Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 246 Welcome to the Super Power Academy (3rd update)

It turned out that George locked Pierce's position through telepathy, and directly Apparated over, and easily eliminated Pierce's men, and then read Pierce's memory with Legilimency.

As for why he wanted to kill Pierce instead of sending him to Coulson for interrogation.

First, he didn't want Coulson and others to know the location of the Cosmic Cube through Pierce, and then find that the island had been destroyed long ago, and thus suspect that he took the Cosmic Cube.

Although he would not hand over the Cosmic Cube even if the other party knew it, it would still be a bit troublesome.

Second, he felt that if Pierce was not killed but imprisoned now, with the power of Hydra, he would be rescued sooner or later, so it would be better to kill him now and put an end to it.

As for the intelligence of other Hydra, it was none of his business.

Because most of the Hydra soldiers were sent to defend below, there were not many Hydra soldiers left in the building. He waved his hand to control the metal around to solve some of them, and then he met Steve and others who rescued the hostages.

The next step was very simple. Senior SHIELD agents such as Coulson and Black Widow took the rescued agents to carry out the follow-up work.

George, Logan, Steve and Tony were free.

"I think we should withdraw."

At the entrance of the Triskelion Building, Logan looked at the Washington reporters swarming here and suggested to George.

Tony opened his helmet:

"I think you can be less anxious to leave. Sooner or later, the school will face the public. It's a good time to promote it."

"That makes sense. Now is indeed a good time."

George, who was originally about to leave, thought about it after hearing Tony's words, and finally nodded.

What Tony said made sense. Now that they have just saved Washington and even saved the world, it is indeed the best time to launch the Super Power Academy.

"Excuse me, are you really Captain America?"

"Yes, I fell into the glacier and was frozen for 66 years. I was rescued by Dean George this year."

"Are you Wolverine in the comics? So mutants really exist?"

"Mr. George, are you a mutant too? Why did Mr. Steve call you the principal? Which school are you the principal of?"

The reporters crowded in front of several people and asked questions at the same time, making Steve and Logan not know how to answer.

Tony handled it well, but not many reporters asked him questions.

Tony is usually the focus of the interview, but this time because everyone knows Tony too well, it is not new, at most they ask about Tony's new battle suit.

So the focus should be on Captain America, Wolverine and this Principal George who just seemed like an angel.

"Okay, let me tell you what's going on.

Mutants, there are no mutants in this world anymore, we are just superpowers with various abilities.

There are many people like us in this world, as long as they have a skill that surpasses ordinary people, they can be called superpowers.

Tony is also a superpower in my opinion, because his genius brain has surpassed ordinary people.

They call me the principal because I opened a superpower academy, which specializes in recruiting some superpower students to help them better develop their abilities.

After graduation in the future, they can also make better contributions to the world.

The faculty of our school The lineup is strong, such as Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, etc. These are all teachers in our school.

If you or your children have abilities beyond normal people, you can send them to our school for training.

We can help you better control your abilities, and we can also help you better use your abilities and find the direction of future development. "

At this point, George paused:

"As for what happened this time?

We received an invitation from Agent Coulson of SHIELD to come and help deal with Hydra's ambition to use aerospace aircraft carriers to rule the world."

George also told everything about the Insight Project.

If you don't tell it, how can you let the public know that they not only stopped the nuclear bomb and saved Washington, but also saved the whole world.

The government certainly doesn't want the public to know these things. The matter of launching a nuclear bomb at Washington was originally very troublesome to deal with in the follow-up.

I don't know how much work needs to be done to appease the angry citizens of Washington and give an explanation to the citizens of the whole country.

Now George has revealed the details of Hydra's Insight Project, which will only make things more troublesome.

But George didn't care about that. It was a headache for governments. The more headaches governments had, the less they would have to deal with the school.

"In short, people with special abilities from all over the world are welcome to join the Super Power Academy. The specific address of our school is New York."

After reporting an address near the school, George winked at Tony and disappeared with Steve and Logan.

He was not afraid to report the address. Anyway, the real location of the school could only be discovered by the people he told. Others could not see the school even if they were nearby.

But as long as people were near the school, Professor X could sense it through telepathy, and then they could be admitted to the school after the admission interview.

After this, the enrollment speed of the Super Power Academy will definitely increase greatly.

Apparating back to the invisible X-fighter parked nearby, George cast a tracking spell and began to pick up Dr. Banner, who was sent to an unknown place by Gordon.

In the evening, the X-fighter returned to school.

In the evening of the next day, George received a call from Black Widow.

"George, does what you said before about letting me go to school to be a teacher still count?"

It turned out that after this major incident, SHIELD was completely abandoned by the Security Council and could only be retained as a local agency in the United States similar to the CIA, responsible for handling abnormal events.

In other words, the original SHIELD was a world organization that existed to protect world peace, and now it is a government agency that exists and serves to protect the United States.

The new director of SHIELD is Coulson, and the deputy director is Hill.

Black Widow joined SHIELD to atone for her sins. She felt that fighting for the peace of the whole world in SHIELD could alleviate the mistakes she made in the Red Room before.

After the Hydra incident, she had already thought about leaving SHIELD.

Now that SHIELD is fully serving the US government, she feels that there is really no need for her to stay in SHIELD, because that may not be atonement, but may increase her sins.

Besides, she is not an American.

"Of course it counts. The school is short of teachers. Welcome to join the Super Power Academy!"

George did not refuse and smiled and accepted Black Widow's joining.

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