On the other side, inside the Osborne Group industrial base.

After Wei Xiuming went to the mechanical laboratory with the highest security level, Nick Fury did not leave, but turned east to the office area and found the security director of the industrial park, who was also a high-level agent of SHIELD.

The agent stayed in his office, holding the walkie-talkie in one hand and giving orders in the communication channel. His foreman inspected the industrial base in all aspects to prevent damage to certain pipelines and cables in the previous earthquake, causing secondary disasters .

If there are really unlucky people who were injured in that serious earthquake, they should find out in time and send them to a doctor.

Seeing the highest-ranking officer to inspect the work, this one immediately got up and saluted, and used the mouse to switch the screen on a certain monitor in a thunderous manner.

Although there is only one one eye, Nick Fury can see clearly that "My Little Pony" is playing on the monitor independent of the monitor screen.

"Long... sir!" The agent found himself slacking off a fish and was found out. He was very nervous. It felt like "fate" saw a clip of Shiro Wigiya and Makura Sakura making up the magic. Bring a bunch of relatives into your house without knocking.

Nick Fury frowned and did not pay much attention to this, but asked: "How has Dr. Kent Clark been in and out of the situation recently."

The agent breathed a sigh of relief at once, turned around and turned on his personal office computer, unplugged the network cable and found a triple-encrypted file, and then moved away.

The black braised egg leaned in front of the monitor and looked at the schedule in front of him that recorded Wei Xiuming’s whereabouts in detail, including when Wei Xiuming got up, what he had for breakfast, when he entered the laboratory, and when he called for a meeting with a technician. , All records are clearly and clearly, even when and how to go out and when to come back are registered.

Looking at the few travel records above, Nick Fury compared the information in his mind and found that Wei Xiuming left the Osborne Group industrial base because of himself, and calculated according to the speed of the transportation, he came back There was no delay on the way.

Remember http://m.300xs.com

After reading it, Hei Lao Dan did not comment, but asked the agent: "Who have met with Dr. Clark recently, except those from the Osborne Group."

The agent immediately replied: "General Ross of the Air Force, he placed an order with Dr. Clark, who needs some high-lethal weapons, and as much as possible individual weapons."

"Who is the enemy to be dealt with, General Ross did not disclose. Dr. Clark provided him with a batch of simple mechanical exoskeletons and white noise wave cannons."

After the agent finished the report, Hei Baodan finally felt relieved to Wei Xiuming, and hurriedly left after simply tapping the other party.

When Nick Fury left, the agent took out his cell phone and dialed a call: "Sir, Nick Fury just asked me about Dr. Kent Clark's recent moves."

"How did you answer."

"According to your instructions, the fake information created deceived him." The agent whispered: "And I sent all the agents out, even if Nick Fury wanted to find another person to verify, unless He took a detour to the corner of the corner, otherwise it would only be our people."

"Good job, long live Hydra!"

"Long live the Hydra!" The agent responded, then hung up the phone, plugged his office computer back into the internet line, and directed the agents to move while lazily watching "My Little Pony".

As if nothing happened.

After he left the industrial park, the next place to go was 10880 Malibu Street, which was Tony Stark's beach house.

The next day after waking up, Master Stark held a press conference with a mummy like a mummy. He announced the closure of the military department of Stark Industries on the spot, and then ignored the uproar caused by his news and the stock market. Turbulent, went straight back to his villa to rest.

After stopping the Quin fighter jets in the distance and walking to the door of the villa, Nick Fury rang the doorbell.

According to the idea of ​​the black bittern egg, he could take advantage of Tony Stark’s going out, rely on technical means to hack into the villa’s access control system, and then rely on racial talent to hide in the dark, creating a sense of mystery preconceivedly

However, due to physical reasons, Tony Stark recently turned into an otaku, so this trick cannot be played.

The one who came to open the door was Pepper Pepper, who met with Nick Fury several times while Tony Stark was in a coma.

"Pepper, please go back our guests. I don't want to see outsiders now." Tony Stark, who was injured and restless, asked artificial intelligence Jarvis to broadcast his words, and then drank it while holding the chlorophyll liquid. At the same time, the upgrade of the new Mark series armor was completed on the stereo projection device.

Although conceited, Tony Stark is a person who is very good at learning. The Iron Overlord armor created by Zerg Mimic Obpadi has given him a lot of inspiration, although it does not meet his aesthetic requirements in armor, but The young master began to strengthen the steel suit at the level of firepower,

But this suit was not included in the Mark series by him, but was separately named as War Machine... This was a gift he gave to his friend Colonel Rod, and it also blocked the military from coveting his steel suit.

"Tony, yes..." Pepper wanted to respond, but suddenly forgot the name of Nick Fury's department.

"The National Land Strategic Defense Counterattack and Logistics Support Bureau." Nick Fury reported his long and slurred name, and then said: "You can simply call it SHIELD."

"Tony Stark, I need you to build a weapon system." After self-reporting the portal, the black braised egg said in a loud voice: "S.H.I.E.L.D. is a department established by your father and keeps some of the things he left for you. Gift, I think you should be interested."

Putting down the drink that made him frown, Tony Stark got up and walked upstairs and said: "I have announced the closure of the military department of Stark Industries. You can find someone else about this matter... Osborne There is a genius on the group, you can find him."

The full name of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the government department, and Tony Stark didn't bother to deal with it.After giving up the big cake of military products, I am afraid that the Osborne Group will eat the most.

"I came to you because of him." Although he couldn't see anyone, the black marinated egg still said: "He is an unstable factor. I need you to develop a weapon against him... According to him, this It’s your specialty."

"What weapon do you want me to develop." Tony Stark, who came to the first floor, asked: "The mecha you sent that night was very good. I haven't analyzed the principle of the power system it uses. In a short time, I can't develop a steel suit that can match its performance." The other party's technical leadership, the young master admitted frankly.

"That suit is the work of Kent Clarke, and he was also the one who wore it in the fight that night." The one eye of the black marinated egg gleamed: "But that is not the power of the suit, but Kent Clark's own. Ability, he has power beyond humans. I need you to use him as an imaginary enemy to develop weapons."

"Superpowers, what is the ability of that Kent Clark?"

"Exceeding ordinary people's wisdom and several times the physical fitness, advanced intelligence reserves, and the ability to master electromagnetics and induce earthquakes."

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