Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 24 Heading to King's Cross Station

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I also have such a plan.

If it were before, the professor would not have agreed with the children being exposed to fighting so early, but now, he must be very willing to allow these children to have more ability to protect themselves. "

Wolverine agreed with little hesitation.

In the former mutant school, Professor

It is up to you to decide what kind of job you want to do in the future and what kind of person you want to be.

Only if you really want to stay in school and become an X-Men as an adult, you will be trained in combat.

However, the situation is obviously very different now. In order to survive better, even children must learn to develop their own abilities and learn to fight and protect themselves.

If every child could have the strength of Little Wolf Girl, together they would not be afraid of being hunted down by the Akelai Gene Company.

"Okay, then have a good rest!"

After George and Wolverine inspected the entire two-story basement, they each returned to their rooms to rest.

They have been rushing for the past two days and have not had a good rest. Now they can finally fall back and sleep peacefully.

Just like that, four days later.

As usual, George went to the Bronx to collect intelligence. When he came back, he immersed himself in studying magic. At night, he focused mainly on his own clone in the Harry Potter world.

While the main body of the Marvel world was busy escaping from prison, the clones were not idle either.

Except for the occasional reception of Tonks and her colleagues, they were basically studying magic theories and learning to practice new magic.

But today is an exception, because today is September 1st, the day he is leaving to go to Hogwarts.

"Peppa, let's go!"

After placing the cage containing the giant owl, George locked the door of the shop, pushed the cart filled with luggage, and walked out of Knockturn Alley.

"Page" is the name he gave to his pet owl, because this owl is super edible. If he hadn't inherited the legacy of the old wizard, he wouldn't have been able to keep such a big pet.

But if you can eat it, you can eat it, and it is indeed very useful.

In order to prevent the store from being visited by dark wizards while he was in school, he had discounted all the potions and herbs in the store that he could not use in the past few days.

It's just that few of the wizards who come to his store to buy things are easy to deal with.

If he hadn't seen Peppa Pig, a giant owl, standing on the beam of the shop and staring eagerly, he might have made some small moves.

For example, he used a confusion spell to make him confused and gave away expensive potions for nothing.

Pushing a cart that was taller than himself, George walked out of Knockturn Alley, then turned into Diagon Alley. After about a few hundred meters, he came to a seemingly ordinary red brick wall.

He took out his wand and tapped on a few specific bricks on the wall. The bricks on the wall immediately began to shake, and soon a wide archway appeared in front of him.

Continuing to push the cart through the archway, he entered the famous Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, a wizard hotel-style bar that integrated food and accommodation.

He had eaten here several times when he was free. To be honest, the taste was average, the environment was average, and even a little dirty and cramped.

After extending his hand to say hello to the boss, Old Tom, George did not stop at the Leaky Cauldron, but went directly to the Muggle street outside the bar, and then stood quietly on the roadside and waited.

Originally, he planned to take the Muggle subway to King's Cross Station, but the last time Tonks took his colleagues to eat at his place, they knew that he was going to King's Cross Station today and had to drive over to see him off.

After waiting on the roadside for about ten minutes, an old-fashioned dark green car drove over from a distance and parked next to him.

"Hey, George, you're ten minutes early!"

Tonks opened the door and got out of the passenger seat.

George smiled and replied:

"I'm used to doing everything a little early so I don't have to rush."

"This is a good habit, but it's a pity that I haven't been able to develop it."

Tonks laughed and helped George move the luggage into the trunk of the car. She had a carefree personality and was very fast-paced in her work.

"Invisible Stretching Charm?"

Seeing Tonks put a lot of her luggage and Peppa Pig into the small trunk easily, George had a look of surprise on his face.

The Traceless Extension Spell is a magical spell that can expand the area of ​​space. A wizard who is proficient in this spell can even expand a small box to the size of a city.

Just like the famous magical zoologist Newt Scamander, he made such a large suitcase by himself.

However, according to wizarding laws, wizards are not allowed to use this spell for private use, and can only be used on public items approved by the Ministry of Magic.

For example, during the International Quidditch Tournament, magic tents were rented to wizard audiences from various countries.

Of course, saying that, because this spell is too convenient in life, most wizards will still use it secretly. As long as they are not caught by Aurors, it doesn't matter much.

"It seems that you have been studying very carefully recently. This trunk has indeed been used with the Traceless Extension Charm. But don't worry, this is a special Auror vehicle of the Ministry of Magic, and it is a legal modification."

Tonks closed the trunk and winked triumphantly at George.

She is still a trainee Auror, but due to her outstanding performance, she can already use the Ministry of Magic's Auror-specific magic car.


George gave a thumbs up.

On the surface, Tonks is nineteen years old and George is eleven years old. Tonks is a big sister.

But in fact, Tonks's mental age is nineteen years old, while George's mental age is already in his thirties, much more mature than Tonks.

"Good morning, George."

After getting in the car, a young male wizard wearing a bright green velvet suit sitting in the driver's seat waved and greeted him.

"Hey, if you go to Hogwarts to study, we won't have free meals in the future."

"Good morning, Aldo, you can wait for my vacation, which will only take a few months."

George smiled and replied.

He knew this guy. He and Tonks had come to eat a few times. He was very obsessed with the Chinese food he made. He was a classmate who graduated at the same time as Tonks and is now a trainee Auror in the Ministry of Magic.

And he could see that this guy was pursuing Tonks, but Tonks only regarded him as a brother.

It can only be said that love cannot be forced. Tonks likes uncle types like Lupin, and is not interested in handsome young men like Lardo.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, go to Hogwarts and study magic well, it is really a very good school."

Tonks sat in the passenger seat and hit Lardo on the back of the head, then turned to Qiao Zhi and said.

Lardo touched the back of his head, and was used to it. He skillfully started the magic car and drove towards King's Cross Station.

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