Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 249: The Puritan Magician Attacks (Update 1)

"They actually know each other?"

George was a little surprised to see that Misaka Mikoto knew the boy, but judging from his expression, he didn't seem to be very familiar with her.

"What's going on now?"

Kamijou Touma asked Shirai Kuroko, who wore the armband of the Disciplinary Committee.

Seeing that Misaka Mikoto knew Kamijou Touma, Shirai Kuroko didn’t hide anything:

"There are terrorists operating in the underground streets. The security guards have gone to stop them, but it is likely to trigger a large-scale battle, so I have to take the trapped people out of here first. After all, I have the ability to move in space."

"Then take them away first, and I'll go over and help the security guard."

Kamijou Touma pointed at the two girls behind him.

Misaka Mikoto nodded:

"You can only take two with you at a time. Send them out first, and then go find the other trapped people. Kamijou Touma and I will go to support the security guards."

She had fought against Kamijou Touma and knew that although the opponent was a level 0 esper, his right hand had a special effect that could nullify any superpower.

No matter how powerful his opponent is, he can bring him down to the level of an ordinary person for physical combat.

This is how she lost in single combat before.


Just as Index was about to retort, Kuroko Shirai had already pulled the two of them and teleported away.

When George saw this, he did not teleport there. Now that he knew Index's name, it would be too easy to find her in the future.

Now he wants to see the level of the magicians who attacked Academy City, so as to determine the strength of magicians in this world.

Stealth followed Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto towards the place where the gunshots were heard, and soon they came to the battlefield where the security guards and magicians were fighting.

But the battle here has ended, the guard fell to the ground, and the magician was not injured at all.

The magician is a woman in her mid-twenties, wearing a gothic-style black dress, with fluffy and messy blond hair like a lion's mane and chocolate-brown skin.

Holding an oil crayon, standing in front of him was a nearly five-meter-tall stone giant formed by magic.

"So it's Fantasy Killer. Isn't the key to the imaginary math area with you?"

The female magician saw Kamijou Touma and smiled:

"But it doesn't matter, killing you will have the same effect!"

"Who are you and why do you want to attack here?"

Misaka Mikoto walked out from behind Kamijou Touma, took out a coin and asked:

"Be honest, otherwise I won't let you escape easily this time."

"Trouble, you are a fifth-level superpower again. I don't have time to waste time with you. It seems that it would be easier to kill the Key to the Imaginary Math Zone, or the Index of Forbidden Books."

After seeing Misaka Mikoto, the female magician's face changed slightly and she drew a magic circle directly on the ground.

"My name is Shirley Cromwell, I come from the English Puritan Church, and I came here to cause a war!"

The magic circle on the ground emitted a dazzling light, and a deep hole was blasted directly into the subway passage seven or eight meters below.

"Since she escaped, it seems that she is not as strong as Misaka Mikoto."

George jumped into the hole in a flash, and then quickly caught up with the female magician named Shirley.

As for Misaka Mikoto and Kamijou Touma, because the stone giant blocked their view, they could no longer see Shirley when they discovered it.

"Floating Technique!"

After escaping in the subway corridor for a while, Shirley drew the same magic circle above, opening an opening to the street above, and then floated out of the passage with floating magic.

"You can't run away."

He quickly drew magic circles nearby, and the eyeballs in the tunnel just appeared again, and then scattered.

In less than a minute, she locked the target position and rushed in one direction.

"Does the magic in this world require a magic circle to be drawn in advance to be effective? Or is this her unique way of casting spells?"

George continued to chase him with doubts.

Five minutes later, on the side of a certain street, George followed Shirley and saw Index and another girl named Feng Zhan Binghua.

"The keys to the Forbidden Books and the Imaginary Math Zone, one for magic and one for science, are just right to kill you."

Shirley stood in front of Index and Feng Zhanbinghua, drawing a magic circle on the ground and chanting:

"The god-like person, the medicine of god, the power of god, the fire of god, represent the four heavenly symbols of the four realms, correctly deploy and guide the right power in the right direction!"

After reciting the spell, the five-meter-tall stone giant appeared again.

"Come out, Alice, and kill them all!"

The stone giant raised his huge fist and smashed it towards Index and Feng Zhan Binghua.

George, who was hiding aside, did not rush to save anyone, but was still observing.

He felt that neither girl should be simple.

One has all the magic books in the world in his head, and the other seems to him not to be human at all, but like some kind of aggregation of energy.

"Forced chanting·Twisting to the right!"

Seeing the stone giant's fist coming, Index immediately chanted a spell.

As her spell took effect, the stone giant's fist suddenly deflected and hit the wall on the right.

Shirley was not surprised when she saw this:

"As expected of a forbidden book, he actually saw through my spell instantly and interfered with my control of Alice."

As an English Puritan, she was no stranger to the information about the forbidden number of Indexes. She knew that Indexes had 130,000 magic books in her head, including the Kabbalah technique that she was good at.

Just now, Index used forced chanting to interfere with her control of the stone giant, which caused the stone giant to receive wrong instructions and make wrong attack actions.

"But as long as I don't control it, you can't interfere."

The stone giants created by Kabbalah can be controlled by the magician to attack, or they can attack freely. They are not without a little wisdom.

In this way, Index's forced chanting would have no effect.

Sure enough, when the stone giant attacked again, Index's interference had no effect.

At this moment, Feng Zhan Binghua rushed up and stood in front of Index.

After receiving a blow from the stone giant in the front, Feng Zhan Binghua was not knocked out. Instead, half of his body was shattered like glass. There was no blood, only a faint light of energy inside.

"how so?"

Feng Zhan Binghua was also shocked by his physical condition, but Shirley over there was not surprised, but had a mocking look on her face:

"Have you forgotten that you are just a created monster and do you really think you are a human being?"

"I'm a monster!"

The memory in Feng Zhan Hyoka's mind quickly recovered, and she remembered that she was actually one of the 2.3 million super students in Academy City. The AIM diffusion field aggregation naturally emitted, and she was not a real human being.

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