Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 62 New Magical World

George's idea was simple. Joining the England Quidditch team now could improve his reputation, but he didn't want to waste time training and playing, so he simply postponed it to the fourth grade.

When he was in the fourth grade, Voldemort came out. When the wizarding world was in chaos, there was no need to waste time on Quidditch training.

It was just killing two birds with one stone.

"If you don't agree, forget it."

Seeing Ludo hesitate, George looked down at the magic book again.

And Ludo dared not hesitate any more, and nodded quickly:

"Agree, agree, I will go to your principal to talk about this, and then we will sign the contract today."

The fourth grade is the fourth grade, it's better than nothing.

This time he can immediately publicize this matter when he goes back, let everyone know that he has signed a talented player for the England team, so that other people in the Ministry of Magic will not say anything to him.

The next day, at breakfast time, the owls rushed into the Great Hall as usual and delivered the little wizards' things to their hands.

But not long after, a few exclamations resounded throughout the Great Hall.

"George, you've been accepted by the England Quidditch team!"

"Oh, look here it says 'The Director of the Ministry of Magic's Sports and Physical Education Department said that he has discovered a rare Quidditch genius from Hogwarts. He scored 30 goals in the Quidditch game in his first year, and his talent far exceeds that of Viktor Krum of the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team'.

George, isn't he talking about you!"

"Look at the back of the newspaper, there is a group photo of George, Ludo, Snape and Dumbledore!"

The little wizards who have the habit of subscribing to the Daily Prophet soon found today's headlines, which also made the little wizards in the entire auditorium boil.

After a torrential rain of 100,000 whys, George finally got rid of those little wizards with stars in their eyes and left the auditorium.

He can only be thankful that today is Sunday. If it was Monday, there would be more little wizards, and he would not be able to get rid of them so quickly.

In the afternoon, when the whole school was boiling over the fact that George was accepted by the England Quidditch team, the second attack occurred.

Colin Creevey, who was born as a Muggle, was attacked in the same way as Mrs. Norris and was petrified and sent to the bed in the school hospital.

Suddenly, rumors were flying everywhere, everyone was suspicious, and many young wizards began to act in groups of three or five, fearing that they would become the next target of attack.

George still did not ask about this, but just went to the school hospital to visit Colin, who was petrified, as a friend.

With the legendary wizard Dumbledore, it is impossible to really let the basilisk kill the young wizards. He did not take action just to train the future savior Harry.

Anyway, he did not believe that such a big basilisk attacked people in Hogwarts Castle, and Dumbledore would not notice it at all.

Because of Colin's attack, Harry and the other two confirmed the speculation that Malfoy might be the heir.

In order to prevent other Muggle-born wizards from encountering danger again, Hermione officially brewed Polyjuice Potion in the bathroom of Moaning Myrtle. George did not participate, and continued to concentrate on studying magic as usual.

Time lasted until the second week of December, when Professor Snape came to the common room to collect the names of students who would stay in school for Christmas.

George did not sign the list. He did not plan to stay in school this Christmas. He was going back to Diagon Alley to learn how to make a wand.

During this period, he had been learning the knowledge of wand making in the library, but he did not understand many aspects, and there was no professor who was more proficient in this aspect in the school.

So he planned to go back to Ollivander, the professional wand maker, to teach him at Christmas.

At most, he would have to pay more tuition.

If you don't learn to make a wand early, it will be difficult to use magic as the main means of combat in the Marvel world.

The speed of casting spells with gestures is still too slow. The battle is in an instant, so there is no time for you to cast spells slowly.

Only by making a horizontal wand in the Marvel world can he exert his true full magical power.

However, to his surprise, another big thing happened that night.

In the Marvel Universe, George was practicing the Freezing Curse in the Mutant Combat Simulation Room. Suddenly, his body was startled and a familiar pain swept through his body.

"I'm torn apart again?"

After the pain, George felt that he had a new perspective. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In fact, he had originally guessed that his ability to split his soul might not be just once.

"Let's take a look at the new clone and the world!"

Shifting his attention to the new perspective, the memories of six years began to flash in his mind one by one.

His clone this time was not a human, but a cat, but this cat was not an ordinary cat, but a magical cat with magic power, natural flying magic, and the ability to speak.

The cat's name is Jin Jin, because the hair on his body is golden, and at first glance, he thought it was a little lion.

Six years ago, Jin Jin broke out of an egg in a forest. Yes, you heard it right, it broke out of an egg. Its species is different from normal cats. It is born from eggs instead of live births.

Soon after birth, he awakened his racial talent and was able to use the magic of "wings" to fly, thus successfully surviving in the forest.

When he was about three years old, he began to think about his origins and wanted to find his parents, so he flew out of the forest for the first time and came to the outside world to start his adventure.

After about three years of traveling, he also had a general understanding of his own world.

This world is called Aslant, a world full of magic, ruled by humans.

Magic has penetrated into thousands of households in this world. Basically, even ordinary civilians who do not learn magic will use some magic items, and there are various magic shops on the streets.

The most distinctive among them are wizards and wizard guilds spread across various cities.

Wizards are people who learn magic and fight with magic, and wizard guilds, in George's view, are like mercenary guilds, accepting tasks to earn commissions, but all mercenaries are wizards.

And there are many wizard guilds in this world, and each guild is equivalent to an independent organization.

Jin Jin accidentally learned during his travels that there is a guild called "Fairy Tail" in the Kingdom of Fiore, which seems to be one of the most powerful wizard guilds in that country.

Among them was a powerful wizard called "Fire Dragon", who had a flying and talking cat named Harpy.

Jin Jin suspected that Harpy was of the same species as him, so he wanted to go to Fairy Tail to find Harpy and ask him if he could find out his origins.

Unfortunately, when he went to Magnolia City where Fairy Tail was located, he met wizards from the Dark Guild. Because he didn't want to be captured as a pet, he died in the hands of those dark wizards.

So there was the scene where George's split soul took over the body.

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