Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 57 George the Studious

On the other side, George once again entered into the rhythm of concentrating on researching and learning magic.

With Wolverine on Tony Stark's side, it doesn't seem to be a big problem, and Tony Stark is not stupid, so he won't be killed by Obadiah so easily.

Even if you are killed in an accident, there is nothing you can do. At most, the stock will fall again and you will lose some money. When you become stronger in the future, you will naturally have the opportunity to earn it back through other methods.

For him now, establishing a relationship with Tony Stark is certainly better for future development, but if he doesn't take this step, it's not a dead end.

Money is a general equivalent. It is useful only if it is spent. If it is not spent, it is just waste paper.

No matter how badly the Stark Group's stock fell, given its size, the stock could still be exchanged for a lot of money, enough for them to spend seven or eight years.

By that time, he would have already learned the Muggle Shielding Charm and the Loyalty Charm, and he would not have to worry about the safety of the school.

Therefore, it is most important to focus on magic, and everything else is secondary.

Hogwarts Castle, Charms class, Professor Flitwick is instructing on the essentials of the Levitation Charm.

“Don’t ever forget that subtle wrist movement we’ve been training, one swipe and one twitch, remember, one swipe and one twitch.

It is also very important to recite the spell correctly, and don't forget the wizard Barufio, who said the 'f' instead of an 's' and found himself lying on the floor with a buffalo standing on his chest. "

"That's not bad. With this technique, you won't be short of beef in the future."

After hearing the example given by Professor Flitwick, George secretly complained.

In fact, he was just complaining. According to the magic knowledge he learned during this period, he knew that the cow was not transformed out of thin air. It was either a transfer of nearby cows, or something similar to a transformation spell.

Magic is magical, but it also follows its own rules and is not omnipotent.

At least it is impossible to conjure food and water out of thin air.

Many magic spells that conjure cows, snakes, horses, birds, flowers, etc. are actually extended magic of transfer and transformation.

If it is a transfer type, things that do not exist around you cannot be transferred. For example, if you are in a desert, even if you say 'f' instead of 's' a hundred times, there will be no cows.

If it is a transformation type, then the cow is affected by magical transformation. Once the magic effect ends, it will disappear or return to its original appearance.

It is impossible to get countless free beef to fill your stomach in this way. At most, you can just taste it.

There are many similar rules in magic. If you don't study them carefully and understand the taboos, you may accidentally get yourself into trouble one day.

Luna's mother died from the experiments and improvements of the curse.

"Now, everyone starts practicing."

After explaining the theoretical basis of the Levitation Spell, Professor Flitwick asked everyone to try practicing with feathers.

At this time, George was not low-key. He naturally raised his hand and cast a floating spell on the desk next to him.

"Wingardim, Leviosa!"

As the spell sounded, the desks immediately floated above the classroom, leaving the little wizards who were still trying to make the feathers float in a daze.

"Very well, George, five points for Slytherin."

Although I was a little distracted in class, points still had to be earned.

After class, Professor Flitwick picked up his textbook and was about to leave the classroom, but how could his short legs outrun George, who was faster than a rabbit, and was blocked directly at the door of the classroom.

"Looks like my lunch will be delayed again!"

Professor Flitwick said helplessly. It was obvious that this was not the first time that this happened. He was very pleased, but also a little confused.

George had a smile on his face:

"Professor, I have been learning Muggle shielding spells recently, and there are a few things I don't understand that I would like to ask you for help. I think you won't mind wasting this little time to answer the questions for your eager student."

There was nothing he could do. The professors had many classes and had their own private matters on weekends. He really couldn't find anyone without waiting after class.

Not all professors are like Snape and are willing to use their personal time to teach magic.

An hour later, George let Professor Flitwick go with satisfaction and walked to the Great Hall to have lunch.

Halloween will be in two days, but the weather has not improved. It has been raining for a week and it is still raining.

Although it was raining, he was in a good mood because his magic question had been answered.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, haven't you eaten yet?"

As soon as he entered the Great Hall, George saw the trio of Harrys at the Gryffindor table.

Normally there would be very few people in the auditorium at this point, so the three Harrys were extremely conspicuous there.

"George, we were discussing the death anniversary party."

With a grimace, Harry told him about being invited to the death anniversary party.

It turned out that when he came back from Quidditch training yesterday, he accidentally soiled the floor of the castle. He happened to be caught by the gatekeeper Filch again, and it was Nearly Headless Nick who helped him.

So he promised Nick to go to the basement to attend Nick's 500th death anniversary party on Halloween.

"Don't be so depressed. Halloween parties happen every year, but the ghosts' death anniversary party may only happen this once. I think it will definitely be wonderful. I will accompany you then."

Hermione was obviously very interested in this unknown ghost party.

Ron held the opposite opinion:

"Why would someone celebrate the day of their death? I think it's so unlucky!"

"Harry has already promised Nick. He said he must go to the party and cannot keep his word."

Hermione stood up and looked at Ron condescendingly, threatening to start a fight. Ron was so frightened that he quickly changed his words:

"You are right, Harry. As a good brother, I will accompany you!"

"Thank you."

Harry's expression felt a little better, and then he looked at George expectantly:

"George, do you want to come and see it together?"

"I'll forget it, I don't want to miss my first Halloween at Hogwarts."

George smiled and declined Harry's invitation.

If he remembered correctly, the Basilisk first acted on Halloween and petrified Filch's cat.

As for the Basilisk and Voldemort, he doesn't want to come into contact with them so early now, and he is indeed interested in the Halloween party at Hogwarts.

"A friendly reminder to you, according to the records I read in the "Book of Ghosts", ghosts cannot eat normal food and can only get some sensations by smelling those extremely pungent smells.

Therefore, I guess the food at the ghost dinner is most likely to be food that has been rotten for a long time. It is best for you to bring something to eat before you go, otherwise you will be hungry. "

"Oh, Merlin, I shouldn't have promised Headless Nick."

Harry suddenly fell into despair, and Hermione asked George with great interest:

"The Book of Ghosts, is this a library book? Why haven't I seen it?"

"On the top of the third bookshelf from the bottom, there is only one in the whole library. It's normal that you can't see it. I went to look for it specifically because I'm interested in ghosts."

George picked up the food that the house elf had magically delivered to him on the table, and started chatting with Hermione while eating.

He was looking for books about ghosts, not only because he was interested, but also thinking about whether he would have the chance to transform into a ghost form and survive first, and then find a way to resurrect him if his life span came to the end or was accidentally killed.

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