Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 44 Little Malfoy, Master

"This is the Golden Snitch. When I let it go, it will fly at high speed in the stadium. Whoever catches it first will be the team's seeker."

Captain Flint, who is suspected to have troll blood and is taller than Snape, explained with a walnut-sized, golden metal ball with a pair of small silver wings.

"Okay, let's start now!"

Flitt let go, and the Golden Snitch flew out at a super fast speed, and Malfoy and George followed closely behind.

The Golden Snitch is very fast and very flexible. Even if you catch up with it, it can easily leave you behind with a turn, just like Malfoy at this time.

Because the flying broom accelerated too fast, there was no time to brake when the Golden Snitch turned, and it flew a long way before turning back.

But George was different. When the Golden Snitch turned, he immediately controlled the flying broom to turn, and the inertia of the flying broom was completely twisted by the iron wire controlled by the magnetic force.

After completely catching up with the Golden Snitch, George stretched out his hand and grabbed it like lightning. The Golden Snitch dodged quickly, and George's magnetic control came into play again.

Although the Golden Snitch is a magical product, it is also a metal product, so it will naturally be affected by his magnetic force.

It would be too obvious to force it to stop, but who can see it if it slightly affects the speed?

Because of George's magnetic force, the reaction speed of the Golden Snitch slowed down by one second, and in that second, George had already firmly grasped it in his hand.

"So fast, less than a minute!"

Seeing the Golden Snitch being caught by George, Snape and the team members below were also shocked.

Although this is not a formal game, without the interference of the two teams' players and the Quaffle and Bludger, the difficulty of catching the Golden Snitch is greatly reduced, but catching it in one minute is too fast.

You should know that in previous Quidditch games, there is a record of catching the Golden Snitch in three months at the latest, which shows how difficult it is to catch it.

"Harry, if George becomes the Slytherin Seeker, you're done!"

Among the three people who were peeking, Ron looked at Harry with sympathy, and Harry also had a bitter face.

But Hermione next to him said:

"But if George becomes the Seeker, Malfoy will definitely be pissed off, which seems not bad."

Ron and Harry's eyes lit up when they heard this, and nodded in agreement.

Seeing Malfoy get humiliated, this is of course also a very pleasant thing for them.

"I lost."

The two landed, and Malfoy looked at the Golden Snitch in George's hand, and the whole person collapsed like a deflated balloon.

From today on, he will definitely become a laughing stock of Slytherin and will also disappoint his father.

Father spent so much money to make him a Seeker, so that he could compete with Harry, but he lost it.

"Since you want to be a Seeker so much, then you can be one."

George returned the Golden Snitch to Flint and said to the dejected Malfoy.

Malfoy instantly raised his head and looked at George with incredible eyes. Snape and others also looked at George with surprise, not understanding what he was doing.

"I think whether it is a seeker, a chaser, a beater, or a goalkeeper, they are all equally important, and I have the confidence to win honor for Slytherin.

But I just tried it, and the seeker seems a bit boring and not challenging."

George shrugged, and then looked at Malfoy with a smile:

"And I don't like to deprive others of their dreams."

The eyes of the other players looking at George softened a lot.

"Thank you."

Malfoy was silent for a few seconds and thanked George for the first time.

He used to dislike George because the other party not only stole all his limelight, but also openly mocked him.

But now, he suddenly felt that George didn't seem to disgust him so much, and he was a little grateful to George in his heart.

After all, George was really amazing. In this case, he was willing to give him some face and let him survive.

"As Slytherins, we should help each other and work hard for the honor of Slytherin, right?"

George patted Malfoy on the shoulder, and this time Malfoy did not show any disgust on his face.

Little Malfoy, hold it!

Slytherin is like this. If you are a weak person, even if you show goodwill, the other party will just think you are easy to bully.

But if you are strong enough, he will admire you and be willing to follow you from the bottom of his heart.

Is Malfoy a very evil person?

Of course not, he is just a proud child, and his nature is actually kinder than his two followers.

Before, because the other party was looking for trouble first, he deliberately suppressed the other party.

But if there is a chance to conquer, it is also good. The Malfoy family is quite prestigious among pure bloods, and there may be many places to use before Voldemort is resurrected.

As for seekers, beaters, chasers and keepers, there is really no difference in his eyes. On the contrary, he actually thinks that chasers are easier to improve his reputation than seekers.

In a normal game, the Seeker is the one who attracts the most attention.

Because the game is not over until the Seeker catches the Snitch, and the Seeker who catches the Snitch can add a full 150 points to the entire team.

In most cases, as long as the level of the two teams is not too different, the score difference will not be 150 points.

So it is generally assumed that whichever team's Seeker catches the Snitch wins.

If he, as a Chaser, can pull the score to more than 150 points before the Seeker catches the Snitch, then he will be more dazzling than the Seeker.

This is also a very rare thing in the history of Quidditch at Hogwarts.

Of course, what he did was effective for the inexperienced young Malfoy, but it would definitely not work against an old-timer like the elder Malfoy.

The elder Malfoy was not very loyal to Voldemort.

"Well said, what Slytherin needs most is unity. Since George gave up voluntarily, Malfoy will be the Seeker and George will be the Chaser."

Snape rarely showed his smile that was uglier than crying.

As the dean of Slytherin, he was naturally very happy to see such a harmonious scene, and his evaluation of George also rose to a higher level.

It is really rare to have such a broad mind and ideas at this age.

If he had the same mind and ideas as George, instead of spending all his time studying the dark arts, he wouldn't have let the damn Potter take advantage of Lily.

"You guys train well."

After Snape left, everyone started Quidditch training. George, as a new chaser, also showed his superb skills in chasing.

The seeker is to catch the Golden Snitch, the goalkeeper is to guard the goal, the beater is to hit the bludger to interfere with the opponent's players, and the chaser is to grab the quaffle and then shoot.

This shot can be made with hands, feet, or a flying broom, as long as no magic is used.

George's physical fitness is comparable to that of Captain Flint, who has the blood of a troll, but because of his body, he is much more flexible than him, plus he has absolute control over the flying broom.

So basically, from grabbing the ball to dodging, to shooting, it is all done in one go.

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