Wei Xiuming's words are full of confidence in his own products, and it is also a fluke for being able to rescue Tony Stark.

Fortunately, he had promised to start making the stand-in robot for Nick Fury. Although it was less than 30% complete, the internal organs had been completed, and the artificial heart was used to save Tony Stark.

Just like what he said to Nick Fury at the beginning, the stand-in robot he designed is like humans. The whole body parts form a complete system. The energy used for operation is provided by a device that simulates the human digestive system, a single one. The heart can't work, so he opened a hole in Stark's chest like the Doctor Ethan in the movie, and used the Ark Reactor he picked up to power him-it can only be said that the inertia of the world is very strong.

The original Tony Stark was attacked by the Ten Rings on the way back to the base in the Middle East to sell Jericho missiles to the military because of the betrayal of Obady. When he escaped, he was blown out by a bomb he designed and fainted.Although the protagonist’s halo did not hang up, the shrapnel entered the heart and had to rely on the electromagnets powered by the Ark’s reactor to sustain life; even if Wei Xiuming changed the world situation, Stark’s eldest master was still because of Opadry and The product he designed and lost his heart, the Ark reactor is still a necessary prop for his survival.

"But don't worry, my artificial heart has no other side effects except that it will increase the body temperature by one to 1.5 degrees Celsius." Wei Xiuming continued: "But the increased body temperature is not a bad thing. Human body temperature changes. It is closely related to resistance. For every 1 decrease in body temperature, immunity will drop by more than 30%; every 1 increase in body temperature, immunity will increase by 56 times. Your chances of catching a cold in the future will be greatly reduced, and the chance of getting cancer It is also lower than ordinary people. This is equivalent to a shot of vaccine in advance in today's abuse of chemicals and pesticides."

Seeing Wei Xiuming’s ugly face that blows side effects into positive effects, Tony Stark labelled him as an unscrupulous profiteer in his heart: “Hey, I’ve read relevant research reports. This is related to the lack of exercise and mentality of modern people. Excessive stress is related, so I insist on aerobic exercise for an hour every day, and do soft exercises for half an hour before going to bed; the food I eat is all crops from specific farms, and I have done pesticides and hormone residues. Test to ensure that the hormone levels in the body are normal."

"As for the psychological pressure, do you think that as a group president, who can even influence the presidential election, will someone bring me that kind of thing? If I want, the next US president will be a nigger, and let him Two consecutive terms, the next president will be a lunatic. He will lift the moral mask that the U.S. imperial government uses to disguise his ugly behavior."

Can't afford to offend, this is the real boss.

Wei Xiuming didn’t get too entangled in this topic, but said: “Compared to my artificial heart, you still worry about your own Ark reactor. After the heart transplant, you were in a coma for almost two weeks. Over time, during this period, the palladium content in your blood gradually rises. Although there will be no impact in the short term, it will gradually threaten your life as the dose increases. You can switch to high-performance batteries in the future. , You can also take a large amount of chlorophyll juice orally to inhibit the blood content of palladium, and in severe cases, it can be neutralized by intravenous injection of a certain amount of lithium dioxide."

"However, apart from replacing the energy supply method, the rest of the solutions are symptomatic and not the root cause, but the most excellent existing portable energy supply solution is your Ark reactor."

"Hey, I thought you were insulting my scientific literacy." Although Tony Stark was in a coma for two weeks, Tony Stark used intravenous glucose and nasal feeding to ensure the daily consumption of the body, and now he still has energy and strength. Reverse bar: "Let’s not talk about whether lithium dioxide can be stored under normal conditions. You are sure that alkaline metal compounds will not react with water after entering the human body. The strong alkali generated will solve me before the palladium element poisoning. Drop."

First URL http://xs.com

"There is no outstanding scientist who is unwilling to base scientific beliefs on conclusive evidence; there is no outstanding scientist who is unwilling to revise existing scientific beliefs in the face of new evidence." Wei Xiuming found from memory A sentence from an article on scientific argumentation: "The preservation and harmless treatment technology of normal lithium dioxide has been developed and matured during the CCCP period, and the purpose is to save the high cost of disaster relief in the Chernobyl incident. Heroes of dose radiation, but because of the long R&D cycle, not many people can live until it is produced. With the disintegration of CCCP, this technology has been sold by a certain scientist to a certain secret department."

"Don't think that your own wisdom is unmatched in the world. As far as I know, your Ark reactor technology can be obtained by a civilian scientist by hand."

"Doctor..." Little Pepper saw that these two quarrels would probably be endless, and immediately came out to stop them: "Mr. Stark needs to rest, and there are business matters that need to be communicated, and trade secrets are involved. , Can you leave for a while?"

Doctor and doctor are a single word, and Wei Xiuming doesn't understand what she is talking about, but his mission has been completed, holding the biological preservation device equipped with Stark's heart.

After leaving the ward, Wei Xiuming took off his mask and put on a gas mask. He walked along the corridor to an office on the corner. The black marinated egg was sitting in it, looking at Tony Stark and Pepper on the computer monitor. With no expression on his face, he heard Wei Xiuming's footsteps and said: "Your task is done quite well. The stimulation for Stark is enough."

While Tony Stark was hospitalized, the stock price of Stark Industries fell again and again, and the value of the relevant shares in the hands of the black bitter egg was repeatedly lost, although this part of the money was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s public account rather than his personal income. , But Nick Fury was still very heartbroken; and he also followed Wei Xiuming’s suggestion and used his own name to take advantage of the opportunity to buy a part from retail investors who had sold shares. If Stark did not step up to stimulate the stock price, he estimated that he would have to Ask for funding from the World Security Council.

"No, these are not enough." Wei Xiuming put the biological preservation device on the desk and said: "The Ark reactor on Stark's chest is enough for him to use for a hundred years, but he will definitely continue to wear it with his personality. His steel suit accelerates the consumption of palladium, which will intensify the penetration of palladium into his body. It is human instinct to survive and multiply. The upgrade of the Ark reactor is imminent for him."

"Howard Stark has a plan for new elements in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s legacy items. Because the problem of the times cannot be realized, he left it as a gift to his son. When will he give those things to him, I think You know better than me."

"And he also needs a villain against him to act as a whetstone. With his encouragement, Stark will be restless and the status quo, constantly upgrading technology-this role, I have been selected."

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