Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 5 The Magnificent Ministry of Magic

"It's okay to be a younger class, anyway, learning magic is the most important thing."

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, George thought while eating.

He actually thought about which house he might be sorted into at the sorting ceremony.

He thought it was most likely Gryffindor.

Gryffindor focuses on courage, and he thinks he is quite brave. He just occupied this clone yesterday and made a plan to successfully kill an old wizard.

"Good morning, Dora, oh no, I should call you your new name, George!"

The door of the shop was pushed open, and a young and energetic female wizard walked in. It was the female Auror Tonks from yesterday.

"Good morning, Miss Tonks."

Seeing this, George put down the omelet in his hand and greeted him with a smile.

Tonks sat down opposite George unceremoniously and rubbed his head with her hand.

"Don't be so distant, just treat me as your sister in the future."

George reluctantly tidied up his messed up hair, and did not refuse Tonks's closeness, but brought out the second breakfast prepared in advance from the side.

"I made an extra portion this morning. Let's eat together."

"How do you know I didn't have breakfast? Hmm, what is this? It tastes great!"

Tunks tasted the rolled omelette on the plate and her eyes lit up immediately. The soft dough was wrapped with vegetables and sausages, which had a unique flavor.

She was a terrible cook, so she never made breakfast. She usually bought something to deal with it, or simply chose not to have breakfast and eat it together at noon.

Although there are various cooking magics in magic, the premise is that you have to know how to cook so that you can use cooking magic to save time and make delicious food quickly.

If you don't know how to cook, even if you use cooking magic, all kinds of ingredients and kitchen utensils are flying all over the sky, and the food you make in the end will still be as bad as it should be.

This is the same as various housework magics. You can only use housework magic well if you know how to do housework.

"This is called omelette, which is made of eggs and flour, and the vegetables wrapped inside are shredded green peppers and shredded carrots."

George briefly introduced his breakfast.

Of course, he didn't know whether Tonks had eaten breakfast or not, but preparing it in advance would improve her favorability regardless of whether she had eaten or not.

"I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good. I think you will be sorted into Hufflepuff when you are sorted."

Although he didn't understand George's introduction, Tonks still gave him a thumbs up, which made George stunned for a moment.

"I won't really be in Hufflepuff, will I?"

Then he shook his head again. If it was Hufflepuff, it didn't matter. He personally preferred Gryffindor, but in fact, no matter which college he was sorted into, he felt that there were pros and cons.

But he still felt that the possibility of Hufflepuff was relatively small.

Many wizards who graduated from Hufflepuff chose the catering industry after graduation, but their hallmark was not cooking, but integrity, loyalty, honesty and fearlessness of hardship.

Choosing the catering industry was probably because their dormitory was close to the kitchen, and they were influenced by it.

And except for the last one, he didn't seem to have much to do with these qualities.

After breakfast, under the guidance of Tonks, George began to handle various procedures for inheritance.

And the first place they had to go was the famous Ministry of Magic.

"Hold my arm tightly, it may be a little uncomfortable for a while, but bear with it and it will pass soon."

Tonks put George's hand on her arm, first carefully explained it, and then began to chant the spell.


A slight explosion sounded, and Tonks and George disappeared instantly.

Knockturn Alley was not far from the Ministry of Magic, so she could Apparition with George directly without wasting Floo powder.

"No wonder not all wizards like to use Apparition to travel."

George felt that he instantly entered a dark place, and then the air squeezed from all directions, pressing him almost a little breathless.

It felt like his chest was tightly tightened by several iron hoops, his eyeballs were squeezed back into his head, and his eardrums were pressed deep into his head.

Anyway, it was very awkward and uncomfortable.

But the time was very short, it felt like only one or two seconds, and he saw the light again.

"It will be a little uncomfortable the first time, but you will get used to it later."

At this time, Tonks's giggle came to his ears.

"Let's go, I'll take you to register first."

In this way, George was pulled to the reception desk in the center of the hall, and he looked around curiously.

"It's really gorgeous."

After a moment, he couldn't help but sigh.

The floor was a dark wooden floor that was polished to a bright shine, and the peacock blue ceiling was inlaid with glittering golden symbols, which kept moving and changing, like a huge high-altitude bulletin board.

There were many gilded fireplaces embedded in the walls on both sides, and wizards in various costumes came in and out of the fireplaces.

In the center of the hall was a magic fountain, with five statues in the fountain, one of which was a graceful wizard holding a wand, a beautiful witch, and the centaurs, goblins and house elves surrounding them.

The centaurs, goblins and house-elves all looked at the wizards and witches with infinite admiration, as if there was some special meaning.

Of course this is not the point. The point is that these five statues, which look two or three times bigger than real people, are actually made of pure gold.

"The Daily Prophet, ladies and gentlemen, have a copy of the Daily Prophet."

Next to the fountain, there are wizards from the Daily Prophet selling newspapers.

At twelve o'clock noon, after four hours, George finally completed all the procedures for inheriting the estate, and was taken back to the store by Tonks again.

"Strong on the outside but weak on the inside, no wonder it was so easily disintegrated by Voldemort."

This is George's complaint about the Ministry of Magic.

The entire Ministry of Magic looks very magnificent, but in fact, the wizards working in it are very lazy, inefficient, and very corrupt.

If it weren't for Tonks, he felt that it would be quite difficult to inherit the estate completely.

However, it was not without gain. At least he saw a lot of interesting things in the Ministry of Magic.

Various magical items endowed with magical powers by alchemy, and various interesting small magic developed for the convenience of office, etc.

It can be regarded as a gain of some knowledge.

It also made him realize that although the magic in the Harry Potter world rarely has large-scale destructive power and is mostly functional magic, it does not mean that it is necessarily weak.

In some aspects, it is even more dangerous and terrifying.

Because many magics are very idealistic and cannot be judged solely by external destructive power.

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