"Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?"

The flying out Dr. Reaper adjusted the angle in the air and landed steadily. The damage caused by the white noise wave artillery team was also repaired by the self-healing ability, but the mechanical part was inevitably damaged.

But he didn't stop, and rushed to the combat team members who were constantly shooting at him at a very fast speed. Because of the angle problem, there was only one sniper who shot him just now, but there were more than that snipers ambushing among the tall buildings. Less, just because the line of sight and angle problems cannot determine the target.

Dr. Reaper sprinted all the way, with spike-shaped warheads constantly hitting the ground behind his feet. The snipers quickly adapted to his movement speed and trajectory, as well as the ejection speed and trajectory of the electromagnetic rifle in his hand, and the bullets dropped more and more. The closer to Dr. Death.

In the movie, the character running zigzag avoiding the sniper is entirely made up by the screenwriter for the plot tension. A qualified sniper has used tens of thousands of bullets to hit a moving target. The movement trajectory of the person is completely under their control. When I first came into contact with the electromagnetic rifle, I didn't have a high degree of running-in with this new weapon. In addition to the complex environment of the city streets, the hit rate was pitifully low.

It is a pity that the buffer time left for them is too short. When they are 100% sure to hit Dr. Death, the opponent has already rushed to the area where the action team members are located, and the scrupulous snipers can no longer shoot. Up.

They did not gather together, but were tactically distributed behind the bunker to ensure that each other’s weapons could cover each other, but Dr. Reaper was not at the level of an ordinary human in any way. The external Magneto power plug-in is a little disturbed. The angle of their muzzle can greatly reduce the hit rate.

Moreover, the white noise wave gun was developed by Wei Xiuming, and Dr. Reaper knew all the parameters very well, including the firing interval deliberately set aside in order to reduce the impact of recoil on accuracy.

When they rushed to the front of the action team members, they basically fired a second shot and had no ability to fight back when they were still accumulating energy. Dr. Reaper first destroyed the weapon with a single blow, and then made it incapacitated. The action team members None of them are his enemies in a round.

Even if other action team members disregarded the life and death of their colleagues and shot them here, Dr. Death could still throw out the undead in front of him to block the shells, but the ordinary players basically ended up being stuck on the wall.

Soon, Wei Xiuming rushed in front of Rumlow. This person almost gave up resisting Rumlow at the speed of the surrender of France. The place where Rumlow was located was an angle formed by the protruding exterior wall of a building. Both sides were sheltered. The doctor grabbed Rumlow and blocked it from the outside, forcing the snipers and other team members not to shoot easily.

"The electrostatic expander is something I'm still studying, who will give it to you after it is completed!"

Dr. Death asked fiercely: "Also, who do you belong to!"

"Hydra, we are Hydra!" Rumlow thought that Dr. Death had not been notified in advance, so he had to report to himself.

Then he frantically used his eyes to indicate that Dr. Death was his own, and then squinted at his communicator, indicating that Coleson was still listening, and he didn't want to wear it.

Coleson on the other side of the communicator was relieved when he heard the words, feeling that Rumlow was very good in tactical arrangements and reacted very quickly. Not only did he not reveal that he was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., he could also cause trouble and challenge. The contradiction between Shuka and Hydra behind Dr. Death.

The field agents who had fallen to the ground got up one by one. They were basically not seriously injured. The situation was unfavorable for them to be lazy and fish. They checked the bullets of the guns and rushed out. Coleson was taken aback. For a moment.

It's a pity that this group of people hadn't joined the battle yet, a dark shadow fell from the sky, rushing the field agents to pieces, and a few hapless men hit the target and were smashed to pieces.

It was a corpse. The attire on his body was obviously a sniper from the rapid response team. He was twisted his neck before he fell from the top, and the person who killed him quickly appeared in front of everyone.

Several brawny men wearing black tights and black masks jumped from a height. The reinforced body belt was equipped with exoskeleton armor of human bone structure, and the impact force was relieved by slightly bending the knees.

It was the Xiuka fighter who came here.

In order to implement the organization of Xiuka, the trumpet Dr. Wei Xiuming Reaper released all the power on hand, and the Xiuka combatants were also released. They have been hiding in a nearby building as an ambush, and prioritized sniping. After the hand officially joined the battlefield.


Half an hour later, Nick Fury rushed to this street. Coleson was sitting in a chair and let a medical staff sterilize the wounds on his forehead and cheeks and then bandage them. His suit became tattered. , One arm was still hanging from his neck.

After seeing the arrival of the black marinated egg, Coleson asked the medical staff not to deal with his wounds, and got up to report to the work.

Nick Fury raised his hand to signal Coleson not to stand up, and then asked: "The action failed?"

This is very obvious.

The number of personnel sent to take charge of logistics is the same as the number of combat personnel directly involved in tactical operations. Most of these logistics personnel put the corpses into body bags and transport them away. After applying makeup, they were fabricated by S.H.I.E.L.D. A suitable cause of death is explained to the family members, and then a funeral is held for burial.

Few of them need to use a shovel to collect the corpses from the wall little by little.

The other part was wearing work clothes, rain boots, rubber gloves, and mixed detergents to wash away blood stains on the ground and walls, flushing sewage into the sewers, and bullets were picked up one by one from the wall and the ground to be bagged.

Coleson’s shop has changed from hardcover to raw room.

"Yes, sir." Coleson's tone was a little low: "The target is a mutant, and he has several mutants under him, equipped with simple mechanical exoskeleton-according to the witnesses, they should be artificial. Strengthening and transformation. Regardless of power, reaction speed and physical strength, they have reached a terrifying level."

"How about casualties?" Judging from what we saw at the scene, it must not be so good, but Nick Fury still needs an exact number.

The level of weapons he rationed for this operation was very high, allowing these people to take down a tank platoon with minimal casualties, but that’s how they still suffered heavy casualties.

Coleson took a deep breath: "The 25-person rapid response team, five of them are still being rescued, and the situation is not very good; Captain Rumlow lost too much blood and fell into a coma, but there is no life threatening temporarily after the blood transfusion and stitching... All people sacrificed."

"Thirteen field agents have no survivors."

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