Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 111: Hulk VS Jiao Ye!

See you! Damn it's too late.

The flying dragon sword that had just been raised directly blocked the fist horizontally. Hulk watched Watson, who was once again beaten by himself, and began to stand on the spot wearing a gruff.

And Watson drank the first endurance potion ever!

The surrounding area has become a bare piece. All the trees were either exploded by Hulk or regarded by Watson as a few pieces of waste wood.

"It's really strenuous to play with him. It's not a way to go on ..." The mission prompt hasn't been moving. "

Watson fanned the dragon wing to stop in the air and looked at Hulk. This was more of a tie, lying trough ... Forgot to excite the instrument!

Well, forget that, according to the degree of damage caused by yourself, even if you call down Ban Ye for a short time, you should not be able to win or lose.

However, in the third stage, you can rely on various abilities to tie Hulk, Watson has been very satisfied.

"It's just that the flash body can't be used casually. In case Hulk is blind, running around can't pull the hatred at all. With Hulk's jumping ability, it's estimated that he jumped back to the city in minutes. Forget it anyway. important."

"Green fat man!"

"Roar !! Hulk!" Hulk once again roared when he heard Watson.

"Like roar so much, is it better than louder than any of you?"

System, summon Kakuya!

Hook just wanted to rush forward, and found a huge ray of light appeared out of sight.

A huge corner with a length of more than ten meters, a dragon body of dozens of meters, a large wing covering the night sky, and an oversized siege hammer tail emerged out of thin air. Let Hulk step back a few steps to see its full picture!

Lord Jiao turned his head, and a pair of dragon pupils stared at Hulk instantly.


And Hulk looked at the behemoth in front of him and showed his provocative roar without showing any weakness.


Aoao! !

Two breaths of heat exhaled from the nostrils of Jiao Ye, looking at the little dwarf who provoked himself in front of him, and slightly turned his head to point at the big corner of his side. With a huge wind pressure rushed out instantly.

boom! !


Aoao! !

An air wave erupted instantaneously, but then Hulk's original one-handed horn was immediately replaced by two hands.

Bang ~ Bang!

Hook held his big horns with his hands, his legs hit the ground and was pushed out of the battlefield before, hitting countless giant trees. After a while, the ground has been plowed out of a huge gap!

When Hulk was put on a mountain rock, he finally stopped the dragon car. Even so, the powerful force still caused a huge crack in the mountain rock behind Huoke, and the corner tip of Jiao Ye was slight. Poke into Hulk's chest! The severe pain caused Hulk to burst out with a stronger force to withstand the corner prince.

Watson who flew back to the sky sat on the top of Xiaohua's head, and Ban Ye, who was already on the top, began to eat the fully cooked meat while watching the wonderful battle below.

Lord Jiao saw a huge roar when Hulk was pressed against the stone by himself.

Hulk also shouted out loud, holding his big horns with both hands, kicking suddenly on the stone behind him, and the two sides started a second wrestling.



Hulk's arms stretched out with a lot of ribs, leaning on the rock slowly increased strength, the rock behind made an unbearable crunch! After a while, the rock behind Hulk had been broken by Hulk!

"Roar !!!" Hulk finally pushed away from the big horn with a roar of distance with his roar, and then immediately withdrew, a fluffy green blood splashed out, and Hulk roared with a hammer after punch. On the big horn, he was then thrown into the sky by a slap of the lord. The lord looked at the Hulk in the air and turned directly 360 degrees to throw up his oversized siege hammer: Whirling tail-siege Home run!

boom! !


"Meow ~!"

Huck, who was hit by a hammer, once again plowed the ground out of a scar. The Hulk who stood up shook his head and shook his head. Just about to rush to the corner prince, but suddenly found that the corner prince was gone? When Hulk turned around and looked around, he suddenly saw a huge raised earth bag rushing towards himself.


Sneak attack!


Hulk, who couldn't find the specific location of Jiao Ye, was rushed out of the corner of the earth and flew overhead. He crossed an arc in the air and landed in the center of the initial battlefield.

Hook who had just stood up hadn't recovered yet and was hit by a dragon cart again. The vast mountain area was continuously destroyed by Hulk and Jiaoye.

"Grandpa, go to the ground quickly! Yes, the tail dumped him, beautiful!"

"Goo ~ Meow!"


Seeing Hulk coming back from the side, Jiaoye leaned against an iron mountain, and the huge dragon wing flew Hulk out again.

And Hulk climbed up and shook his head to launch a charge to Jiao Ye again!

"This is really a blood cow, can't fight to die and rush to death ......"

It is not a way to go on like this ... There are only two ways to change Hulk back to Banner, one is to rely on emotional influence, and the other is to re-check consciousness.

In fact, this is also a kind of coincidence. The reason why Tony can defeat Hulk with anti-Hulk armor is also based on this principle.

But ... Watson looked at the Hulk that was constantly beating and flying. It was a bit of a claw ~ ~ Yeah is better than Hulk, but if you ca n’t hit the point, you ca n’t accumulate vertigo It's worth ... if there is a sledgehammer.

As Watson bowed his head and worked hard, the battlefield suddenly changed.

Hockert suddenly learned the essence!

Dragon car? No, run ...

Flick? No block, hide ...

The green fat man from head to toe was not reckless, and began to keep trying to jump on Jiao Ye's back? !


The prince once whirled and flicked Hulk, and this time directly hit the head!

Hulk slowly climbed up and spit out two broken teeth. From the side, he picked up a giant tree pushed by the horns and launched a charge again. This time after Hulk jumped, he threw the giant tree out!

Yao Jiao threw the giant tree with one tail, but Hulk successfully jumped on Jiao Ye's back.

"Hulk! Smash !!"

Aoao! ! !

"Mommy! Hulk rides a dragon ?! At this time, Hulk shouldn't have such a high IQ yet ... Isn't it true that I can still increase my IQ while playing?"

The Watson who had just prepared to help suddenly remembered that although Jiao Ye couldn't fly, he would dig into the ground!


Feeling the pain from his back, Jiaojie rushed straight down the hillside to an iron mountain and nearly knocked Hulk down. Seeing that the unsuccessful Jiaojie was followed by a head mallet with huge dragon wings and dragon claws, he began to dig the ground. Hulk, with a dead grasp and no let go, quickly disappeared to the ground.

Watson looked at the long-lost Kakuya and quickly opened the map, but found that Kakuya and Huoke ’s points remained unchanged, and a downward arrow appeared next to their images.

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