Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 83 Hypnosis?

Regarding the interpersonal relationship between Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, Coulson has already understood clearly during this period, and George is obviously a new face that he has not seen before.

The twenty-year-old agent's intuition told him that this new face might not be an ordinary person.

His temperament and aura don't quite resemble those of Pepper Potts' men.

"Look into the information about the man who just came in with Pepper Potts."

After George and Pepper disappeared completely, he whispered an order into the small walkie-talkie.

And the investigation results were quickly given.

"No information was found about this individual."

"There is no information, are you sure?"

Colson's face suddenly showed a confused look.

You must know that with SHIELD's intelligence capabilities, no matter which country it is, as long as there is a household registration record, it should be able to find it.

Black household?

On the other side, George and Pepper also took the elevator to Tony's office on the top floor.

"I'll guard the door, you go and do it."

George closed the door and signaled Pepper to hack into the system.

A somewhat nervous Pepper nodded, trotted to the desk in high heels, inserted the special USB drive Tony gave her into the computer host, and began to invade the group's system.

Tony was worthy of being Tony. Within five seconds of inserting the USB flash drive, he quietly broke through all the group's defense systems.

"Oh, my God, it's really him!"

Looking at the large number of illegal bills in the database and the videos sent by the Ten Rings Gang asking Obadiah for money, Little Pepper couldn't help but cover her mouth.

If this evidence is handed over, it will be enough to put Obadiah in jail.

At this moment, the office door was pushed open.

"Pepper, tell me what I should do. Tony is already so old, and sometimes he is still so worried. You need to help me persuade him."

It was Obadiah who knew that Pepper was coming to the company and came here specifically to continue to stabilize Tony through Pepper.

When Obadiah appeared, Pepper, who was downloading evidence, was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

"Confuse the public!"

At this time, George, who was standing behind the door, stepped forward and cast a confusion spell directly on Obadiah.

Obadiah trembled all over after being cursed, and then fell into confusion.

"It's okay, you continue, he will be in a daze for a while."

The Confusion Spell can confuse and confuse the enemy, causing people to be in a state of trance. When they come back to their senses, they will not notice it, and they will just think that they were stunned accidentally.

The young wizards at Hogwarts like to use this spell to prank their classmates, and outside wizards often use it to deal with Muggles to prevent them from discovering the existence of magic.

George is not yet proficient in this spell, and his ring wand cannot amplify the magic effect. Even if it is cast on an ordinary person like Obadiah, the effect can only last for about one minute each time.

But it doesn't matter, he can play it once a minute, and keep controlling it until Pepper has completely downloaded all the evidence.


Seeing Obadiah holding a wine glass at the door as if he was under an illusion and not making any movement, Little Pepper felt relieved.

In about five minutes, all the evidence is downloaded.

"Check it, don't leave any holes."

Seeing Pepper getting up, George reminded him specifically.

He remembered that in the movie, it was because Pepper left in such a hurry and left a download completion tag that Obadiah discovered something was wrong and took the risk to seize Tony's Ark reactor.

Now, although Obadiah doesn't have Iron Overlord and doesn't know that Tony made the Iron Suit, if he finds out what Pepper did, he will definitely take action to protect himself.

After making sure that there were no flaws in the computer, George stopped using the confusion spell.

After Obadiah woke up, he didn't notice anything unusual about himself. He just felt that his head was empty for some reason, and he continued to chat with Pepper.

Little Pepper was afraid that she couldn't control her emotions and would be exposed. In addition, she had already obtained the evidence, so she immediately made an excuse:

"I will give Tony some good advice. Suddenly I remember that I have something to deal with, so I'll leave first."

"Okay, then go and get busy."

Obadiah was stunned for a moment, but didn't say anything, smiled and waved.

But when Pepper and George left the office, his brows gradually frowned.

"Why does it feel like something is wrong?"

So many years in the business field have allowed him to develop unusually keen intuition, especially in observing words and emotions.

He always felt that there was something wrong with Little Pepper's expression just now, his eyes were not quite right, and the bodyguard was also very wrong.

Putting down the wine in his hand, he quickly went to his desk and turned on the computer to check. After seeing that the computer had not been tampered with, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still felt vaguely uneasy in his heart, so he quickly picked up the phone on the table:

"When did Potts join the company, and where is he now?"

"The company that Miss Potts moved to twenty minutes ago has now left, along with the agent who calls himself Coulson."

The other end of the phone replied.

After hearing this, Obadiah's pupils shrank, and he quickly stood up and ran towards the monitoring room.

It took twenty minutes just to come to the office, and I didn’t take anything from the office with me when I left. This was obviously a problem.

Fortunately, he had installed invisible surveillance in Tony's office a long time ago. Now he could go and check the surveillance to see what Pepper did in Tony's office.

"What's going on? Is it hypnosis?"

A moment later, in the monitoring room, watching Pepper downloading things in the surveillance, while he stood there motionless as if he was hypnotized, Obadiah was a little dumbfounded.

But he soon realized the seriousness of the matter. Pepper had obtained his evidence of guilt and mixed with the agents.

Even if he led people to hunt him down, he didn't know where the other party was now.

Walking back and forth in the monitoring room for a few steps, he calmed down and immediately made a phone call.

"I agree to your cooperation, but you have to help me kill Pepper Potts and his bodyguard who just left the group, and an agent immediately, so that the evidence of my crime cannot be handed over to the government."

This is a mysterious big client he has been cooperating with. Every time he wants a lot of weapons, and he has great magical powers.

Recently, he wanted to cooperate with him more deeply, but he was afraid of being swallowed up and didn't dare to agree.

"No problem, they will die in an accident soon."

A positive reply came from the other end of the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Obadiah was still a little worried, so he immediately began to gather people and rushed to Tony's mansion in Malibu, Los Angeles.

What Pepper did must have been instructed by Tony.

Since Tony has already doubted him, he can't stay any longer. He might as well kill him and lie to the outside world that it was revenge by the terrorists who kidnapped him before.

"You were lucky last time, this time I have to take you to see your father in person!"

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