe to Pierce. By the way, let your daughter Daisy go too. I heard that her ability is very powerful after being developed."

Strat looked at the woman below and narrowed his eyes.

"Jiaying, you have to know that if it weren't for me, you would have been dismembered by Dr. Reinhardt.

So I hope you don't have any other little thoughts and be loyal to me.

When Hydra rules the world, I will give you a special land to live on, and you can slowly find all your people, don't worry about being rejected by the world."

"Long live Hydra, we will definitely be loyal to the Baron."

Jiaying shouted out Hydra's slogan firmly.

Strut nodded with satisfaction and asked Jiaying to retreat.

After Jiaying returned to her room, she cautiously breathed a sigh of relief.

She is a member of the Inhuman race and possesses the ability to live forever, so she has been leading some of the remaining Inhumans on Earth in the "afterlife" and is working hard to find other Inhumans with Inhuman genes.

During World War II, because she left the "afterlife" to look for aliens, she was caught by Hydra's Werner Reinhardt for experimentation, and the obelisk was also taken away.

The obelisk contains mist crystals, which allow aliens with alien genes to activate superpowers, but ordinary people will be petrified and die if they touch the obelisk.

Fortunately, Reinhardt was quickly defeated by the Howling Commandos led by Carter, and she was freed.

In 1989, while she was out searching for aliens with alien genes, she accidentally fell in love with an ordinary human doctor and had a child with him. She wanted to leave the "future" and live an ordinary life.

But it fell into the hands of Hydra again. Hydra discovered that forty-four years later, Jiaying's appearance had not changed at all, and knew that she was extraordinary.

Reinhard originally wanted to dissect Jiaying for research and find out the secret of his immortality, but was stopped by Baron Stella.

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