Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 252 Kabbalah Ritual (fourth update, please give me a monthly ticket)

"I'm not Misaka Mikoto, I'm his brother Misaka George."

George pulled his arm out of Shirai Kuroko's arms and joked.

"Misaka brother, sister, you like to play this, then let me try to see if you have what a brother should have!"

Shirai Kuroko's eyes flashed, and one hand attacked George's lower body like lightning, but before it stretched out halfway, the lightning burst out from George's body and knocked him to the ground.

"You are really a top-notch."

George's mouth twitched, and he waved to Index and Kazezan Binghua:

"Okay, I have something to do, so I'll leave first!"

There's nothing to do here, it's better to find a place to experiment with the magic of this world that I just learned.

Not long after George left, Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto came over.

Seeing the mess around, as well as the knocked-out Shirley and the still dazed Shirai Kuroko who had just woken up, he asked Index and Kazezan Binghua with a puzzled look on his face:

"What happened here?"

Index looked at Misaka Mikoto with some surprise, and pointed at Shirley who was still unconscious over there:

"She just attacked us, but luckily your brother Misaka George passed by and saved us. You two siblings really look alike. If you weren't wearing different clothes, you really couldn't tell at all."

Kazezan Binghua beside him nodded quickly, agreeing with Index's words.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto was a little confused:

"My brother Misaka George, where did my brother come from?"

"Sister, why didn't you tell me that you have a brother? It made me look so embarrassed!"

Shirai Kuroko blushed and tidied her hair that was fluffy from the electric shock.

Thinking that she had just stretched out her hand to attack Misaka Mikoto's brother's bottom lane vital point, she was really in a very social dead situation now.

"I don't have a brother wearing men's clothes, I know, it's her!"

Misaka Mikoto denied it, then her body was stunned, and she immediately thought of who it was.

After the clone incident, because of the limited equipment in Academy City, most of the Misaka sisters were sent to research institutes around the world for treatment.

Only a dozen Misaka sisters stayed in the hospital in Academy City.

But their usual outfits are basically the same as hers, the only difference is that they wear military night vision goggles on their heads.

And the only Misaka sister who likes to wear men's clothes and is strong enough to defeat female magicians is the mutant No. 9981.

"Sister, isn't he your brother?"

Shirai Kuroko asked curiously.

And the other people also came over curiously.

"She is indeed related to me by blood, but she is not my brother. Strictly speaking, she is my sister, but she prefers to dress up as a boy."

Misaka Mikoto looked at the curious people and explained with a headache.

As for the incident of Misaka's sister, she had not told them because she had to face the top management of Academy City and was worried about causing trouble to her friends like Shirai Kuroko.

Now that she has met him, she can only explain it this way.

"Sister, you actually have a sister. Which school is she in Academy City? Why didn't she come to our Todaipan Middle School? She..."

Hearing that Misaka Mikoto had an identical sister, Shirai Kuroko instantly became excited. If she transferred to their school, wouldn't she be twice as happy in the future?

Misaka Mikoto quickly changed the subject:

"Kuroko, this is not the time to talk about this. It is most important to deal with this intruder quickly."

On the other side, after George left, he first turned invisible to make sure that there were no micro robots of Aleister nearby, and then he disappeared from the spot with Apparition and appeared in an uninhabited suburb outside Academy City.

Academy City is full of micro robots responsible for surveillance, and even if he turns invisible, many things are inconvenient.

So he found a place outside the Academy City, and studied and practiced magic outside the Academy City. He would only return to the Academy City when he needed to conduct experiments to improve his abilities.

"Kabbalah ritual, a virtual image of a human being created by mud."

George stood on the grass, controlling his magic power to gradually draw a magic circle about the Kabbalah ritual on the ground.

To cast this magic, it is not necessary to use oil crayons to draw the magic circle, and it is also okay to draw it directly with magic power.

Shirley used oil crayons to draw because the oil crayons in her hand were not ordinary oil crayons, but were made of holy salt and holy oil, which could enhance the power of the stone statue after it was formed.

As the magic circle was completed, the soil on the ground began to tremble and gradually turned into the shape of a stone man, but the stone man had not yet been completely formed, and it had collapsed.

"It seems that it is not that easy, I need to practice more."

George did not care about the collapse of the stone man, but smiled on his face.

Because this proves that his magic power can use the magic of this world and will not be affected by the difference in magic power.

The magic in this world is very unique. For example, the stone giant created by Kabbalah is actually a magic created by magicians imitating the legend of gods making people out of clay in human mythology.

However, humans are not gods and cannot create real life. They can only create stone giants with a certain low-level wisdom.

Basically, the magic in this world comes from this. Most of the magic is an imitation of myths and legends.

Even many powerful magic props are imitations of artifacts in myths and legends, thus gaining powerful power.

In this world, there were no magicians or superpowers at first, only raw stones, that is, people who were born with supernatural powers.

Magicians are people who do not have that kind of innate talent. In order to obtain extraordinary power, they imitate those myths and legends, and finally appear with will, luck and understanding far beyond ordinary people.

Therefore, most of the former magicians have experienced great setbacks in their lives.

For example, they were unable to save important people from serious illnesses, lack of food and had to kill each other among companions, and endured humiliation for revenge when their family members were killed.

Only in such extreme circumstances can one surpass ordinary people, become a magician, and create their own magic classics.

This also leads to the fact that the inheritance of magicians is very difficult. There is no requirement for innate talent, but the requirements for acquired mental ability are extremely high, and the number is extremely rare.

And most of them also appear in religions, where there are more fanatics and more myths.

Until later, two very powerful magicians, Mathers and Visco, jointly founded the "Golden Dawn" magic association.

The two of them brought a large number of powerful magicians and integrated the magic systems of different religions by mutual reference, creating the prototype of modern Western magic, making it much easier to get started with magic.

However, the powerful Golden Dawn Magic Society soon fell apart due to internal strife for unknown reasons, and the creator and most of the members died.

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