Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 254 It is indeed a fantasy world (second update)

The King of the Noldor Elfs had an eldest son named Fëanor who was gifted but very stubborn. With his superb ability, he forged the Silmaril that could store the glorious power of the Two Sacred Trees.

The beauty and power of the Silmaril amazed the gods and made Fëanor arrogant.

Later, under the instigation of Melkor, he led a group of elves to start clamoring with the gods, and was finally exiled to a castle far away from the main city, and he hated the gods even more in his heart.

Melkor's plan was completed. Fearing that he would be liquidated by the gods, he destroyed the Two Sacred Trees, killed Fëanor's father, snatched the three Silmarils, and returned to Angband, the Iron Mountain in Middle-earth, to hide again.

Fëanor was furious when he knew about it, and named Melkor Morgoth. He took his seven sons and swore an oath that even if they chased him to the ends of the earth, they would swear to seek revenge on Morgoth and take back the Silmarils.

And mobilized all the Noldor elves, including his two half-brothers, to leave Valinor and go to Middle-earth to seek revenge for Morgoth's killing of his father, break away from the control of the gods, and be the master of their own house.

The Noldor elves were hot-headed and came to the seaside under the leadership of Fëanor. Because the sea elves responsible for shipbuilding on the seaside were unwilling to disobey the orders of the gods, they also ordered the slaughter of the sea elves and robbed the ship to leave Valinor.

The gods were very sad when they knew it, and the god of death Mandos personally chased them to warn them.

Among them, the family of the eldest prince and the family of the second prince of the Noldor tribe ignored the warning. The third prince himself came to his senses and returned to Valinor with some of his people following Mandos. The third prince's family did not participate in the massacre of the sea elves, so they were forgiven by the gods.

Among them, the three sons and the youngest daughter of the third prince, Galadriel, still wanted to go to Middle-earth to make a living, so they did not return to Valinor.

This is why Galadriel has been asking for forgiveness from the gods in the movie, hoping to return to Valinor.

The gods were extremely disappointed with the Noldor elves who left. They raised mountains and barriers outside Valinor, no longer welcoming any elves back to Valinor, and no longer cared about what happened in Middle-earth.

However, because the second child of Ilúvatar, humans, was born in Middle-earth at this time, they still used their divine power to make the withered two sacred trees produce a flower and a fruit.

The flower and the fruit turned into the sun and the moon respectively, bringing light to Middle-earth, and also created many stars, which greatly weakened the strength of Morgoth's dark army.

From then on, the Sun Age began, that is, the First Age began.

The Noldor elves who left Valinor also had an internal conflict. The family of Fëanor who landed in Middle-earth first burned the ship, forcing the remaining two teams to detour.

The group of light elves of Fëanor who landed first fought a fierce war with Morgoth.

That is the famous Battle under the Stars.

The result was that Fëanor fought Morgoth and died in a single battle, and Morgoth was also shocked by the power of the light elves, which was far more powerful than the gray elves and wood elves.

Later, the second prince's family and the three prince's four children brought their respective tribesmen across the iceberg and finally arrived in Middle-earth.

Although they were still upset about the burning of the ship by the eldest prince's family, they still united to beat the army of Morgoth, which could only curl up in the Iron Mountain and dared not come out to make trouble again.

But a long time later, Morgoth cultivated dragons and a large number of orcs, and recruited many humans who believed in him, and launched an attack on the Noldor elves who had lived in peace for a long time, and the humans and dwarves who appeared later.

After hundreds of years of war, the Noldor elves were almost completely wiped out, and Morgoth's power spread throughout Middle-earth.

Later, the human navigator and his elven wife brought a Silmaril and came to Valinor under the guidance of the sea god, telling the gods everything about Middle-earth.

The gods forgave the sins committed by the Noldor elves, and once again descended to Middle-earth, completely solving Morgoth and imprisoning him in the eternal void.

Sauron, who survived by chance, and several Balrogs and dragons fled to various secret corners of the world and hid.

This war also caused all of Beleriand in Middle-earth to sink to the bottom of the sea, leaving only the originally remote continent on the east side.

Since then, the Second Age has begun.

After a long period of peace, Sauron felt that the gods were no longer watching Middle-earth. He inherited the ideas of Morgoth and began to disguise his identity and appear in various forces on the continent to forge the Lord of the Rings.

Sauron was defeated, the Second Age ended, and the Third Age began.

The story of the movie mainly took place in the Third Age, the Lord of the Rings was destroyed, and the Third Age ended.

According to the memory of his current clone, George judged that it should be in the First Age, because now Morgoth was stopped by the coalition of the Noldor elves in the Iron Mountain, and Beleriand was in peace.

"It is worthy of being a fantasy world, even an ordinary human has such a strong physical fitness!"

After sorting out his thoughts, George waved his hands and couldn't help but sigh.

His clone in this world is the most ordinary adult male human, but the physical fitness of this ordinary adult male is two or three times that of normal human physical fitness in the Marvel world.

In fact, this is understandable. In the Marvel world, the physical fitness of people on different planets is also very different.

Let alone the Asgardians in the divine realm, the physical fitness of the Kree is much better than that of the earthlings.

So in this fantasy world, it is understandable that humans have abnormal physical fitness, otherwise they can't fight monsters like orcs together with the elves.

The benefit for George is that the physical fitness of the original body and other clones has improved a lot.


Not long after George stood up, a wolf roar sounded, and six hungry wolves appeared around him.

When the hungry wolves saw George standing up, they showed a look of surprise in their eyes, but soon they all pounced on George.

These hungry wolves are different from the wolves on Earth. Each one is as big as a tiger, and their strength and speed are even greater than those on Earth. It is estimated that two or three tigers on Earth cannot beat a hungry wolf here.

It can only be said that the species in the fantasy world are indeed extraordinary.

"I almost forgot, there are you too!"

This human body belongs to a tribe of humans nearby. In this era, humans have not yet formed a kingdom. They all exist in the form of tribes and rely on the kingdom of elves to survive.

When he went out hunting with his companions, he was attacked by hungry wolves and was bitten to death by hungry wolves after a battle.

When those hungry wolves were chasing the other two humans, George happened to occupy this body.

Now it should be that the hungry wolves did not catch up with the companions of this human, so they came back to collect the fruits of their labor.

Facing the hungry wolves flying towards him, George reached out and picked up the iron spear on the ground, and a flash of lightning flashed on his body:


The powerful lightning shot out with the iron spear in an instant, directly piercing a hungry wolf on the spot and pinning it to the tree.

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