Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 240: Attack and Defense of the Three-Wing Building (3rd update)

"This base doesn't need to exist anymore!"

After getting the Cosmic Cube, solving the problem with Dr. Zora, and obtaining all the information stored by Dr. Zora, the goal of this trip has basically been exceeded.

Now we need to finish the job.

"Thunder Explosion!"

Floating above the base, George waved his wand and threw out one explosive spell after another.

The explosive power of a normal adult wizard can blow up several houses, while a wizard like Pettigrew who is at the top of the list can blow up the entire street.

George's current explosive spell level is higher than that of an average adult wizard due to frequent practice, but lower than that of a first-class wizard like Pettigrew.

But because of the more than 20 times bonus effect of the wand, the power has reached the level of top wizards, and the effect is very impressive.

With just a few explosive spells, the entire Hydra base has become a ruin.

When leaving the island, he caught up with the large ship that Hydra had just transported the energy weapons, hijacked all the energy weapons, and let the entire ship and the Hydra soldiers on the ship feed the fish together.

"Let's go to Washington and have a look."

Originally, George thought that with Captain America, Wolverine, the Hulk and the Winter Soldier, plus the cooperation of Coulson and others, it should be no problem to deal with Pierce.

After all, in the movie, Captain America, Falcon and Black Widow solved the problem.

But through Zora's intelligence, not only a large number of Hydra robots went to help, but Pierce might even have superpowers like Absorbing Man.

So he thought it would be safer to go and have a look.

The Insight Plan is doomed to fail. Once the three aircraft carriers go up to the sky to clear the world of danger, it will be shot down.

The earth is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, hiding many powerful beings.

Since it is destined to be shot down, it is better to let the people of the Super Power Academy shoot it down instead of letting others shoot it down, so that at least the Super Power Academy can show up in front of the top leaders of all countries in the world.

Hydra's Insight Plan is not only aimed at the United States, but all countries in the world.

At that time, all countries will be attacked by air strikes from aerospace aircraft carriers.

Therefore, the Super Power Academy has made efforts to solve this matter. On the one hand, it has won the favor of the top leaders of various countries, and on the other hand, it has also demonstrated the strength of the Super Power Academy.

In this way, when the Super Power Academy is released in the later stage, it can also save a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Of course, these are things that come with the hand. If you encounter them, you can do them. It doesn’t matter if you don’t do them. There is no need to spend a lot of time running around to establish good relations with the top leaders of various countries.

The main focus should still be on improving one’s own strength.

He always believes that as long as the strength is strong enough, everything else is not a problem.

When he can destroy a planet with one blow, I believe that the top leaders of all countries in the world will not dare to fart when they see him, not to mention the messy government agencies below.

But his goal is not just that, he has a greater ideal.

The earth is just a planet. There are countless planets and countless cosmic civilizations outside the earth. There are many other universes outside the universe.

And outside the Marvel world composed of these countless universes, there are also countless worlds.

So his goal is not only the sea of ​​stars, but the heavens and the worlds. Only by occupying a place in the heavens and the worlds can he be considered to have some confidence.

After Apparition to the nearest location to Washington, he began to accelerate to fly towards the headquarters of SHIELD.

On the other side, after half an hour of rapid flight, the X-fighter also arrived near the Triskelion Building of SHIELD headquarters.

"What are those, robots?"

Looking at the hundreds of armored robots engraved with the Hydra logo that guarded the Triskelion Building tightly, Coulson and others were also a little dumbfounded.

They really didn't know that Hydra had actually made so many robots.

The key is to look at the weapons used by those robots, which are not ordinary weapons, but energy weapons.

"The original plan is invalid. It seems that we have to formulate a new battle plan!"

Captain America Steve couldn't help but frowned.

In fact, according to the original plan, when he arrived at the place, he only had to push all the way at the fastest speed to take down all the Hydra soldiers and leader Pierce in the building, and naturally there would be no need to worry about the three air-space aircraft carriers taking off.

All the Winter Soldiers and the most elite soldiers under Pierce were dealt with by George alone at the SHIELD Academy, and the defense strength of the Triskelion Building was greatly reduced.

With the Hulk leading the charge, it was not difficult for them to push forward.

But now it seems that Pierce still has a backup plan. Maybe there are other defensive means besides robot soldiers, so they have to make a more cautious battle plan next.

"Logan, you have a good relationship with Stark, contact him and see if he can spare time to come and help.

He has more experience in dealing with those robots.

Coulson, continue to contact the government to see if you can get the nearest army to come to assist.

Then we will split into two groups."

Steve's battle plan is not difficult to understand or complicated, but it is also the most practical plan at this moment.

In a while, he, Logan, and Banner will launch an attack on the Triskelion Building head-on.

He has a shield, Logan has an immortal body, and Banner's Hulk can withstand energy cannons. The three of them push forward and attract all the firepower of Hydra.

Then Coulson, Bucky and others who are familiar with SHIELD and Hydra approached the building from a completely different direction with the help of the X-fighter's cloaking device, and then sneaked into the building as quietly as possible.

Find the control room that controls the takeoff of the aerospace carrier and turn off the takeoff program of the aerospace carrier.

If Tony can arrive in time during this period, it would be best if the nearby army can provide some assistance.

Pierce must know that they will come to stop the aerospace carrier from taking off, and sooner or later they will find out the infiltration of Coulson and others. At that time, it depends on how Pierce judges.

If they try their best to stop the three of them, Coulson and others will have a chance to complete the mission.

If some robots are diverted to the back to stop Coulson and others, the pressure here will be less, and the three of them will have a chance to break through and enter the building.

They don't need to find any control room, just find three huge aerospace carriers that cannot be hidden, and then destroy the aerospace carrier itself.

The Hulk's ability to dismantle things is first-class, and Wolverine's adamantium claws can also easily tear the aerospace carrier.

As for him, the shield that was reforged by the Dwarf King by fusing Uru metal not only has the ability to be thrown out and recalled, but is also much sharper than before, and can also be used as a cutting weapon after being thrown out.

"Since everyone has no objection, let's act!"

After listening to Steve's battle plan, no one had any objection, so the attack and defense of the Triskelion Building began.

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