Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 244: Just a Nuclear Bomb (Update 1)

Ten minutes ago, the World Security Council projected meeting.

"Nick Fury is dead, and the situation is very unfavorable now. If Hydra's Insight Plan is allowed to succeed, our country will be in danger, which may lead to World War III, or even worse."

"I have long said that Nick Fury will not lie to us, and we should support him to deal with Pierce as soon as possible."

"What's the use of talking about this now? It's not that Nick Fury has become more and more out of control in recent years and has done a lot of things behind our backs. I originally wanted to warn him, but I didn't expect that he was so useless and died in Pierce's hand."

"I've asked Ross to lead the army to solve it. Just relying on a few SHIELD agents and mutants won't be of much use.

If necessary, you can directly level the entire area without any problems. "

"It is said that there are many citizens living in that area. Isn't it a bad idea to do this?"

"Humph, our country is not like you. We can sacrifice a few people for the safety of the entire world. We also hope that you can be as selfless as us in some decisions afterwards."

"Really, since I say that, I think it is better to prepare nuclear bombs in advance for the safety of the entire world.

You need to know who that person is, Agent Coulson, right? What he said is true. Once the three aerospace aircraft carriers take off, the top leaders of our countries may be attacked immediately.

And the energy weapons they made are simply not comparable to our current weapons. "

"What did you say? Prepare nuclear bombs. You want to blow up our capital. I will never allow it.

The president and many important officials are there, and their lives will be in danger if a nuclear bomb is dropped. "

"For the safety of the entire world, it is worth sacrificing a few people to allow the majority to survive. You just said that now is the time for your country to sacrifice."

"No, I don't agree!"

"I also think we can prepare nuclear bombs just in case. Don't get excited. Mr. President and those important officials in your country still have time, so they can evacuate first.

At the worst, each of our countries can come up with some sincere compensation afterwards, which is related to the safety of the entire world.

If Hydra's insight plan is allowed to be completed, Washington will probably be the first to be attacked. "



"Okay, but if we really want to launch a nuclear bomb, you must also understand that our sacrifice in Washington is for the entire world. We will have priority in many decisions afterwards."

The Secretary of State thought for a while, finally nodded, and immediately turned around and asked his subordinates to notify all senior officials in the White House in Washington to evacuate.

As long as the top brass is fine, the citizens of Washington will die if they die.

On the contrary, after this incident, perhaps he who already had a large voice will have a greater voice on the World Security Council and gain far greater benefits than the destruction of a city.

On the other side, the whole of Washington has been in a state of shock because of the fierce battle at SHIELD's Tri-Wing Building.

A large number of reporters tried their best to get close to this area, trying to get super big news that would make them among the first-class reporters.

There were even reporters flying in civilian helicopters, broadcasting live.

When the three aerospace shuttles took off, although those energy cannons destroyed all the armed helicopters, they did not damage these civilian helicopters.

It's not that Pierce is so kind, but that Pierce wants to let everyone in the world witness Hydra's glorious moment through live broadcasts on these TV stations.

From today on, Hydra will no longer hide in the darkness, and will officially appear in the world and rule the world.

So the battle that is happening here in the Tri-Curve Wing Building is basically being broadcast on most TVs across the country, and many people are watching it, and it is very popular.

Can it not be hot?

A large-scale armed conflict occurred in the capital, as well as the classic villain Hydra that only appears in comics and TV, and the first superhero Captain America who has been lost for decades.

The story of Captain America and Hydra is almost known to everyone in this country and has been written into textbooks.

There is even a dedicated Captain America memorial in Washington.

Not only that, even the comic book character mutants that most people think of have also appeared, the classic character Wolverine.

The most popular Iron Man recently is also here.

Not to mention domestic, many foreign TV stations are broadcasting this report.

In fact, the government does not want this kind of thing to become a big deal at all, and is trying its best to block it. However, the Hydra spies in the government also work hard for this glorious reappearance of Hydra.

So in the end nothing was sealed, and everything that needed to be broadcast was broadcast.

"Nuclear bomb, are you kidding?"

Logan looked at Tony with a rare hint of fear in his eyes.

He had personally experienced the explosion of a nuclear bomb, and most of the flesh and blood in his body was basically destroyed. He had gradually recovering pain, second only to the pain when he was poured into Adamantium alloy, and it is still fresh in his memory.

"Are they crazy?"

Steve also had an angry look on his face when he heard this.

Launching a nuclear bomb here will indeed destroy the aerospace carrier, but it will also kill most of the innocent citizens in this city.

"The nuclear bomb has been launched. It will reach here in thirty seconds at most. I will move it to another place. You stop the aerospace aircraft carrier!"

Tony counted the time, with a solemn look on his face.

His current battle suit can reach Mach 5, which is completely capable of catching up with the supersonic nuclear bomb, and then take it to a different direction, and then send it to a place far away from the city to detonate.

"No, you all stay here, it's just a nuclear bomb, it's a piece of cake."

George waved his hand and disappeared directly from the spot.

Although he was surprised by the accident of the nuclear bomb attack, he could understand it.

After all, when the Chitauri invaded the earth, the World Security Council made the same decision, which was not a particularly unexpected thing.

He didn't let Tony solve it because he was worried.

Of course, it was the most reassuring for him to solve this kind of thing himself. If Tony made a mistake, the nuclear bomb could be remotely controlled and timed to explode. At such a close distance, he would be in danger.

At the same time, it was also a way to show the strength to the senior officials of the Security Council and tell them that their most powerful weapon, the nuclear bomb, was just a toy for him.

"Here it comes!"

Soon, he spread his snow-white wings and floated in the air, and saw a nuclear bomb coming from a distance.

Facing the most powerful and destructive weapon on earth, George showed no fear at all.

He raised his hand lightly, and the nuclear bomb was instantly fixed in the air. Then he waved his wand lightly:


The Transfiguration Spell was activated, and a blue light shot at the nuclear bomb, and the entire nuclear bomb immediately turned into a piece of wood of the same size.

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